Updated tutorial in readme.

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Joshua Eckroth 2013-08-06 03:40:05 -04:00
parent 7a90091fba
commit 7a450f2e04

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ git clone the project, then run:
### Installing from Clojars ### Installing from Clojars
[cc.artifice/clj-ml "0.3.5"] [cc.artifice/clj-ml "0.4.0-SNAPSHOT"]
### Installing from Maven ### Installing from Maven
@ -25,236 +25,458 @@ git clone the project, then run:
<dependency> <dependency>
<groupId>cc.artifice</groupId> <groupId>cc.artifice</groupId>
<artifactId>clj-ml</artifactId> <artifactId>clj-ml</artifactId>
<version>0.3.4</version> <version>0.4.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
</dependency> </dependency>
## Supported algorithms ## Supported algorithms
* Filters * Filters
* supervised discretize * Discretization (supervised, unsupervised, PKI)
* unsupervised discretize * Nominal to binary (supervised, unsupervised)
* supervised nominal to binary * Numeric to nominal
* unsupervised nominal to binary * String to word vector
* string to word vector * Attribute manipulation (reorder, add, remove range, remove percentage, etc.)
* reorder attributes * Resample (supervised, unsupervised)
* resample (supervised, unsupervised)
* Classifiers * Classifiers
* C4.5 (J4.8) * k-Nearest neighbor
* naive Bayes * Decision trees: C4.5/J4.8, Boosted stump, Random forest, Rotation forest, M5P
* multilayer perceptron * Naive Bayes
* support vector machines * Multilayer perceptrons
* Support vector machines (grid-based training), SMO, Spegasos
* Clusterers * Regression
* k-means * Linear
* Logistic
* Pace
* Additive gradient boosting
* Clusterers
* k-Means
* Cobweb
* Expectation-maximization
## Usage ## Usage
API documenation can be found [here](http://antoniogarrote.github.com/clj-ml/index.html). API documenation can be found [here](http://clj-ml.artifice.cc/doc/index.html).
### I/O of data ### I/O of data
REPL>(use 'clj-ml.io) ```clojure
user> (use 'clj-ml.io)
REPL>; Loading data from an ARFF file, XRFF and CSV are also supported user> (def ds (load-instances :arff "file:///home/josh/git/clj-ml/iris.arff"))
REPL>(def ds (load-instances :arff "file:///Applications/weka-3-6-2/data/iris.arff")) #'user/ds
user> ds
#<Instances @relation iris
REPL>; Saving data in a different format @attribute sepallength numeric
REPL>(save-instances :csv "file:///Users/antonio.garrote/Desktop/iris.csv" ds) @attribute sepalwidth numeric
@attribute petallength numeric
@attribute petalwidth numeric
@attribute class {Iris-setosa,Iris-versicolor,Iris-virginica}
user> (def ds (load-instances :arff "http://repository.seasr.org/Datasets/UCI/arff/iris.arff"))
user> (save-instances :csv "iris.csv" ds)
user> (println (slurp "iris.csv"))
user> (def ds (load-instances :csv "file:///home/josh/git/clj-ml/iris.csv"))
user> ds
#<Instances @relation stream
@attribute sepallength numeric
@attribute sepalwidth numeric
@attribute petallength numeric
@attribute petalwidth numeric
@attribute class {Iris-setosa,Iris-versicolor,Iris-virginica}
