Fixed indentation.

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Eckroth 2013-07-31 06:50:59 -04:00
parent 2945f082bb
commit db70ee980f
16 changed files with 469 additions and 469 deletions

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@ -16,40 +16,40 @@
"Creates the right parameters for a weka object. Returns a clojure vector."
(fn [kind map] kind))
;TODO: consider passing in the make-filter-options body here as well in additon to the docstring.
;TODO: consider passing in the make-filter-options body here as well in additon to the docstring.
#_(defmacro defsearch
"Defines the filter's fn that creates a fn to make and apply the filter."
(let [search-keyword (keyword filter-name)]
(defn ~search-name
(make-apply-filter ~filter-keyword {} ds#))
([ds# attributes#]
(make-apply-filter ~filter-keyword attributes# ds#))))))
"Defines the filter's fn that creates a fn to make and apply the filter."
(let [search-keyword (keyword filter-name)]
(defn ~search-name
(make-apply-filter ~filter-keyword {} ds#))
([ds# attributes#]
(make-apply-filter ~filter-keyword attributes# ds#))))))
(defmethod make-obj-options :greedy
;; -C
;; Use conservative forward search
;; -B
;; Use a backward search instead of a
;; forward one.
;; -P <start set>
;; Specify a starting set of attributes.
;; Eg. 1,3,5-7.
;; -R
;; Produce a ranked list of attributes.
;; -T <threshold>
;; Specify a theshold by which attributes
;; may be discarded from the ranking.
;; Use in conjuction with -R
;; -N <num to select>
;; Specify number of attributes to select
;; -C
;; Use conservative forward search
;; -B
;; Use a backward search instead of a
;; forward one.
;; -P <start set>
;; Specify a starting set of attributes.
;; Eg. 1,3,5-7.
;; -R
;; Produce a ranked list of attributes.
;; -T <threshold>
;; Specify a theshold by which attributes
;; may be discarded from the ranking.
;; Use in conjuction with -R
;; -N <num to select>
;; Specify number of attributes to select
([kind m]
(let [weka-opts (->> (extract-attributes "-P" :starting-attributes)
@ -58,11 +58,11 @@
(check-option-values m
{:threshold "-T"
:num-attributes "-N"}))]
(case (m :direction)
:forward weka-opts
:conservative-forward (conj weka-opts "-C")
:backward (conj weka-opts "-B")
(case (m :direction)
:forward weka-opts
:conservative-forward (conj weka-opts "-C")
:backward (conj weka-opts "-B")
;; Sketch of what would be nice to have...
@ -76,45 +76,45 @@
;; -C :direction ...)
(defmethod make-obj-options :linear-forward
;; LinearForwardSelection:
;; Extension of BestFirst. Takes a restricted number of k attributes into account. Fixed-set selects a fixed number k of attributes, whereas k is increased in each step when fixed-width is selected. The search uses either the initial ordering to select the top k attributes, or performs a ranking (with the same evalutator the search uses later on). The search direction can be forward, or floating forward selection (with opitional backward search steps).
;; For more information see:
;; Martin Guetlein (2006). Large Scale Attribute Selection Using Wrappers. Freiburg, Germany.
;; Valid options are:
;; -P <start set>
;; Specify a starting set of attributes.
;; Eg. 1,3,5-7.
;; -D <0 = forward selection | 1 = floating forward selection>
;; Forward selection method. (default = 0).
;; -N <num>
;; Number of non-improving nodes to
;; consider before terminating search.
;; -I
;; Perform initial ranking to select the
;; top-ranked attributes.
;; -K <num>
;; Number of top-ranked attributes that are
;; taken into account by the search.
;; -T <0 = fixed-set | 1 = fixed-width>
;; Type of Linear Forward Selection (default = 0).
;; -S <num>
;; Size of lookup cache for evaluated subsets.
;; Expressed as a multiple of the number of
;; attributes in the data set. (default = 1)
;; -Z
;; verbose on/off
;; LinearForwardSelection:
;; Extension of BestFirst. Takes a restricted number of k attributes into account. Fixed-set selects a fixed number k of attributes, whereas k is increased in each step when fixed-width is selected. The search uses either the initial ordering to select the top k attributes, or performs a ranking (with the same evalutator the search uses later on). The search direction can be forward, or floating forward selection (with opitional backward search steps).
;; For more information see:
;; Martin Guetlein (2006). Large Scale Attribute Selection Using Wrappers. Freiburg, Germany.
;; Valid options are:
;; -P <start set>
;; Specify a starting set of attributes.
;; Eg. 1,3,5-7.
;; -D <0 = forward selection | 1 = floating forward selection>
;; Forward selection method. (default = 0).
;; -N <num>
;; Number of non-improving nodes to
;; consider before terminating search.
;; -I
;; Perform initial ranking to select the
;; top-ranked attributes.
;; -K <num>
;; Number of top-ranked attributes that are
;; taken into account by the search.
;; -T <0 = fixed-set | 1 = fixed-width>
;; Type of Linear Forward Selection (default = 0).
;; -S <num>
;; Size of lookup cache for evaluated subsets.
;; Expressed as a multiple of the number of
;; attributes in the data set. (default = 1)
;; -Z
;; verbose on/off
([kind m]
(let [weka-opts (->>
