Added function to support translating text documents (with title, fulltext, and terms) into wordvec datasets for binary classification.

Bumped to version 0.3.10.
This commit is contained in:
Joshua Eckroth 2013-07-04 08:53:30 -04:00
parent 123cd1713c
commit 6f03716d0a
2 changed files with 71 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(defproject cc.artifice/clj-ml "0.3.9"
(defproject cc.artifice/clj-ml "0.3.10"
:description "Machine Learning library for Clojure built around Weka and friends"
:java-source-paths ["src/java"]
:license {:name "MIT License"
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
[incanter/incanter-charts "1.4.1"]
[ "3.6.9"]
[ "3.1"]
[org.jsoup/jsoup "1.7.2"]
[org.apache.lucene/lucene-analyzers-common "4.3.0"]
[org.clojars.chapmanb/fast-random-forest "0.98"]]
:profiles {:dev

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@ -11,7 +11,12 @@
the instances. Finally data sets can be transformed into Clojure sequences
that can be transformed using usual Clojure functions like map, reduce, etc."
(:use [clj-ml utils])
(:use [ :only [load-instances save-instances]])
(:require [clj-ml.filters :as filters])
(:require [clojure.string :as str])
(:require [clojure.set :as set])
(:use [ :only [file]])
(:import [org.jsoup Jsoup])
(:import (weka.core Instance Instances FastVector Attribute)
(cljml ClojureInstances)))
@ -493,3 +498,67 @@ split immediately you can use do-split-dataset."
"Returns a subset of the given dataset containing the first 'num' instances."
[ds num]
(filters/remove-range ds {:range (str "first-" num) :invert true}))
;; text-document datasets
(defn dataset-filename
[datadir vocab-id term-id tag]
(format "%s/instances/%s-%d-%s.arff" datadir vocab-id term-id (name tag)))
(defn docs-to-dataset
[docs vocab-id vocab-name term-id term-name keep-n datadir & opts]
(let [parsed-opts (apply hash-map opts)
docs-with-term (filter (fn [doc] (some #(= term-name %)
(get-in doc [:terms vocab-name])))
docs-without-term (let [dwt (set/difference (set docs) (set docs-with-term))]
(if (:resample parsed-opts)
(take (count docs-with-term) dwt)
docs-keep-n (if keep-n (concat (take (/ keep-n 2) docs-with-term)
(take (/ keep-n 2) docs-without-term))
(concat docs-with-term docs-without-term))
ds (make-dataset
:docs [{:class [:no :yes]} {:title nil} {:fulltext nil}]
(for [doc docs-keep-n]
(let [fulltext (str/replace (.text (Jsoup/parse (or (:fulltext doc) (:extracted doc) "")))
#"\s+" " ")
fulltext-sub (subs fulltext 0 (min (count fulltext) 10000))
title (:title doc "")
has-tid? (some #(= term-name %) (get-in doc [:terms vocab-name]))]
[(if has-tid? :yes :no) title fulltext-sub])))
ds-title (let [f (filters/make-filter
{:dataset-format ds
:attributes [1]
:lowercase (:lowercase parsed-opts true)
:prefix "title-" :words-to-keep (:words-to-keep parsed-opts 1000)
:transform-tf (:transform-tf parsed-opts true)
:transform-idf (:transform-idf parsed-opts true)
:stemmer (if (:stemmer parsed-opts false)
"weka.core.stemmers.SnowballStemmer -S English")})]
;; if testing, initialize the filter with the training instances
(when (:testing parsed-opts)
(filters/filter-apply f (load-instances :arff (file (dataset-filename datadir vocab-id term-id :orig)))))
(filters/filter-apply f ds))
ds-title-fulltext (let [f (filters/make-filter
{:dataset-format ds-title
:attributes [1]
:lowercase (:lowercase parsed-opts true)
:prefix "fulltext-" :words-to-keep (:words-to-keep parsed-opts 1000)
:transform-tf (:transform-tf parsed-opts true)
:transform-idf (:transform-idf parsed-opts true)
:stemmer (if (:stemmer parsed-opts false)
"weka.core.stemmers.SnowballStemmer -S English")})]
;; if testing, initialize the filter with the training instances
(when (:testing parsed-opts)
(filters/filter-apply f (load-instances :arff (file (dataset-filename datadir vocab-id term-id :title)))))
(filters/filter-apply f ds-title))
ds-class (dataset-set-class ds-title-fulltext 0)]
;; if training, save unfiltered instances to re-initialize filter later
(when (:training parsed-opts)
(save-instances :arff (file (dataset-filename datadir vocab-id term-id :orig)) ds)
(save-instances :arff (file (dataset-filename datadir vocab-id term-id :title)) ds-title))