### Working with datasets ### Working with datasets
REPL>(use 'clj-ml.data) ```clojure
user> (use 'clj-ml.data)
REPL>; Defining a dataset user> (def ds (make-dataset"my-name" [:length :width {:style nil} {:kind [:good :bad]}]
REPL>(def ds (make-dataset "name" [:length :width {:kind [:good :bad]}] [ [12 34 :good] [24 53 :bad] ])) [[12 24 "longish" :good]
REPL>ds [8 5 "shortish" :bad]]))
user> ds
#<ClojureInstances @relation my-name
#<ClojureInstances @relation name @attribute length numeric
@attribute width numeric
@attribute style string
@attribute kind {good,bad}
@attribute length numeric @data
@attribute width numeric 12,24,longish,good
@attribute kind {good,bad} 8,5,shortish,bad>
@data user> (dataset-seq ds)
12,34,good (#<Instance 12,24,longish,good> #<Instance 8,5,shortish,bad>)
REPL>; Using datasets like sequences user> (map instance-to-map (dataset-seq ds))
REPL>(dataset-seq ds) ({:kind :good, :style "longish", :width 24.0, :length 12.0}
{:kind :bad, :style "shortish", :width 5.0, :length 8.0})
(#<Instance 12,34,good> #<Instance 24,53,bad>) user> (map instance-to-vector (dataset-seq ds))
([12.0 24.0 "longish" :good] [8.0 5.0 "shortish" :bad])
REPL>; Transforming instances into maps or vectors ```
REPL>(instance-to-map (first (dataset-seq ds)))
{:kind :good, :width 34.0, :length 12.0}
REPL>(instance-to-vector (dataset-at ds 0))
[12.0 34.0 :good]
### Filtering datasets ### Filtering datasets
REPL>(use '(clj-ml filters io)) ```clojure
user> (use 'clj-ml.filters 'clj-ml.io)
REPL>(def ds (load-instances :arff "file:///Applications/weka-3-6-2/data/iris.arff")) user> (def ds (load-instances :csv "file:///home/josh/git/clj-ml/iris.csv"))
REPL>; Discretizing a numeric attribute using an unsupervised filter user> (def discretize (make-filter :unsupervised-discretize
REPL>(def discretize (make-filter :unsupervised-discretize {:dataset-format ds :attributes [:sepallength :petallength]})) {:dataset-format ds
:attributes [:sepallength :petallength]}))
user> (def filtered-ds (filter-apply discretize ds))
REPL>(def filtered-ds (filter-apply discretize ds)) user> (map instance-to-map (dataset-seq filtered-ds))
({:class :Iris-setosa, :petalwidth 0.2, :petallength :'(-inf-1.59]',
:sepalwidth 3.5, :sepallength :'(5.02-5.38]'}
{:class :Iris-setosa, :petalwidth 0.2, :petallength :'(-inf-1.59]',
:sepalwidth 3.0, :sepallength :'(4.66-5.02]'}
{:class :Iris-setosa, :petalwidth 0.2, :petallength :'(-inf-1.59]',
:sepalwidth 3.2, :sepallength :'(4.66-5.02]'}
{:class :Iris-setosa, :petalwidth 0.2, :petallength :'(-inf-1.59]',
:sepalwidth 3.1, :sepallength :'(-inf-4.66]'}
{:class :Iris-setosa, :petalwidth 0.2, :petallength :'(-inf-1.59]',
:sepalwidth 3.6, :sepallength :'(4.66-5.02]'}
...) ;; the petallength and sepallength attributes are now nominal
REPL>; You can also use the filter's fn directly which will create and apply the filter: Equivalently,
REPL>(def filtered-ds (unsupervised-discretize ds {:attributes [:sepallength :petallength]}))
REPL>; The above way lends itself to the -> macro and is useful when using multiple filters.