(extract-attributes "-P" :starting-attributes)
@ -123,11 +123,11 @@
{:num-non-inproving "-N"
:num-attrs-in-search "-K"
:subset-eval-cache-size "-S"}))]
(conj weka-opts "-D" (case (m :direction)
:backward "0"
:forward "1"
:bi-directional "2"
(conj weka-opts "-D" (case (m :direction)
:backward "0"
:forward "1"
:bi-directional "2"
(defmethod make-obj-options :best-first
@ -155,79 +155,79 @@
;; Size of lookup cache for evaluated subsets.
;; Expressed as a multiple of the number of
;; attributes in the data set. (default = 1)
([kind m]
([kind m]
(let [weka-opts (->> (extract-attributes "-P" :starting-attributes)
(check-option-values m
{:num-non-inproving "-N"
:subset-eval-cache-size "-S"}))]
(conj weka-opts "-D" (case (m :direction)
:backward "0"
:forward "1"
:bi-directional "2"
:backward "0"
:forward "1"
:bi-directional "2"
(defmethod make-obj-options :genetic
;; GeneticSearch:
;; Performs a search using the simple genetic algorithm described in Goldberg (1989).
;; For more information see:
;; David E. Goldberg (1989). Genetic algorithms in search, optimization and machine learning. Addison-Wesley.
;; BibTeX:
;; @book{Goldberg1989,
;; author = {David E. Goldberg},
;; publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
;; title = {Genetic algorithms in search, optimization and machine learning},
;; year = {1989},
;; ISBN = {0201157675}
;; }
;; Valid options are:
;; -P <start set>
;; Specify a starting set of attributes.
;; Eg. 1,3,5-7.If supplied, the starting set becomes
;; one member of the initial random
;; population.
;; -Z <population size>
;; Set the size of the population (even number).
;; (default = 20).
;; -G <number of generations>
;; Set the number of generations.
;; (default = 20)
;; -C <probability of crossover>
;; Set the probability of crossover.
;; (default = 0.6)
;; -M <probability of mutation>
;; Set the probability of mutation.
;; (default = 0.033)
;; -R <report frequency>
;; Set frequency of generation reports.
;; e.g, setting the value to 5 will
;; report every 5th generation
;; (default = number of generations)
;; -S <seed>
;; Set the random number seed.
;; (default = 1)
([kind m]
(->> (extract-attributes "-P" :starting-attributes)
(check-option-values m
{:population-size "-Z"
:num-generations "-G"
:crossover-prob "-C"
:mutation-prob "-M"
:report-freq "-R"
:random-seed "-S"}))))
;; GeneticSearch:
;; Performs a search using the simple genetic algorithm described in Goldberg (1989).
;; For more information see:
;; David E. Goldberg (1989). Genetic algorithms in search, optimization and machine learning. Addison-Wesley.
;; BibTeX:
;; @book{Goldberg1989,
;; author = {David E. Goldberg},
;; publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
;; title = {Genetic algorithms in search, optimization and machine learning},
;; year = {1989},
;; ISBN = {0201157675}
;; }
;; Valid options are:
;; -P <start set>
;; Specify a starting set of attributes.
;; Eg. 1,3,5-7.If supplied, the starting set becomes
;; one member of the initial random
;; population.
;; -Z <population size>
;; Set the size of the population (even number).
;; (default = 20).
;; -G <number of generations>
;; Set the number of generations.
;; (default = 20)
;; -C <probability of crossover>
;; Set the probability of crossover.
;; (default = 0.6)
;; -M <probability of mutation>
;; Set the probability of mutation.
;; (default = 0.033)
;; -R <report frequency>
;; Set frequency of generation reports.
;; e.g, setting the value to 5 will
;; report every 5th generation
;; (default = number of generations)
;; -S <seed>
;; Set the random number seed.
;; (default = 1)
([kind m]
(->> (extract-attributes "-P" :starting-attributes)
(check-option-values m
{:population-size "-Z"
:num-generations "-G"
:crossover-prob "-C"
:mutation-prob "-M"
:report-freq "-R"
:random-seed "-S"}))))
(defmethod make-obj-options :cfs-subset-eval
;; CfsSubsetEval :
@ -258,37 +258,37 @@
;; -L
;; Don't include locally predictive attributes.
([kind m]
(check-options m
{:treat-missing-vals-separate "-M"
:ignore-locally-predictive-attrs "-L"})))
([kind m]
(check-options m
{:treat-missing-vals-separate "-M"
:ignore-locally-predictive-attrs "-L"})))
(defn attribute-eval-options [m]
;; Valid options are:
;; -M
;; treat missing values as a seperate value.
;; -B
;; just binarize numeric attributes instead
;; of properly discretizing them.
(check-options m
{:treat-missing-vals-separate "-M"
:binarize-numeric-attrs "-B"}))
;; Valid options are:
;; -M
;; treat missing values as a seperate value.
;; -B
;; just binarize numeric attributes instead
;; of properly discretizing them.
(check-options m
{:treat-missing-vals-separate "-M"
:binarize-numeric-attrs "-B"}))
(defmethod make-obj-options :info-gain
;; InfoGainAttributeEval :
;; Evaluates the worth of an attribute by measuring the information gain with respect to the class.
;; InfoGain(Class,Attribute) = H(Class) - H(Class | Attribute).
;; InfoGainAttributeEval :
;; Evaluates the worth of an attribute by measuring the information gain with respect to the class.
;; InfoGain(Class,Attribute) = H(Class) - H(Class | Attribute).
([kind m]
(attribute-eval-options m)))
(defmethod make-obj-options :chi-squared
;; ChiSquaredAttributeEval :
