Documentation and comments for filter.clj. Not finished yet.

This commit is contained in:
Antonio Garrote 2010-03-08 09:20:37 +01:00
parent 1e8d1d24ec
commit ecd2e3579f
3 changed files with 192 additions and 63 deletions

View file

@ -11,7 +11,55 @@
versions so they can be built without having all the dataset instances in memory.
Functions for evaluating the classifiers built using cross validation or a training
set are also provided"
set are also provided.
A sample use of the API for classifiers is shown below:
(use 'clj-ml.classifiers)
; Building a classifier using a C4.5 decission tree
(def *classifier* (make-classifier :decission-tree :c45))
; We set the class attribute for the loaded dataset.
; *dataset* is supposed to contain a set of instances.
(dataset-set-class *dataset* 4)
; Training the classifier
(classifier-train *classifier* *ds*)
; We evaluate the classifier using a test dataset
(def *evaluation* (classifier-evaluate classifier :dataset *dataset* *trainingset*))
; We retrieve some data from the evaluation result
(:kappa *evaluation*)
(:root-mean-squared-error *evaluation*)
(:precision *evaluation*)
; A trained classifier can be used to classify new instances
(def *to-classify* (make-instance ds {:class :Iris-versicolor
:petalwidth 0.2
:petallength 1.4
:sepalwidth 3.5
:sepallength 5.1}))
; We retrieve the index of the class value assigned by the classifier
(classifier-classify *classifier* *to-classify*)
; We retrieve a symbol with the value assigned by the classifier
(classifier-label *classifier* *to-classify*)
A classifier can also be trained using cross-validation:
(classifier-evaluate *classifier* :cross-validation ds 10)
Finally a classifier can be stored in a file for later use:
(use 'clj-ml.utils)
(serialize-to-file *classifier*
(:use [clj-ml utils data kernel-functions])
(:import (java.util Date Random)
(weka.classifiers.trees J48)
@ -42,7 +90,7 @@
cols-val-a (check-option-values {:pruning-confidence "-C"
:minimum-instances "-M"
:pruning-number-folds "-N"
:shuffling-random-seed "-Q"}
:random-seed "-Q"}
(into-array cols-val-a))))
@ -69,7 +117,7 @@
:momentum "-M"
:epochs "-N"
:percentage-validation-set "-V"
:seed "-S"
:random-seed "-S"
:threshold-number-errors "-E"}
@ -121,26 +169,84 @@
This is the description of the supported classifiers and the accepted
option parameters for each of them:
* :decission-tree :c45
* :decission-tree :c45
A classifier building a pruned or unpruned C 4.5 decission tree using
Weka J 4.8 implementation.
A classifier building a pruned or unpruned C 4.5 decission tree using
Weka J 4.8 implementation.
- :unpruned Use unpruned tree. Sample value: true
- :reduce-error-pruning Sample value: true
- :only-binary-splits Sample value: true
- :no-raising Sample value: true
- :no-cleanup Sample value: true
- :laplace-smoothing For predicted probabilities. Sample value: true
- :pruning-confidence Threshold for pruning. Default value: 0.25
- :minimum-instances Minimum number of instances per leave. Default
value: 2
- :pruning-number-folds Set number of folds for reduced error pruning.
Default value: 3
- :shuffling-random-seed Seed for random data shuffling. Default value: 1
- :unpruned
Use unpruned tree. Sample value: true
- :reduce-error-pruning
Sample value: true
- :only-binary-splits
Sample value: true
- :no-raising
Sample value: true
- :no-cleanup
Sample value: true
- :laplace-smoothing
For predicted probabilities. Sample value: true
- :pruning-confidence
Threshold for pruning. Default value: 0.25
- :minimum-instances
Minimum number of instances per leave. Default value: 2
- :pruning-number-folds
Set number of folds for reduced error pruning. Default value: 3
- :random-seed
Seed for random data shuffling. Default value: 1
* :bayes :naive
Classifier based on the Bayes' theorem with strong independence assumptions, among the
probabilistic variables.
- :kernel-estimator
Use kernel desity estimator rather than normal. Sample value: true
- :supervised-discretization
Use supervised discretization to to process numeric attributes (see :supervised-discretize
filter in clj-ml.filters/make-filter function). Sample value: true
* :neural-network :multilayer-perceptron
Classifier built using a feedforward artificial neural network with three or more layers
of neurons and nonlinear activation functions. It is able to distinguish data that is not
linearly separable.
- :no-nominal-to-binary
A :nominal-to-binary filter will not be applied by default. (see :supervised-nominal-to-binary
filter in clj-ml.filters/make-filter function). Default value: false
- :no-numeric-normalization
A numeric class will not be normalized. Default value: false
- :no-nomalization
No attribute will be normalized. Default value: false
- :no-reset
Reseting the network will not be allowed. Default value: false
- :learning-rate-decay
Learning rate decay will occur. Default value: false
- :learning-rate
Learning rate for the backpropagation algorithm. Value should be between [0,1].
Default value: 0.3
- :momentum
Momentum rate for the backpropagation algorithm. Value shuld be between [0,1].
Default value: 0.2
- :epochs
Number of iteration to train through. Default value: 500
- :percentage-validation-set
Percentage size of validation set to use to terminate training. If it is not zero
it takes precende over the number of epochs to finish training. Values should be
between [0,100]. Default value: 0
- :random-seed
Value of the seed for the random generator. Values should be longs greater than
0. Default value: 0
- :threshold-number-errors
The consequetive number of errors allowed for validation testing before the network
terminates. Values should be greater thant 0. Default value: 20"
(fn [kind algorithm & options] [kind algorithm]))
(defmethod make-classifier [:decission-tree :c45]