REPL>; The eqivalent operation can be done with the ->> macro and make-apply-filter fn: user> (def filtered-ds (->> "file:///home/josh/git/clj-ml/iris.csv"
REPL>(def filtered-ds (->> "file:///home/kiran/Downloads/weka/weka-3-6-9/data/iris.arff" (load-instances :csv)
(load-instances :arff) (make-apply-filter :unsupervised-discretize
(make-apply-filter :unsupervised-discretize {:attributes [0 2]}))) {:attributes [:sepallength :petallength]})))
### Using classifiers ### Using classifiers
REPL>(use 'clj-ml.classifiers) ```clojure
user> (use 'clj-ml.classifiers 'clj-ml.data 'clj-ml.utils)
REPL>; Building a classifier using a C4.5 decission tree user> (def ds (-> (load-instances :arff "file:///home/josh/git/clj-ml/iris.arff")
REPL>(def classifier (make-classifier :decision-tree :c45)) (dataset-set-class :class)))
REPL>; We set the class attribute for the loaded dataset user> (def classifier (-> (make-classifier :decision-tree :c45)
REPL>(dataset-set-class ds 4) (classifier-train ds)))
REPL>; Training the classifier user> (def instance (-> (first (dataset-seq ds))
REPL>(classifier-train classifier ds) (instance-set-class-missing)))
#<J48 J48 pruned tree user> (classifier-classify classifier instance)
------------------ :Iris-setosa
petalwidth <= 0.6: Iris-setosa (50.0) Evaluation:
petalwidth > 0.6
| petalwidth <= 1.7
| | petallength <= 4.9: Iris-versicolor (48.0/1.0)
| | petallength > 4.9
| | | petalwidth <= 1.5: Iris-virginica (3.0)
| | | petalwidth > 1.5: Iris-versicolor (3.0/1.0)
| petalwidth > 1.7: Iris-virginica (46.0/1.0)
Number of Leaves : 5 ```clojure
user> (def evaluation (classifier-evaluate classifier :cross-validation ds 10))
Size of the tree : 9 user> (clojure.pprint/pprint (dissoc evaluation :summary :confusion-matrix))
{:incorrect 7.0,
:root-relative-squared-error 36.693518966642074,
:sf-entropy-gain -4076.3670930399717,
{:Iris-setosa 0.9795918367346939,
:Iris-versicolor 0.94,
:Iris-virginica 0.94},
:kb-information 217.7935138195151,
:kb-relative-information 13741.240800360849,
{:Iris-setosa 0.0,
:Iris-versicolor 0.04040404040404041,
:Iris-virginica 0.030303030303030304},
:percentage-correct 95.30201342281879,
{:Iris-setosa 0.984845423317842,
:Iris-versicolor 0.9456,
:Iris-virginica 0.9496},
:kb-mean-information 1.4617014350303028,
:percentage-unclassified 0.0,
:percentage-incorrect 4.697986577181208,
:root-mean-squared-error 0.17297908222448935,
:unclassified 0.0,
{:nan "Can't compute correlation coefficient: class is nominal!"},
:correct 142.0,
:sf-mean-entropy-gain -27.358168409664238,
:mean-absolute-error 0.04083212821368881,
:relative-absolute-error 9.187228848079984,
:error-rate 0.04697986577181208,
:kappa 0.9295222650179066,
{:Iris-setosa 0.9896907216494846,
:Iris-versicolor 0.9306930693069307,
:Iris-virginica 0.94},
{:Iris-setosa 0.02040816326530612,
:Iris-versicolor 0.06,
:Iris-virginica 0.06},
:evaluation-object #<Evaluation weka.classifiers.Evaluation@6a7272ca>,
:average-cost 0.0,
{:Iris-setosa 1.0,
:Iris-versicolor 0.9215686274509803,
:Iris-virginica 0.94}}
user> (println (:summary evaluation))
REPL>; We evaluate the classifier using a test dataset Correctly Classified Instances 142 95.302 %
REPL>; last parameter should be a different test dataset, here we are using the same Incorrectly Classified Instances 7 4.698 %
REPL>(def evaluation (classifier-evaluate classifier :dataset ds ds)) Kappa statistic 0.9295
Mean absolute error 0.0408
Root mean squared error 0.173
Relative absolute error 9.1872 %
Root relative squared error 36.6935 %
Total Number of Instances 149
Ignored Class Unknown Instances 1
=== Confusion Matrix === nil
user> (println (:confusion-matrix evaluation))
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b c <-- classified as a b c <-- classified as
50 0 0 | a = Iris-setosa 48 1 0 | a = Iris-setosa
0 49 1 | b = Iris-versicolor
0 2 48 | c = Iris-virginica