;; Evaluates the worth of an attribute by computing the value of the chi-squared statistic with respect to the class.
;; ChiSquaredAttributeEval :
;; Evaluates the worth of an attribute by computing the value of the chi-squared statistic with respect to the class.
([kind m]
(attribute-eval-options m)))
@ -298,8 +298,8 @@
;; GainR(Class, Attribute) = (H(Class) - H(Class | Attribute)) / H(Attribute).
([kind m]
(check-options m
{:treat-missing-vals-separate "-M"})))
(check-options m
{:treat-missing-vals-separate "-M"})))
(defmethod make-obj-options :symmetrical-uncert
@ -310,67 +310,67 @@
;; SymmU(Class, Attribute) = 2 * (H(Class) - H(Class | Attribute)) / H(Class) + H(Attribute).
([kind m]
(check-options m
{:treat-missing-vals-separate "-M"})))
(check-options m
{:treat-missing-vals-separate "-M"})))
(defmethod make-obj-options :relief
;; ReliefFAttributeEval :
;; Evaluates the worth of an attribute by repeatedly sampling an instance and considering the value of the given attribute for the nearest instance of the same and different class. Can operate on both discrete and continuous class data.
;; -M <num instances>
;; Specify the number of instances to
;; sample when estimating attributes.
;; If not specified, then all instances
;; will be used.
;; -D <seed>
;; Seed for randomly sampling instances.
;; (Default = 1)
;; -K <number of neighbours>
;; Number of nearest neighbours (k) used
;; to estimate attribute relevances
;; (Default = 10).
;; -W
;; Weight nearest neighbours by distance
;; -A <num>
;; Specify sigma value (used in an exp
;; function to control how quickly
;; weights for more distant instances
;; decrease. Use in conjunction with -W.
;; Sensible value=1/5 to 1/10 of the
;; number of nearest neighbours.
;; (Default = 2)
([kind m]
(->> (extract-attributes "-P" :starting-attributes)
(check-options {:weight "-W"})
(check-option-values m
{:num-instances "-M"
:random-seed "-D"
:number-of-neighbors "-K"
:weight-sigma "-A"}))))
;; ReliefFAttributeEval :
;; Evaluates the worth of an attribute by repeatedly sampling an instance and considering the value of the given attribute for the nearest instance of the same and different class. Can operate on both discrete and continuous class data.
;; -M <num instances>
;; Specify the number of instances to
;; sample when estimating attributes.
;; If not specified, then all instances
;; will be used.
;; -D <seed>
;; Seed for randomly sampling instances.
;; (Default = 1)
;; -K <number of neighbours>
;; Number of nearest neighbours (k) used
;; to estimate attribute relevances
;; (Default = 10).
;; -W
;; Weight nearest neighbours by distance
;; -A <num>
;; Specify sigma value (used in an exp
;; function to control how quickly
;; weights for more distant instances
;; decrease. Use in conjunction with -W.
;; Sensible value=1/5 to 1/10 of the
;; number of nearest neighbours.
;; (Default = 2)
([kind m]
(->> (extract-attributes "-P" :starting-attributes)
(check-options {:weight "-W"})
(check-option-values m
{:num-instances "-M"
:random-seed "-D"
:number-of-neighbors "-K"
:weight-sigma "-A"}))))
(defmethod make-obj-options :ranker
;; Ranker :
;; Ranks attributes by their individual evaluations. Use in conjunction with attribute evaluators (ReliefF, GainRatio, Entropy etc).
;; Valid options are:
;; -P <start set>
;; Specify a starting set of attributes.
;; Eg. 1,3,5-7.
;; Any starting attributes specified are
;; ignored during the ranking.
;; -T <threshold>
;; Specify a theshold by which attributes
;; may be discarded from the ranking.
;; -N <num to select>
;; Specify number of attributes to select
;; Ranker :
;; Ranks attributes by their individual evaluations. Use in conjunction with attribute evaluators (ReliefF, GainRatio, Entropy etc).
;; Valid options are:
;; -P <start set>
;; Specify a starting set of attributes.
;; Eg. 1,3,5-7.
;; Any starting attributes specified are
;; ignored during the ranking.
;; -T <threshold>
;; Specify a theshold by which attributes
;; may be discarded from the ranking.
;; -N <num to select>
;; Specify number of attributes to select
([kind m]
(->> (extract-attributes "-P" :starting-attributes)
(check-option-values m
@ -380,26 +380,26 @@
(defmethod make-obj-options :one-R
;; OneRAttributeEval :
;; Evaluates the worth of an attribute by using the OneR classifier.
;; Valid options are:
;; -S <seed>
;; Random number seed for cross validation
;; (default = 1)
;; -F <folds>
;; Number of folds for cross validation
;; (default = 10)
;; -D
;; Use training data for evaluation rather than cross validaton
;; -B <minimum bucket size>
;; Minimum number of objects in a bucket
;; (passed on to OneR, default = 6)
;; OneRAttributeEval :
;; Evaluates the worth of an attribute by using the OneR classifier.
;; Valid options are:
;; -S <seed>
;; Random number seed for cross validation
;; (default = 1)
;; -F <folds>
;; Number of folds for cross validation
;; (default = 10)
;; -D
;; Use training data for evaluation rather than cross validaton
;; -B <minimum bucket size>
;; Minimum number of objects in a bucket
;; (passed on to OneR, default = 6)
([kind m]
(->> (check-options m {:use-training-data-for-eval "-D"})
(check-option-values m

