Joel 'Aaron' Cohen 72e21f6e7a Minimal changes to compile against Weka 3.7.10
There is a weird junit dependency being pulled in that I haven't
figured out.
2014-03-19 19:18:32 -04:00

293 lines
14 KiB

(ns clj-ml.filters-test
(:use [clj-ml filters data io] :reload-all)
(:use clojure.test midje.sweet))
(deftest make-filter-options-supervised-discretize
(let [options (make-filter-options :supervised-discretize {:attributes [1 2] :invert true :binary true :better-encoding true :kononenko true :nonexitent true})]
options => (just ["-R" "2,3" "-V" "-D" "-E" "-K"] :in-any-order))))
(deftest make-filter-options-unsupervised-discretize
(let [options (make-filter-options :unsupervised-discretize {:attributes [1 2] :binary true
:better-encoding true :equal-frequency true :optimize true
:number-bins 4 :weight-bins 1})]
options => (just ["-R" "2,3" "-D" "-E" "-F" "-O" "-B" "4" "-M" "1"] :in-any-order))))
(deftest make-filter-options-supervised-nominal-to-binary
(let [options (make-filter-options :supervised-nominal-to-binary {:also-binary true :for-each-nominal true})]
options => (just ["-N" "-A"] :in-any-order))))
(deftest make-filter-options-unsupervised-nominal-to-binary
(let [options (make-filter-options :unsupervised-nominal-to-binary {:attributes [1,2] :also-binary true :for-each-nominal true :invert true})]
options => (just ["-R" "2,3" "-V" "-N" "-A"] :in-any-order))))
(deftest make-filter-options-string-to-word-vector
(let [options (make-filter-options :string-to-word-vector
{:attributes [1] :lowercase true :counts false
:words-to-keep 20 :transform-idf true
:stemmer "weka.core.stemmers.SnowballStemmer -S English"})]
options => (just ["-R" "2" "-L" "-W" "20" "-I" "-stemmer" "weka.core.stemmers.SnowballStemmer -S English"] :in-any-order))))
(deftest make-filter-remove-useless-attributes
(let [ds (make-dataset :foo [:a] [[1] [2]])
filter (make-filter :remove-useless-attributes {:dataset-format ds :max-variance 95})]
(is (== (.getMaximumVariancePercentageAllowed filter) 95))))
(deftest make-filter-resample-unsupervised
(let [ds (do (println "Loading instances from ...")
(load-instances :arff ""))
options (make-filter-options :resample-unsupervised
{:dataset-format ds :seed 10 :size-percent 50 :no-replacement true :invert true})]
options => (just ["-S" "10" "-Z" "50" "-V" "-no-replacement"] :in-any-order))))
(deftest make-filter-resample-supervised
(let [ds (do (println "Loading instances from ...")
(load-instances :arff ""))
options (make-filter-options :resample-supervised
{:dataset-format ds :seed 10 :size-percent 50 :no-replacement true :invert true :bias 1})]
options => (just ["-S" "10" "-Z" "50" "-V" "-no-replacement" "-B" "1"] :in-any-order))))
(deftest make-filter-discretize-sup
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
_ (dataset-set-class ds 2)
f (make-filter :supervised-discretize {:dataset-format ds :attributes [0]})]
(is (= weka.filters.supervised.attribute.Discretize
(class f)))))
(deftest make-filter-discretize-unsup
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
f (make-filter :unsupervised-discretize {:dataset-format ds :attributes [0]})]
(is (= weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Discretize
(class f)))))
(deftest make-filter-nominal-to-binary-sup
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
foo1(dataset-set-class ds 2)
f (make-filter :supervised-nominal-to-binary {:dataset-format ds})]
(is (= weka.filters.supervised.attribute.NominalToBinary
(class f)))))
(deftest make-filter-nominal-to-binary-unsup
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
f (make-filter :unsupervised-nominal-to-binary {:dataset-format ds :attributes [2]})]
(is (= weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.NominalToBinary
(class f)))))
(deftest make-filter-string-to-word-vector
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [{:s nil} {:class [:yes :no]}]
[["Hello, world!" :no] ["This is a test, is a world." :yes]])
f (make-filter :string-to-word-vector {:dataset-format ds :attributes [0]})]
(is (= weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.StringToWordVector
(class f)))))
(deftest make-filter-reorder-attributes
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [{:class [:yes :no]} {:s nil} :n]
[[:yes "Hello" 55] [:no "World" -100]])
f (make-filter :reorder-attributes {:dataset-format ds :attributes ["2-last" "1"]})]
(is (= weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Reorder
(class f)))))
(deftest make-filter-resample-unsupervised
(let [ds (do (println "Loading instances from ...")
(load-instances :arff ""))
f (make-filter :resample-unsupervised {:dataset-format ds :seed 10 :size-percent 50 :no-replacement true})]
(is (= weka.filters.unsupervised.instance.Resample
(class f)))))
(deftest make-filter-resample-supervised
(let [ds (dataset-set-class
(do (println "Loading instances from ...")