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances 147 98 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 3 2 %
Kappa statistic 0.97
Mean absolute error 0.0233
Root mean squared error 0.108
Relative absolute error 5.2482 %
Root relative squared error 22.9089 %
Total Number of Instances 150
REPL>(:kappa evaluation)
REPL>(:root-mean-squared-error e)
REPL>(:precision e)
{:Iris-setosa 1.0, :Iris-versicolor 0.9607843137254902, :Iris-virginica
REPL>; The classifier can also be evaluated using cross-validation
REPL>(classifier-evaluate classifier :cross-validation ds 10)
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b c <-- classified as
49 1 0 | a = Iris-setosa
0 47 3 | b = Iris-versicolor 0 47 3 | b = Iris-versicolor
0 4 46 | c = Iris-virginica 0 3 47 | c = Iris-virginica
=== Summary === nil
Saving and restoring (trained) classifiers:
Correctly Classified Instances 142 94.6667 % ```clojure
Incorrectly Classified Instances 8 5.3333 %
Kappa statistic 0.92
Mean absolute error 0.0452
Root mean squared error 0.1892
Relative absolute error 10.1707 %
Root relative squared error 40.1278 %
Total Number of Instances 150
REPL>; A trained classifier can be used to classify new instances user> (serialize-to-file classifier "my-classifier.bin")
REPL>(def to-classify (make-instance ds "my-classifier.bin"
{:class :Iris-versicolor,
:petalwidth 0.2,
:petallength 1.4,
:sepalwidth 3.5,
:sepallength 5.1}))
REPL>(classifier-classify classifier to-classify)
0.0 user> (def classifier2 (deserialize-from-file "my-classifier.bin"))
REPL>(classifier-label classifier to-classify) user> (classifier-classify classifier2 instance)
#<Instance 5.1,3.5,1.4,0.2,Iris-setosa> Text document handling:
user> (def docs [{:title "Document title 1"
:fulltext "This is the fulltext..."
:terms {"Topic" ["Sports"]}}
{:title "Another document title"
:fulltext "Some more \"fulltext\"; rabbit artificial machine bananas"
:terms {"Topic" ["Politics" "Food"]}}])
REPL>; The classifiers can be saved and restored later user> (docs-to-dataset docs "Topic" "Sports" 1 "/tmp" :stemmer true :lowercase false)
REPL>(use 'clj-ml.utils) #<Instances @relation 'docs-weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.StringToWordVector...'
REPL>(serialize-to-file classifier "/Users/antonio.garrote/Desktop/classifier.bin") @attribute class {no,yes}
@attribute title-1 numeric
@attribute title-Another numeric
@attribute title-Document numeric
@attribute title-document numeric
@attribute title-titl numeric
@attribute fulltext-Some numeric
@attribute fulltext-This numeric
@attribute fulltext-artifici numeric
@attribute fulltext-banana numeric
@attribute fulltext-fulltext numeric
@attribute fulltext-is numeric
@attribute fulltext-machin numeric
@attribute fulltext-more numeric
@attribute fulltext-rabbit numeric
@attribute fulltext-the numeric
{0 yes,1 0.480453,3 0.480453,7 0.480453,11 0.480453,15 0.480453}
{2 0.480453,4 0.480453,6 0.480453,8 0.480453,9 0.480453,12 0.480453,13 0.480453,14 0.480453}>
Words appearing in the dataset will only be those appearing in the
documents (or a subset; by default, the most common 1000 words). This
presents a problem when new documents are loaded and used in a
classifier trained on other documents. The classifier will not know
how to handle word attributes that are not present in the training
The `docs-to-dataset` function provides the ability to save the
training documents dataset and "filter" the testing documents through
this dataset to ensure the same word attributes are extracted for both
sets. The following example shows that the words "foo, bar, baz, quux"
are ignored in the new (testing) documents, and all the original
attributes in the training dataset are retained.
user> (docs-to-dataset docs "Topic" "Sports" 1 "/tmp"
:stemmer true :lowercase false :training true)
#<Instances @relation 'docs-weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.StringToWordVector...'