View file

@ -234,44 +234,44 @@
(defmethod make-classifier-options [:decision-tree :random-forest]
([kind algorithm m]
(check-options m {:debug "-D"})
(check-option-values m
{:num-trees-in-forest "-I"
:num-features-to-consider "-K"
:random-seed "-S"
:depth "-depth"}))))
(check-options m {:debug "-D"})
(check-option-values m
{:num-trees-in-forest "-I"
:num-features-to-consider "-K"
:random-seed "-S"
:depth "-depth"}))))
(defmethod make-classifier-options [:decision-tree :fast-random-forest]
([kind algorithm m]
(check-options m {:debug "-D"})
(check-option-values m
{:num-trees-in-forest "-I"
:num-features-to-consider "-K"
:random-seed "-S"
:depth "-depth"}))))
(check-options m {:debug "-D"})
(check-option-values m
{:num-trees-in-forest "-I"
:num-features-to-consider "-K"
:random-seed "-S"
:depth "-depth"}))))
(defmethod make-classifier-options [:decision-tree :rotation-forest]
([kind algorithm m]
(check-options m {:debug "-D"})
(check-option-values m
{:num-iterations "-I"
:use-number-of-groups "-N"
:min-attribute-group-size "-G"
:max-attribute-group-size "-H"
:percentage-of-instances-to-remove "-P"
:filter "-F"
:random-seed "-S"
:weak-learning-class "-W"}))))
(check-options m {:debug "-D"})
(check-option-values m
{:num-iterations "-I"
:use-number-of-groups "-N"
:min-attribute-group-size "-G"
:max-attribute-group-size "-H"
:percentage-of-instances-to-remove "-P"
:filter "-F"
:random-seed "-S"
:weak-learning-class "-W"}))))
(defmethod make-classifier-options [:decision-tree :m5p]
([kind algorithm m]
(check-options m {:unsmoothed-predictions "-U"
:regression "-R"
:unpruned "-N"})
(check-option-values m {:minimum-instances "-M"}))))
(check-options m {:unsmoothed-predictions "-U"
:regression "-R"
:unpruned "-N"})
(check-option-values m {:minimum-instances "-M"}))))
@ -281,11 +281,11 @@
(defn make-classifier-with
#^{:skip-wiki true}
[kind algorithm ^Class classifier-class options]
(let [options-read (if (empty? options) {} (first options))
^Classifier classifier (.newInstance classifier-class)
opts (into-array String (make-classifier-options kind algorithm options-read))]
(.setOptions classifier opts)
(let [options-read (if (empty? options) {} (first options))
^Classifier classifier (.newInstance classifier-class)
opts (into-array String (make-classifier-options kind algorithm options-read))]
(.setOptions classifier opts)
(defmulti make-classifier
"Creates a new classifier for the given kind algorithm and options.
@ -486,14 +486,14 @@
opts (into-array String (make-classifier-options :support-vector-machine :smo options-read))]
(.setOptions classifier opts)
(when (not (empty? (get options-read :kernel-function)))
;; We have to setup a different kernel function
;; We have to setup a different kernel function
(let [kernel (get options-read :kernel-function)
real-kernel (if (map? kernel)
real-kernel (if (map? kernel)
(make-kernel-function (first (keys kernel))
(first (vals kernel)))
(.setKernel classifier real-kernel)))
(.setKernel classifier real-kernel)))
(defmethod make-classifier [:support-vector-machine :spegasos]
([kind algorithm & options]

View file

@ -28,14 +28,14 @@
(defmethod make-clusterer-options :k-means
([kind m]
(let [cols-val (check-options m {:display-standard-deviation "-V"
:replace-missing-values "-M"
:replace-missing-values "-M"
:preserve-instances-order "-O"}
cols-val-a (check-option-values m {:number-clusters "-N"
:random-seed "-S"
:number-iterations "-I"}
(into-array cols-val-a))))
(into-array cols-val-a))))
(defmethod make-clusterer-options :cobweb
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
:cutoff "-C"
:random-seed "-S"}
(into-array cols-val-a))))
(into-array cols-val-a))))
(defmethod make-clusterer-options :expectation-maximization
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
:minimum-standard-deviation "-M"
:random-seed "-S"}
(into-array cols-val-a))))
(into-array cols-val-a))))
;; Building clusterers
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
(new Random (.getTime (new Date))))]
{:log-likelihood log-likelihood})))
{:log-likelihood log-likelihood})))
;; Clustering collections

View file

@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
(make-instance dataset 1 vector))
([dataset weight vector]
(let [^Instance inst (new Instance
(count vector))]
(count vector))]
(do (.setDataset inst dataset)
(loop [vs vector
c 0]
@ -208,17 +208,17 @@
(let [index-class-attribute (if (keyword? class-attribute)
(loop [c 0
acum attributes]
(if (= (let [at (first acum)]
(if (map? at)
(first (keys at))
(if (= c (count attributes))
(throw (new Exception "provided class attribute not found"))
(recur (+ c 1)
(rest acum)))))
(if (= (let [at (first acum)]
(if (map? at)
(first (keys at))
(if (= c (count attributes))
(throw (new Exception "provided class attribute not found"))
(recur (+ c 1)
(rest acum)))))
(.setClassIndex ds index-class-attribute)))
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
"Returns map of the labels (possible values) for the given nominal attribute as the keys
with the values being the attributes index. "
[^Attribute attr]
(let [values (enumeration-seq (.enumerateValues attr))]
(let [values (enumeration-seq (.enumerateValues attr))]
(if (empty? values)
(reduce (fn [m ^String val]
@ -274,14 +274,14 @@
(defn dataset-format
"Returns the definition of the attributes of this dataset"
(fn [so-far ^Attribute attr]
(conj so-far
(if (.isNominal attr)
{(keyword-name attr) (map keyword (enumeration-seq (.enumerateValues attr)))}
(keyword-name attr))))
(attributes dataset)))
(fn [so-far ^Attribute attr]
(conj so-far
(if (.isNominal attr)
{(keyword-name attr) (map keyword (enumeration-seq (.enumerateValues attr)))}
(keyword-name attr))))
(attributes dataset)))
(defn headers-only
"Returns a new weka dataset (Instances) with the same headers as the given one"
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ If the class is nominal then the string value (not keyword) is returned."
(defn instance-get-class
"Get the index of the class attribute for this instance"
[^Instance instance]
[^Instance instance]
(.classValue instance))
(defn instance-value-at

