removes mongodb store.. I never used it and won't be supporting it

This commit is contained in:
Ben Mabey 2012-01-05 13:29:45 -07:00
parent b6dcc98bbc
commit c25d39521b
4 changed files with 0 additions and 160 deletions

View file

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
:warn-on-reflection true
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.2.0"]
[org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.2.0"]
[org.mongodb/mongo-java-driver "1.0"]
[incanter/incanter-core "1.2.3"]
[incanter/incanter-charts "1.2.3"]
[lt/weka "3.6.3"]

View file

@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
;; Distance functions
;; @author Antonio Garrote
(ns #^{:author "Antonio Garrote <>"}
"Functions for storing and retrieving data sets from a persistence store, like a data
base system.
Currently MongoDB is the only store supported."
(:use [clj-ml utils data])
(:import (com.mongodb Mongo DB BasicDBObject DBCollection DBCursor)))
(defn keywords-to-strings [format]
"Recursively transforms all keywords into strings"
(if (keyword? format)
(name format)
(if (map? format)
(loop [acum {}
ks (keys format)]
(if (empty? ks)
(recur (conj {(name (first ks))
(keywords-to-strings (get format (first ks)))}
(rest ks))))
(if (sequential? format)
(map #(keywords-to-strings %1) format)
(defmulti make-data-store-connection
"Connects to a data store.
- The first parameter is the kind of data store to connect to.
- The second parameter is a map with options for the connection
to that kind of data store.
(fn [kind params] kind))
(defmethod make-data-store-connection :mongodb
([kind params]
(let [_foo1 (println (:host params))
_foo2 (println (:port params))]
(new Mongo (:host params) (:port params)))
(defmulti data-store-connection-db
"Returns a DB from the stablished connection"
(fn [kind connection name & params] kind))
(defmethod data-store-connection-db :mongodb
([kind connection name & params]
(.getDB connection name)))
;; High level API
(def *clj-ml-datasets* "-clj-ml-datasets")
(def *clj-ml-format-suffix* "-clj-ml-schema")
(def *clj-ml-instances-suffix* "-clj-ml-instances")
(defmulti data-store-save-dataset
"Persists a whole dataset in the data store"
(fn [kind database dataset & options] kind))
(defmethod data-store-save-dataset :mongodb
([kind database dataset & options]
(let [format (dataset-format dataset)
name (md5-sum (dataset-name dataset))
datasets-collection (.getCollection database *clj-ml-datasets*)
schema-collection (.getCollection database (str name *clj-ml-format-suffix*))
data-collection-tmp (.getCollection database (str name *clj-ml-instances-suffix*))
format-to-insert (new BasicDBObject {"format" (keywords-to-strings format)})]
(.remove datasets-collection (new BasicDBObject {"id" name}))
(.insert datasets-collection (new BasicDBObject {"id" name}))
(.remove schema-collection format-to-insert)
(.insert schema-collection format-to-insert)
(when (not (nil? data-collection-tmp))
(.drop data-collection-tmp))
(let [data-collection (.getCollection database (str name *clj-ml-instances-suffix*))]
(for [i (dataset-seq dataset)]
(.insert data-collection (new BasicDBObject (keywords-to-strings {"instance" (instance-to-vector i)}))))))))
(declare mongo-persisted-instance-to-map)
(defn- mongo-persisted-instance-to-vector
"Transforms an instance persisted in a mongodb database back to a vector"
([inst] (mongo-persisted-instance-to-vector inst false))
([inst use-keys?]
(loop [vals (.toMap inst)
acum []]
(if (empty? vals)
(recur (rest vals)
(conj acum (let [tmp-val (.getValue (first vals))]
(if (= (class tmp-val) com.mongodb.BasicDBObject)
(mongo-persisted-instance-to-map tmp-val use-keys?)
(if (string? tmp-val)
(if use-keys? (keyword tmp-val) tmp-val)
(defn- mongo-persisted-instance-to-map
"Transforms an instance persisted in a mongodb database back to a vector"
([inst] (mongo-persisted-instance-to-map inst false))
([inst use-keys?]
(loop [mp (.toMap inst)
vals (keys mp)
acum {}]
(if (empty? vals)
(recur mp
(rest vals)
(conj acum {(keyword (first vals)) (let [tmp-val (get mp (first vals))]
(if (= (class tmp-val) com.mongodb.BasicDBObject)
(mongo-persisted-instance-to-map tmp-val use-keys?)
(if (= (class tmp-val) com.mongodb.BasicDBList)
(mongo-persisted-instance-to-vector tmp-val use-keys?)
(defmulti data-store-load-dataset
"Load a whole dataset from a data store"
(fn [kind database database-name & options] kind))
(defmethod data-store-load-dataset :mongodb
([kind database database-name & options]
(let [dsf (str (md5-sum database-name) *clj-ml-format-suffix*)
col (.getCollection database dsf)
format (mongo-persisted-instance-to-vector (get (.next (.find col)) "format") true)
dsi (str (md5-sum database-name) *clj-ml-instances-suffix*)
coli (.getCollection database dsi)
cursor (.find coli)
insts (loop [cont (.hasNext cursor)
acum []]
(if cont
(let [exp (get (. (.next cursor) toMap) "instance")]
(recur (.hasNext cursor)
(conj acum (mongo-persisted-instance-to-vector exp))))
(make-dataset database-name format insts))))

View file

@ -45,12 +45,6 @@
(let [loader (new CSVLoader)]
(m-load-instances loader source))))
(defmethod load-instances :mongodb
([kind source & options]
(let [database {:database source}
name {:dataset-name source}]
( :mongodb database name options))))
;; Saving of instances
(defmulti save-instances
@ -80,7 +74,3 @@
([kind destiny instances & options]
(let [saver (new CSVSaver)]
(m-save-instances saver destiny instances))))
(defmethod save-instances :mongodb
([kind destiny instances & options]
( :mongodb destiny instances options)))

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
(:use [] :reload-all)
(:use [clojure.test]))
(deftest make-instance-num
(is (= (keywords-to-strings
[1 :hola {:a [:b {:d "hola"}]}])
'(1 "hola" {"a" ("b" {"d" "hola"})}))))