(load-instances :arff ""))
f (make-filter :resample-supervised {:dataset-format ds :seed 10 :size-percent 50 :no-replacement true :bias 1})]
(is (= weka.filters.supervised.instance.Resample
(class f)))))
(deftest make-filter-remove-attributes
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
f (make-filter :remove-attributes {:dataset-format ds :attributes [0]})]
(is (= weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remove
(class f)))
(let [res (filter-apply f ds)]
(is (= (dataset-format res)
[:b {:c '(:g :m)}])))))
(deftest make-apply-filter-remove-attributes
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
res (make-apply-filter :remove-attributes {:attributes [0]} ds)]
(is (= (dataset-format res)
[:b {:c '(:g :m)}]))))
(deftest remove-precentage-test
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 2 :m]
[4 5 :g]])]
(is (= (dataset-count (remove-percentage ds {:percentage 75})) 1))))
(deftest remove-range-test
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 2 :m]
[4 5 :g]])]
(is (= (dataset-count (remove-range ds {:range "first-3"})) 1)
(= (dataset-count (remove-range ds {:range "first-3" :invert true})) 3))))
(deftest make-apply-filter-numeric-to-nominal
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])]
(testing "when no attributes are specified"
(is (= (dataset-format (make-apply-filter :numeric-to-nominal {} ds))
[{:a '(:1 :2 :4)} {:b '(:2 :3 :5)} {:c '(:g :m)}])))
(testing "when attributes are specified by index"
(is (= (dataset-format (make-apply-filter :numeric-to-nominal {:attributes [0]} ds))
[{:a '(:1 :2 :4)} :b {:c '(:g :m)}])))
(testing "when attributes are specified by name"
(is (= (dataset-format (make-apply-filter :numeric-to-nominal {:attributes [:b]} ds))
[:a {:b '(:2 :3 :5)} {:c '(:g :m)}])))))
(deftest make-apply-filter-string-to-word-vector
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [{:s nil} {:class [:yes :no]}]
[["Hello, world! tests Dogs cats" :no]
["This is a test, is a world." :yes]])]
(is (= (map instance-to-map
(dataset-seq (make-apply-filter :string-to-word-vector
{:attributes [0] :counts true :lowercase true
:stemmer "weka.core.stemmers.SnowballStemmer -S English"}
'({:world 1.0, :this 0.0, :test 1.0, :is 0.0, :hello 1.0,
:dog 1.0, :cat 1.0, :a 0.0, :class :no}
{:world 1.0, :this 1.0, :test 1.0, :is 2.0, :hello 0.0,
:dog 0.0, :cat 0.0, :a 2.0, :class :yes})))))
(deftest make-apply-filter-add-attribute
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
res (add-attribute ds {:type :nominal, :column 1, :name "pet", :labels ["dog" "cat"]})]
(is (= (dataset-format res)
[:a {:pet '(:dog :cat)} :b {:c '(:g :m)}]))))
(deftest make-apply-filter-reorder-attributes
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [{:class [:yes :no]} {:s nil} :n]
[[:yes "Hello" 55] [:no "World" -100]])
ds2 (make-apply-filter :reorder-attributes {:attributes ["2-last" "1"]} ds)]
(is (= (str ds (str (make-dataset :test [{:s nil} :n {:class [:yes :no]}]
[["Hello" 55 :yes] ["World" -100 :no]])))))))
(deftest make-apply-filter-resample-unsupervised
(let [ds (do (println "Loading instances from ...")
(load-instances :arff ""))
ds2 (make-apply-filter :resample-unsupervised {:seed 10 :size-percent 50 :no-replacement true} ds)]
(is (= 75 (dataset-count ds2)))))
(deftest make-apply-filter-resample-supervised
(let [ds (dataset-set-class
(do (println "Loading instances from ...")
(load-instances :arff ""))
ds2 (make-apply-filter :resample-supervised {:seed 10 :size-percent 50 :no-replacement true :bias 1} ds)]
(is (= 75 (dataset-count ds2)))))
(deftest make-apply-filters-test
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
res (make-apply-filters
[[:add-attribute {:type :nominal, :column 1, :name "pet", :labels ["dog" "cat"]}]
[:remove-attributes {:attributes [:a :c]}]] ds)]
(is (= (dataset-format res)
[{:pet '(:dog :cat)} :b]))))
(deftest using-regular-filter-fns-with-threading
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
res (-> ds
(add-attribute {:type :nominal, :column 1, :name "pet", :labels ["dog" "cat"]})
(remove-attributes {:attributes [:a :c]}))]
(is (= (dataset-format res)
[{:pet '(:dog :cat)} :b]))))
(deftest make-apply-filter-clj-streamable
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
rename-attributes (fn [^weka.core.Instances input-format]
(doto (weka.core.Instances. input-format 0)
(.renameAttribute 0 "foo")
(.renameAttribute 1 "bar")))
inc-nums (fn [^weka.core.Instance instance]
(doto (.copy instance)
(.setValue 0 (inc (.value instance 0)))
(.setValue 1 (+ (.value instance 0) (.value instance 1)))))
res (make-apply-filter :clj-streamable
{:process inc-nums
:determine-dataset-format rename-attributes} ds)]
(is (= (map instance-to-map (dataset-seq res))
[{:foo 2.0 :bar 3.0 :c :g}
{:foo 3.0 :bar 5.0 :c :m}
{:foo 5.0 :bar 9.0 :c :g}]))))
(deftest make-apply-filter-clj-batch
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a]
[ [1]
max-diff-attr (weka.core.Attribute. "max-diff")
add-max-diff-attr (fn [^weka.core.Instances input-format]
(doto (weka.core.Instances. input-format 0)
(.insertAttributeAt max-diff-attr 1)))
add-max-diff-values (fn [^weka.core.Instances instances]
(let [ds-seq (dataset-seq instances)
a-max (apply max (map #(.value % 0) ds-seq))
result (add-max-diff-attr instances)
add-instance #(.add result %)]
(doseq [instance ds-seq]
(-> instance
(conj (- a-max (.value instance 0)))
(#(weka.core.DenseInstance. 1 (into-array Double/TYPE %)))
res (clj-batch ds
{:process add-max-diff-values
:determine-dataset-format add-max-diff-attr})]
(is (= [{:a 1.0 :max-diff 3.0}
{:a 2.0 :max-diff 2.0}
{:a 4.0 :max-diff 0.0}]
(dataset-as-maps res)))))