View file

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
(fn [kind map] kind))
(declare make-apply-filter)
;TODO: consider passing in the make-filter-options body here as well in additon to the docstring.
;;TODO: consider passing in the make-filter-options body here as well in additon to the docstring.
(defmacro deffilter
"Defines the filter's fn that creates a fn to make and apply the filter."
@ -153,10 +153,10 @@
(update-in-when [:labels] (partial str/join ","))
(update-in-when [:column] #(if (number? %) (inc %) %))
(check-option-values {:type "-T"
:labels "-L"
:name "-N"
:column "-C"
:date-format "-F"}))))
:labels "-L"
:name "-N"
:column "-C"
:date-format "-F"}))))
(deffilter add-attribute)
@ -571,9 +571,9 @@
(let [^OptionHandler f (.newInstance class)]
(.setOptions f (into-array String (make-filter-options kind options)))
(case kind
:clj-streamable (ClojureStreamFilter. (:process options) (:determine-dataset-format options))
:clj-batch (ClojureBatchFilter. (:process options) (:determine-dataset-format options))))]
(case kind
:clj-streamable (ClojureStreamFilter. (:process options) (:determine-dataset-format options))
:clj-batch (ClojureBatchFilter. (:process options) (:determine-dataset-format options))))]
(doto filter (.setInputFormat (:dataset-format options)))))
;; Processing the filtering of data
@ -602,7 +602,7 @@
The :dataset-format attribute for the making of the filter will be setup to the
dataset passed as an argument if no other value is provided."
[filter-options dataset]
;TODO: Consider using Weka's MultiFilter instead.. could be faster for streamable filters.
;TODO: Consider using Weka's MultiFilter instead.. could be faster for streamable filters.
(fn [ds [kind options]]
(make-apply-filter kind options ds))

View file

@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
(defmethod make-kernel-function-options :polynomic
([kind map]
(let [cols-val (check-option-values map {:cache-size "-C"
:exponent "-E"
:use=lower-order-terms "-L"}
:exponent "-E"
:use=lower-order-terms "-L"}
(into-array cols-val))))

View file

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"Sets an option for a filter"
(if (get map val)
(conj opts flag)
(defn check-option-value [opts val flag map]
"Sets an option with value for a filter"
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
; TODO: Raise a helpful exception when the keys don't match up with the provided flags.
;; TODO: Raise a helpful exception when the keys don't match up with the provided flags.
(defn check-options
"Checks the presence of a set of options for a filter"
([args-map opts-map]

View file

@ -100,13 +100,13 @@
the-plot (if (nil? plot)
(scatter-plot this-val-0 this-val-1
:title title
:x-label (name (nth cols-names col-0))
:y-label (name (nth cols-names col-1))
:series-label (name (first ks))
:legend legend)
(do (add-points plot this-val-0 this-val-1 :series-label (name (first ks)))
(recur the-plot (rest ks))))))))
:x-label (name (nth cols-names col-0))
:y-label (name (nth cols-names col-1))
:series-label (name (first ks))
:legend legend)
(do (add-points plot this-val-0 this-val-1 :series-label (name (first ks)))
(recur the-plot (rest ks))))))))
;; visualization of different objects
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
(defn dataset-display-attributes [dataset attribute-x attribute-y & visualization-options]
"Displays the distribution of a set of attributes for a dataset"
(let [attr-x (if (keyword? attribute-x) (datset-index-attr dataset attribute-x) attribute-x)
(let [attr-x (if (keyword? attribute-x) (datset-index-attr dataset attribute-x) attribute-x)
attr-y (if (keyword? attribute-y) (datset-index-attr dataset attribute-y) attribute-y)
options-pre (first-or-default visualization-options {})
opts (if (nil? (:visualize options-pre)) (conj options-pre {:visualize true}) options-pre)
@ -171,30 +171,30 @@
;; Things to load to test this from slime
;(defn load-test-from-slime []
; (do
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/joda-time-1.6.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/opencsv-2.0.1.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/classes/")
; (add-classpath "file:///Applications/weka-3-6-2/weka.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/src/")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/incanter-charts-1.0-master-SNAPSHOT.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/incanter-core-1.0-master-SNAPSHOT.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/incanter-io-1.0-master-SNAPSHOT.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/incanter-processing-1.0-master-SNAPSHOT.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/incanter-chrono-1.0-master-SNAPSHOT.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/incanter-full-1.0-master-SNAPSHOT.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/incanter-mongodb-1.0-master-SNAPSHOT.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/jfreechart-1.0.13.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/parallelcolt-0.7.2.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/arpack-combo-0.1.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/gnujaxp-1.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/clojure-json-1.1-20091229.021828-4.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/clojure-db-object-0.1.1-20091229.021828-2.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/jcommon-1.0.16.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/netlib-java-0.9.1.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/processing-core-1.jar")
; (add-classpath"file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/congomongo-0.1.1-20091229.021828-1.jar")
; (add-classpath"file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/mongo-1.0.jar")
; (add-classpath"file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/mongo-java-driver-1.1.0-20091229.021828-3.jar")
; ))
;(defn load-test-from-slime []
; (do
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/joda-time-1.6.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/opencsv-2.0.1.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/classes/")
; (add-classpath "file:///Applications/weka-3-6-2/weka.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/src/")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/incanter-charts-1.0-master-SNAPSHOT.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/incanter-core-1.0-master-SNAPSHOT.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/incanter-io-1.0-master-SNAPSHOT.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/incanter-processing-1.0-master-SNAPSHOT.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/incanter-chrono-1.0-master-SNAPSHOT.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/incanter-full-1.0-master-SNAPSHOT.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/incanter-mongodb-1.0-master-SNAPSHOT.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/jfreechart-1.0.13.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/parallelcolt-0.7.2.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/arpack-combo-0.1.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/gnujaxp-1.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/clojure-json-1.1-20091229.021828-4.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/clojure-db-object-0.1.1-20091229.021828-2.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/jcommon-1.0.16.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/netlib-java-0.9.1.jar")
; (add-classpath "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/processing-core-1.jar")
; (add-classpath"file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/congomongo-0.1.1-20091229.021828-1.jar")
; (add-classpath"file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/mongo-1.0.jar")
; (add-classpath"file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Development/old/clj-ml/lib/mongo-java-driver-1.1.0-20091229.021828-3.jar")
; ))