@attribute class {no,yes}
@attribute title-1 numeric
@attribute title-Another numeric
@attribute title-Document numeric
@attribute title-document numeric
@attribute title-titl numeric
@attribute fulltext-Some numeric
@attribute fulltext-This numeric
@attribute fulltext-artifici numeric
@attribute fulltext-banana numeric
@attribute fulltext-fulltext numeric
@attribute fulltext-is numeric
@attribute fulltext-machin numeric
@attribute fulltext-more numeric
@attribute fulltext-rabbit numeric
@attribute fulltext-the numeric
{2 0.480453,4 0.480453,6 0.480453,8 0.480453,9 0.480453,12 0.480453,13 0.480453,14 0.480453}
{0 yes,1 0.480453,3 0.480453,7 0.480453,11 0.480453,15 0.480453}>
user> (def docs2 [{:title "Document title 1 foo bar"
:fulltext "baz rabbit quux"
:terms {"Topic" ["Sports"]}}])
user> (docs-to-dataset docs2 "Topic" "Sports" 1 "/tmp"
:stemmer true :lowercase false :testing true)
#<Instances @relation 'docs-weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.StringToWordVector...'
@attribute class {no,yes}
@attribute title-1 numeric
@attribute title-Another numeric
@attribute title-Document numeric
@attribute title-document numeric
@attribute title-titl numeric
@attribute fulltext-Some numeric
@attribute fulltext-This numeric
@attribute fulltext-artifici numeric
@attribute fulltext-banana numeric
@attribute fulltext-fulltext numeric
@attribute fulltext-is numeric
@attribute fulltext-machin numeric
@attribute fulltext-more numeric
@attribute fulltext-rabbit numeric
@attribute fulltext-the numeric
{0 yes,1 0.480453,3 0.480453,14 0.480453}>
### Using clusterers ### Using clusterers
REPL>(use 'clj-ml.clusterers) ```clojure
user> (use 'clj-ml.clusterers)
REPL> ; we build a clusterer using k-means and three clusters user> (def ds (-> (load-instances :arff "file:///home/josh/git/clj-ml/iris.arff")
REPL> (def kmeans (make-clusterer :k-means {:number-clusters 3})) (dataset-remove-attribute-at 4)))
user> ds
#<Instances @relation iris
REPL> ; we need to remove the class from the dataset to @attribute sepallength numeric
REPL> ; use this clustering algorithm @attribute sepalwidth numeric
REPL> (dataset-remove-class ds) @attribute petallength numeric
@attribute petalwidth numeric
REPL> ; we build the clusters @data
REPL> (clusterer-build kmeans ds) 5.1,3.5,1.4,0.2
REPL> kmeans 4.9,3,1.4,0.2
#<SimpleKMeans user> (def clusterer (make-clusterer :k-means {:number-clusters 3}))
kMeans #'user/clusterer
Number of iterations: 3 user> (clusterer-build clusterer ds)
Within cluster sum of squared errors: 7.817456892309574 nil
Missing values globally replaced with mean/mode
Cluster centroids: user> clusterer
Number of iterations: 6
Within cluster sum of squared errors: 6.998114004826762
Missing values globally replaced with mean/mode
Cluster centroids:
Cluster# Cluster#
Attribute Full Data 0 1 2 Attribute Full Data 0 1 2
(150) (50) (50) (50) (150) (61) (50) (39)
================================================================================== =========================================================
sepallength 5.8433 5.936 5.006 6.588 sepallength 5.8433 5.8885 5.006 6.8462
sepalwidth 3.054 2.77 3.418 2.974 sepalwidth 3.054 2.7377 3.418 3.0821
petallength 3.7587 4.26 1.464 5.552 petallength 3.7587 4.3967 1.464 5.7026
petalwidth 1.1987 1.326 0.244 2.026 petalwidth 1.1987 1.418 0.244 2.0795
class Iris-setosa Iris-versicolor Iris-setosa Iris-virginica
## Thanks YourKit! ## Thanks YourKit!