extracts Weka Options helpers into own ns due to circ dep issue

This commit is contained in:
Ben Mabey 2011-08-29 16:50:06 -06:00
parent ed02bdd643
commit 6f5c100d95
8 changed files with 76 additions and 59 deletions

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(defproject com.leadtune/clj-ml "0.1.2"
(defproject com.leadtune/clj-ml "0.1.3-SNAPSHOT"
:description "Machine Learning library for Clojure built around Weka and friends"
:repositories {"leadtune-repo" "http://c0026236.cdn1.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/repo"}
:java-source-path "src/java"
@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
[incanter/incanter-charts "1.2.3"]
[lt/weka "3.6.3"]
[hr.irb/fastRandomForest "0.98"]]
:dev-dependencies [[autodoc "0.7.0"
:dev-dependencies [[midje "1.3-alpha1"]
[autodoc "0.7.0"
:exclusions [org.clojure/clojure org.clojure/clojure-contrib
ant/ant ant/ant-launcher]] ;; older ant breaks newer lein
[lein-javac "1.2.1-SNAPSHOT"

View file

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
(serialize-to-file *classifier*
(:use [clj-ml utils data kernel-functions])
(:use [clj-ml utils data kernel-functions options-utils])
(:import (java.util Date Random)
(hr.irb.fastRandomForest FastRandomForest)
(weka.core Instance Instances)

View file

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
having the full data set in main memory. Functions for evaluating the clusterer
as well as for clustering new instances are also supported
(:use [clj-ml utils data distance-functions])
(:use [clj-ml utils data distance-functions options-utils])
(:import (java.util Date Random)
(weka.clusterers ClusterEvaluation SimpleKMeans Cobweb EM)))

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
classifiers and clusterers like K-Means.
Euclidean, Manhattan and Chebysev distance functions are supported."
(:use [clj-ml utils data])
(:use [clj-ml utils data options-utils])
(:import (weka.core EuclideanDistance ManhattanDistance ChebyshevDistance)))

View file

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
The previous sample of code could be rewritten with the make-apply-filter function:
(def filtered-ds (make-apply-filter :remove-attributes {:attributes [:a :c]} ds))"
(:use [clj-ml data utils]
(:use [clj-ml data utils options-utils]
[clojure.contrib [def :only [defvar defvar-]]])
(:require [clojure.contrib [string :as str]])
(:import (weka.filters Filter)
@ -51,13 +51,6 @@
"Creates the right parameters for a filter. Returns a clojure vector."
(fn [kind map] kind))
(defn- extract-attributes
"Transforms the :attributes value from m into the appropriate weka flag"
["-R" (str/join ","
(for [attr (:attributes m)]
(inc (dataset-index-attr (:dataset-format m) attr))))])
(declare make-apply-filter)
;TODO: consider passing in the make-filter-options body here as well in additon to the docstring.
(defmacro deffilter

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"Kernel functions that can be passed as parameters to support vector machines classifiers.
Polynomic, radial basis and string kernels are supported"
(:use [clj-ml utils data])
(:use [clj-ml utils data options-utils])
(:import (weka.classifiers.functions.supportVector PolyKernel RBFKernel StringKernel)))
(defmulti make-kernel-function-options

View file

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
;; Utilities for converting clojure hash maps into Weka string options
;; @author Ben Mabey
(ns #^{:author "Ben Mabey <ben@benmabey.com>"
:skip-wiki true}
(:use [clj-ml data])
(:require [clojure.contrib [string :as str]]))
;; Manipulation of array of options
(defn check-option [opts val flag map]
"Sets an option for a filter"
(let [val-in-map (get map val)]
(if (nil? val-in-map)
(conj opts flag))))
(defn check-option-value [opts val flag map]
"Sets an option with value for a filter"
(let [val-in-map (get map val)]
(if (nil? val-in-map)
(conj (conj opts flag) (str val-in-map)))))
(defn extract-attributes
"Transforms the :attributes value from m into the appropriate weka flag"
([m] (extract-attributes "-R" m))
([flag m] (extract-attributes flag :attributes m))
([flag key-name m]
(if-let [attributes (key-name m)]
[flag (str/join ","
(for [attr attributes]
(inc (dataset-index-attr (:dataset-format m) attr))))]
; TODO: Raise a helpful exception when the keys don't match up with the provided flags.
(defn check-options
"Checks the presence of a set of options for a filter"
([args-map opts-map] (check-options args-map opts-map []))
( [args-map opts-map tmp]
(loop [rem (keys opts-map)
acum tmp]
(if (empty? rem)
(let [k (first rem)
vk (get opts-map k)
rst (rest rem)]
(recur rst
(check-option acum k vk args-map)))))))
(defn check-option-values
"Checks the presence of a set of options with value for a filter"
([args-map opts-map] (check-option-values args-map opts-map []))
([args-map opts-map val]
(loop [rem (keys opts-map)
acum val]
(if (empty? rem)
(let [k (first rem)
vk (get opts-map k)
rst (rest rem)]
(recur rst
(check-option-value acum k vk args-map)))))))

View file

@ -67,51 +67,6 @@
(catch NoSuchAlgorithmException e
(throw (new RuntimeException e))))))
;; Manipulation of array of options
(defn check-option [opts val flag map]
"Sets an option for a filter"
(let [val-in-map (get map val)]
(if (nil? val-in-map)
(conj opts flag))))
(defn check-option-value [opts val flag map]
"Sets an option with value for a filter"
(let [val-in-map (get map val)]
(if (nil? val-in-map)
(conj (conj opts flag) (str val-in-map)))))
; TODO: Raise a helpful exception when the keys don't match up with the provided flags.
(defn check-options
"Checks the presence of a set of options for a filter"
([args-map opts-map] (check-options args-map opts-map []))
( [args-map opts-map tmp]
(loop [rem (keys opts-map)
acum tmp]
(if (empty? rem)
(let [k (first rem)
vk (get opts-map k)
rst (rest rem)]
(recur rst
(check-option acum k vk args-map)))))))
(defn check-option-values
"Checks the presence of a set of options with value for a filter"
([args-map opts-map] (check-option-values args-map opts-map []))
([args-map opts-map val]
(loop [rem (keys opts-map)
acum val]
(if (empty? rem)
(let [k (first rem)
vk (get opts-map k)
rst (rest rem)]
(recur rst
(check-option-value acum k vk args-map)))))))
;; Serializing classifiers
(defn serialize