adds copy-dataset and randomize-dataset

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Ben Mabey 2011-12-08 15:13:10 -07:00
parent 6f8205d936
commit b454699af2

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@ -38,6 +38,12 @@
(defn dataset-attribute-at [^Instances dataset index-or-name]
(.attribute dataset (int (dataset-index-attr dataset index-or-name))))
(defn copy-dataset
"Uses the Instances constructor to copy a given dataset. Each Instance (row) will be shallow copied. So, while
not all the data is copied you will be creating n new Instance objects, where n is the number of training examples."
[^Instances ds]
(Instances. ds))
(defn attribute-at
"Returns attribute situated at the provided position or the provided name."
[dataset-or-instance index-or-name]
@ -442,6 +448,11 @@ The intention is for this to be used on data-formats and not on datasets with da
(let [seed (if (number? seed) (java.util.Random. seed) seed)]
(doto ds (.randomize seed)))))
(defn randomize-dataset
"Copies the given dataset and returns randomized version."
([ds] (randomize-dataset! (copy-dataset ds)))
([ds seed] (randomize-dataset! (copy-dataset ds) seed)))
(defn split-dataset
"Splits the dataset into two parts based on the percentage given.
The first dataset returned will have 'percentage ammount of the original dataset and the second has the