View file

@ -46,11 +46,11 @@
"Similar to update-in, but returns m unmodified if any levels do
not exist"
([m [k & ks] f & args]
(if (contains? m k)
(if ks
(assoc m k (apply update-in-when (get m k) ks f args))
(assoc m k (apply f (get m k) args)))
(if (contains? m k)
(if ks
(assoc m k (apply update-in-when (get m k) ks f args))
(assoc m k (apply f (get m k) args)))
;; trying metrics

View file

@ -20,6 +20,6 @@
[4 5 :g]])
attrs (select-attributes ds :search (greedy) :evaluator (cfs-subset-eval))]
attrs => [:a :c]
(-> attrs meta :selector class) => #(isa? weka.attributeSelection.AttributeSelection %))))
attrs => [:a :c]
(-> attrs meta :selector class) => #(isa? weka.attributeSelection.AttributeSelection %))))

View file

@ -44,9 +44,9 @@
(deftest make-classifier-bayes
(let [c (clj-ml.classifiers/make-classifier :bayes :naive {:kernel-estimator true :old-format true})
opts (vec (.getOptions c))]
opts => (contains ["-K" "-O"]))))
(let [c (clj-ml.classifiers/make-classifier :bayes :naive {:kernel-estimator true :old-format true})
opts (vec (.getOptions c))]
opts => (contains ["-K" "-O"]))))
(deftest make-classifier-bayes-updateable
(let [c (clj-ml.classifiers/make-classifier :bayes :naive {:updateable true})]

View file

@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
(deftest make-clusterers-options-k-means
(let [options (vec (make-clusterer-options :k-means {:display-standard-deviation true :replace-missing-values true :preserve-instances-order true
:number-clusters 3 :random-seed 2 :number-iterations 1}))]
options => (just ["" "-V" "-M" "-O" "-N" "3" "-S" "2" "-I" "1"] :in-any-order))))
(let [options (vec (make-clusterer-options :k-means {:display-standard-deviation true :replace-missing-values true :preserve-instances-order true
:number-clusters 3 :random-seed 2 :number-iterations 1}))]
options => (just ["" "-V" "-M" "-O" "-N" "3" "-S" "2" "-I" "1"] :in-any-order))))
(deftest make-clusterers-options-expectation-maximization
(let [options (vec (make-clusterer-options :expectation-maximization {:number-clusters 3 :maximum-iterations 10 :minimum-standard-deviation 0.001 :random-seed 30}))]
options => (just ["" "-N" "3" "-I" "10" "-M" "0.001" "-S" "30"] :in-any-order))))
(let [options (vec (make-clusterer-options :expectation-maximization {:number-clusters 3 :maximum-iterations 10 :minimum-standard-deviation 0.001 :random-seed 30}))]
options => (just ["" "-N" "3" "-I" "10" "-M" "0.001" "-S" "30"] :in-any-order))))
(deftest make-and-build-clusterer
@ -27,27 +27,27 @@
(deftest test-make-cobweb
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b] [[1 2] [3 4]])
c (make-clusterer :cobweb)]
(clusterer-build c ds)
(is true)))
(clusterer-build c ds)
(is true)))
(deftest test-update-clusterer-cobweb
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b] [])
c (make-clusterer :cobweb)]
(clusterer-build c ds)
(clusterer-update c ( ds [1 2]))
(is true)))
(clusterer-build c ds)
(clusterer-update c ( ds [1 2]))
(is true)))
(deftest test-update-clusterer-cobweb-many-instances
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b] [])
c (make-clusterer :cobweb)
to-update (make-dataset :test [:a :b] [[1 2] [3 4]])]
(clusterer-build c ds)
(clusterer-update c to-update)
(is true)))
(clusterer-build c ds)
(clusterer-update c to-update)
(is true)))
(deftest test-evaluate-clusterer-cross-validation
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b] [[1 2] [3 4] [5 6]])
c (make-clusterer :expectation-maximization)]
(clusterer-build c ds)
(clusterer-evaluate c :cross-validation ds 2)
(is true)))
(clusterer-build c ds)
(clusterer-evaluate c :cross-validation ds 2)
(is true)))