View file

@ -155,9 +155,12 @@
- :attributes Index of the attributes to be discretized, sample value: [0,4,6]
- :invert Invert mathcing sense of the columns, sample value: true
- :kononenko Use Kononenko's MDL criterion, sample value: true
- :attributes
Index of the attributes to be discretized, sample value: [0,4,6]
- :invert
Invert mathcing sense of the columns, sample value: true
- :kononenko
Use Kononenko's MDL criterion, sample value: true
* :unsupervised-discretize
@ -166,19 +169,25 @@
- :attributes Index of the attributes to be discretized, sample value: [0,4,6]
- :dataset-format The dataset where the filter is going to be applied or a
description of the format of its attributes. Sample value:
dataset, (dataset-format dataset)
- :unset-class Does not take class attribute into account for the application
of the filter, sample-value: true
- :attributes
Index of the attributes to be discretized, sample value: [0,4,6]
- :dataset-format
The dataset where the filter is going to be applied or a
description of the format of its attributes. Sample value:
dataset, (dataset-format dataset)
- :unset-class
Does not take class attribute into account for the application
of the filter, sample-value: true
- :binary
- :equal-frequency Use equal frequency instead of equal width discretization, sample
value: true
- :optimize Optmize the number of bins using leave-one-out estimate of
estimated entropy. Ingores the :binary attribute. sample value: true
- :number-bins Defines the number of bins to divide the numeric attributes into
sample value: 3
- :equal-frequency
Use equal frequency instead of equal width discretization, sample
value: true
- :optimize
Optmize the number of bins using leave-one-out estimate of
estimated entropy. Ingores the :binary attribute. sample value: true
- :number-bins
Defines the number of bins to divide the numeric attributes into
sample value: 3
* :supervised-nominal-to-binary
@ -186,12 +195,15 @@
is transformed into k binary attributes if the class is nominal.
- :dataset-format The dataset where the filter is going to be applied or a
description of the format of its attributes. Sample value:
dataset, (dataset-format dataset)
- :also-binary Sets if binary attributes are to be coded as nominal ones, sample value: true
- :for-each-nominal For each nominal value one binary attribute is created, not only if the
values of the nominal attribute are greater than two.
- :dataset-format
The dataset where the filter is going to be applied or a
description of the format of its attributes. Sample value:
dataset, (dataset-format dataset)
- :also-binary
Sets if binary attributes are to be coded as nominal ones, sample value: true
- :for-each-nominal
For each nominal value one binary attribute is created, not only if the
values of the nominal attribute are greater than two.
* :unsupervised-nominal-to-binary
@ -199,13 +211,17 @@
- :attributes Index of the attributes to be binarized. Sample value: [1 2 3]
- :dataset-format The dataset where the filter is going to be applied or a
description of the format of its attributes. Sample value:
dataset, (dataset-format dataset)
- :also-binary Sets if binary attributes are to be coded as nominal ones, sample value: true
- :for-each-nominal For each nominal value one binary attribute is created, not only if the