View file

@ -7,33 +7,33 @@
[:a :b]
inst (make-instance dataset [1 2])]
(is (= (class inst)
(is (= 2 (.numValues inst)))
(is (= 1.0 (.value inst 0)))
(is (= 2.0 (.value inst 1)))))
(is (= (class inst)
(is (= 2 (.numValues inst)))
(is (= 1.0 (.value inst 0)))
(is (= 2.0 (.value inst 1)))))
(deftest make-instance-ord
(let [dataset (make-dataset :test
[:a {:b [:b1 :b2]}]
inst (make-instance dataset [1 :b1])]
(is (= (class inst)
(is (= 2 (.numValues inst)))
(is (= 1.0 (.value inst 0)))
(is (= "b1" (.stringValue inst 1)))))
(is (= (class inst)
(is (= 2 (.numValues inst)))
(is (= 1.0 (.value inst 0)))
(is (= "b1" (.stringValue inst 1)))))
(deftest make-instance-nils
(let [dataset (make-dataset :test
[:a :b]
inst (make-instance dataset [1 nil])]
(is (= (class inst)
(is (= 2 (.numValues inst)))
(is (= 1.0 (.value inst 0)))
(is (Double/isNaN (.value inst 1)))))
(is (= (class inst)
(is (= 2 (.numValues inst)))
(is (= 1.0 (.value inst 0)))
(is (Double/isNaN (.value inst 1)))))
(deftest dataset-make-dataset-with-default-class
(let [ds ( :test [:a :b {:c [:d :e]}] [] {:class :c})
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
(let [dataset (make-dataset :test
[:a :b]
_ ( dataset 1)]
_ ( dataset 1)]
(is (= 1 (.classIndex dataset)))
(is (= 0 (.classIndex (dataset-set-class dataset 0))))
(testing "when a string or symbol is passed in"

View file

@ -4,25 +4,25 @@
(deftest make-filter-options-supervised-discretize
(let [options (make-filter-options :supervised-discretize {:attributes [1 2] :invert true :binary true :better-encoding true :kononenko true :nonexitent true})]
options => (just ["-R" "2,3" "-V" "-D" "-E" "-K"] :in-any-order))))
(let [options (make-filter-options :supervised-discretize {:attributes [1 2] :invert true :binary true :better-encoding true :kononenko true :nonexitent true})]
options => (just ["-R" "2,3" "-V" "-D" "-E" "-K"] :in-any-order))))
(deftest make-filter-options-unsupervised-discretize
(let [options (make-filter-options :unsupervised-discretize {:attributes [1 2] :binary true
:better-encoding true :equal-frequency true :optimize true
:number-bins 4 :weight-bins 1})]
options => (just ["-R" "2,3" "-D" "-E" "-F" "-O" "-B" "4" "-M" "1"] :in-any-order))))
(let [options (make-filter-options :unsupervised-discretize {:attributes [1 2] :binary true
:better-encoding true :equal-frequency true :optimize true
:number-bins 4 :weight-bins 1})]
options => (just ["-R" "2,3" "-D" "-E" "-F" "-O" "-B" "4" "-M" "1"] :in-any-order))))
(deftest make-filter-options-supervised-nominal-to-binary
(let [options (make-filter-options :supervised-nominal-to-binary {:also-binary true :for-each-nominal true})]
options => (just ["-N" "-A"] :in-any-order))))
(let [options (make-filter-options :supervised-nominal-to-binary {:also-binary true :for-each-nominal true})]
options => (just ["-N" "-A"] :in-any-order))))
(deftest make-filter-options-unsupervised-nominal-to-binary
(let [options (make-filter-options :unsupervised-nominal-to-binary {:attributes [1,2] :also-binary true :for-each-nominal true :invert true})]
options => (just ["-R" "2,3" "-V" "-N" "-A"] :in-any-order))))
(let [options (make-filter-options :unsupervised-nominal-to-binary {:attributes [1,2] :also-binary true :for-each-nominal true :invert true})]
options => (just ["-R" "2,3" "-V" "-N" "-A"] :in-any-order))))
(deftest make-filter-options-string-to-word-vector
@ -55,9 +55,9 @@
(deftest make-filter-discretize-sup
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
_ (dataset-set-class ds 2)
f (make-filter :supervised-discretize {:dataset-format ds :attributes [0]})]
(is (= weka.filters.supervised.attribute.Discretize
@ -65,18 +65,18 @@
(deftest make-filter-discretize-unsup
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
f (make-filter :unsupervised-discretize {:dataset-format ds :attributes [0]})]
(is (= weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Discretize
(class f)))))
(deftest make-filter-nominal-to-binary-sup
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
foo1(dataset-set-class ds 2)
f (make-filter :supervised-nominal-to-binary {:dataset-format ds})]
(is (= weka.filters.supervised.attribute.NominalToBinary
@ -84,9 +84,9 @@
(deftest make-filter-nominal-to-binary-unsup
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
f (make-filter :unsupervised-nominal-to-binary {:dataset-format ds :attributes [2]})]
(is (= weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.NominalToBinary
(class f)))))
@ -123,9 +123,9 @@
(deftest make-filter-remove-attributes
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
f (make-filter :remove-attributes {:dataset-format ds :attributes [0]})]
(is (= weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remove
(class f)))
@ -135,44 +135,44 @@
(deftest make-apply-filter-remove-attributes
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
res (make-apply-filter :remove-attributes {:attributes [0]} ds)]
(is (= (dataset-format res)
[:b {:c '(:g :m)}]))))
(deftest remove-precentage-test
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 2 :m]
[4 5 :g]])]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 2 :m]
[4 5 :g]])]
(is (= (dataset-count (remove-percentage ds {:percentage 75})) 1))))
(deftest remove-range-test
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 2 :m]
[4 5 :g]])]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 2 :m]
[4 5 :g]])]
(is (= (dataset-count (remove-range ds {:range "first-3"})) 1)
(= (dataset-count (remove-range ds {:range "first-3" :invert true})) 3))))
(deftest make-apply-filter-numeric-to-nominal
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])]
(testing "when no attributes are specified"
(is (= (dataset-format (make-apply-filter :numeric-to-nominal {} ds))
[{:a '(:1 :2 :4)} {:b '(:2 :3 :5)} {:c '(:g :m)}])))
(testing "when attributes are specified by index"
(is (= (dataset-format (make-apply-filter :numeric-to-nominal {:attributes [0]} ds))
[{:a '(:1 :2 :4)} :b {:c '(:g :m)}])))
(is (= (dataset-format (make-apply-filter :numeric-to-nominal {:attributes [0]} ds))
[{:a '(:1 :2 :4)} :b {:c '(:g :m)}])))
(testing "when attributes are specified by name"
(is (= (dataset-format (make-apply-filter :numeric-to-nominal {:attributes [:b]} ds))
[:a {:b '(:2 :3 :5)} {:c '(:g :m)}])))))
(is (= (dataset-format (make-apply-filter :numeric-to-nominal {:attributes [:b]} ds))
[:a {:b '(:2 :3 :5)} {:c '(:g :m)}])))))
(deftest make-apply-filter-string-to-word-vector
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [{:s nil} {:class [:yes :no]}]
@ -188,9 +188,9 @@
(deftest make-apply-filter-add-attribute
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
res (add-attribute ds {:type :nominal, :column 1, :name "pet", :labels ["dog" "cat"]})]
(is (= (dataset-format res)
[:a {:pet '(:dog :cat)} :b {:c '(:g :m)}]))))
@ -218,9 +218,9 @@
(deftest make-apply-filters-test
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
res (make-apply-filters
[[:add-attribute {:type :nominal, :column 1, :name "pet", :labels ["dog" "cat"]}]
[:remove-attributes {:attributes [:a :c]}]] ds)]
@ -229,9 +229,9 @@
(deftest using-regular-filter-fns-with-threading
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
res (-> ds
(add-attribute {:type :nominal, :column 1, :name "pet", :labels ["dog" "cat"]})
(remove-attributes {:attributes [:a :c]}))]
@ -240,9 +240,9 @@
(deftest make-apply-filter-clj-streamable
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a :b {:c [:g :m]}]
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
[ [1 2 :g]
[2 3 :m]
[4 5 :g]])
rename-attributes (fn [^weka.core.Instances input-format]
(doto (weka.core.Instances. input-format 0)
@ -263,9 +263,9 @@
(deftest make-apply-filter-clj-batch
(let [ds (make-dataset :test [:a]
[ [1]
[ [1]
max-diff-attr (weka.core.Attribute. "max-diff")
add-max-diff-attr (fn [^weka.core.Instances input-format]
(doto (weka.core.Instances. input-format 0)
@ -288,4 +288,4 @@
(is (= [{:a 1.0 :max-diff 3.0}
{:a 2.0 :max-diff 2.0}
{:a 4.0 :max-diff 0.0}]
(dataset-as-maps res)))))
(dataset-as-maps res)))))

View file

@ -4,18 +4,18 @@
(deftest make-kernel-function-polynomic
(let [kernel (clj-ml.kernel-functions/make-kernel-function :polynomic {:exponent 0.3})
options (vec (.getOptions kernel))]
options => (contains ["-E" "0.3"]))))
(let [kernel (clj-ml.kernel-functions/make-kernel-function :polynomic {:exponent 0.3})
options (vec (.getOptions kernel))]
options => (contains ["-E" "0.3"]))))
(deftest make-kernel-function-radial-basis
(let [kernel (clj-ml.kernel-functions/make-kernel-function :radial-basis {:gamma 0.3})
options (vec (.getOptions kernel))]
options => (contains ["-G" "0.3"]))))
(let [kernel (clj-ml.kernel-functions/make-kernel-function :radial-basis {:gamma 0.3})
options (vec (.getOptions kernel))]
options => (contains ["-G" "0.3"]))))
(deftest make-kernel-function-string
(let [kernel (clj-ml.kernel-functions/make-kernel-function :string {:lambda 0})
options (vec (.getOptions kernel))]
options => (contains ["-L" "0.0"]))))
(let [kernel (clj-ml.kernel-functions/make-kernel-function :string {:lambda 0})
options (vec (.getOptions kernel))]
options => (contains ["-L" "0.0"]))))

View file

@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
(deftest test-into-fast-vecotor
(is (= ["a" "B" "c"]
(vec (.toArray (into-fast-vector ["a" "B" "c"]))))))
(vec (.toArray (into-fast-vector ["a" "B" "c"]))))))