values of the nominal attribute are greater than two., sample value: true
- :attributes
Index of the attributes to be binarized. Sample value: [1 2 3]
- :dataset-format
The dataset where the filter is going to be applied or a
description of the format of its attributes. Sample value:
dataset, (dataset-format dataset)
- :also-binary
Sets if binary attributes are to be coded as nominal ones, sample value: true
- :for-each-nominal
For each nominal value one binary attribute is created, not only if the
values of the nominal attribute are greater than two., sample value: true
* :remove-attributes
@ -213,10 +229,12 @@
- :dataset-format The dataset where the filter is going to be applied or a
description of the format of its attributes. Sample value:
dataset, (dataset-format dataset)
- :attributes: Index of the attributes to remove. Sample value: [1 2 3]
- :dataset-format
The dataset where the filter is going to be applied or a
description of the format of its attributes. Sample value:
dataset, (dataset-format dataset)
- :attributes
Index of the attributes to remove. Sample value: [1 2 3]
* :select-append-attributes
@ -224,11 +242,14 @@
- :dataset-format The dataset where the filter is going to be applied or a
description of the format of its attributes. Sample value:
dataset, (dataset-format dataset)
- :attributes Index of the attributes to remove. Sample value: [1 2 3]
- :invert Invert the selection of the columns. Sample value: [0 1]
- :dataset-format
The dataset where the filter is going to be applied or a
description of the format of its attributes. Sample value:
dataset, (dataset-format dataset)
- :attributes
Index of the attributes to remove. Sample value: [1 2 3]
- :invert
Invert the selection of the columns. Sample value: [0 1]
* :project-attributes
@ -236,10 +257,12 @@
- :dataset-format The dataset where the filter is going to be applied or a
description of the format of its attributes. Sample value:
dataset, (dataset-format dataset)
- :invert Invert the selection of columns. Sample value: [0 1]"
- :dataset-format
The dataset where the filter is going to be applied or a
description of the format of its attributes. Sample value:
dataset, (dataset-format dataset)
- :invert
Invert the selection of columns. Sample value: [0 1]"
(fn [kind options] kind))
(defmethod make-filter :supervised-discretize
@ -285,7 +308,7 @@
The :dataset-format attribute for the making of the filter will be setup to the
dataset passed as an argument if no other value is provided.
The application of this filter is equivalent a the consecutive application of
The application of this filter is equivalent a the consequetive application of
make-filter and apply-filter."
[kind options dataset]
(let [opts (if (nil? (:dataset-format options)) (conj options {:dataset-format dataset}))

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(deftest make-classifiers-options-c45
(let [options (make-classifier-options :decission-tree :c45 {:unpruned true :reduced-error-pruning true :only-binary-splits true :no-raising true
:no-cleanup true :laplace-smoothing true :pruning-confidence 0.12 :minimum-instances 10
:pruning-number-folds 5 :shuffling-random-seed 1})]
:pruning-number-folds 5 :random-seed 1})]
(is (= (aget options 0)
(is (= (aget options 1)