add str->jwt

This commit is contained in:
liquidz 2013-04-29 23:46:25 +09:00
parent 3a11c2cff5
commit b6c6a2403d
2 changed files with 31 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
(ns jwt.core
[jwt.base64 :refer [url-safe-encode]]
[jwt.base64 :refer [url-safe-encode url-safe-decode]]
[jwt.sign :refer [get-signature-fn]]
[clj-time.coerce :refer [to-long]]
[ :as json]))
[ :as json]
[clojure.string :as str]))
(def ^:private make-encoded-json (comp url-safe-encode json/write-str))
(def ^:private map->encoded-json (comp url-safe-encode json/write-str))
(def ^:private encoded-json->map (comp #(json/read-str % :key-fn keyword) url-safe-decode))
(defn- update-map [m k f] (if (contains? m k) (update-in m [k] f) m))
(defn- joda-time? [x] (= org.joda.time.DateTime (type x)))
(defn- to-intdate [d] {:pre [(joda-time? d)]} (int (/ (to-long d) 1000)))
@ -26,13 +28,14 @@
(extend-protocol JsonWebToken
(init [this claims]
(assoc this :header {:alg "none" :typ "JWT"} :claims claims :signature ""))
(let [claims (reduce #(update-map % %2 to-intdate) claims [:exp :nbf :iot])]
(assoc this :header {:alg "none" :typ "JWT"} :claims claims :signature "")))
(encoded-header [this]
(-> this :header make-encoded-json))
(-> this :header map->encoded-json))
(encoded-claims [this]
(-> this :claims make-encoded-json))
(-> this :claims map->encoded-json))
(to-str [this]
(str (encoded-header this) "." (encoded-claims this) "." (get this :signature ""))))
@ -61,8 +64,11 @@
; =jwt
(defn jwt [claim]
(init (->JWT "" "" "")
(reduce #(update-map % %2 to-intdate) claim [:exp :nbf :iot])))
(defn jwt [claim] (init (->JWT "" "" "") claim))
(defn str->jwt [jwt-string]
(let [[header claims signature] (str/split jwt-string #"\.")]
(->JWT (encoded-json->map header)
(encoded-json->map claims)
(if signature signature ""))))

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@ -61,3 +61,19 @@
(fact "'nbf' claim should be converted as IntDate."
(-> token :claims :nbf) => 946782245)))
(facts "str->jwt"
(let [claim {:iss "foo"}
before (jwt claim)
after (-> before to-str str->jwt)]
(fact "plain jwt"
(:header before) => (:header after)
(:claims before) => (:claims after)
(:signature before) => (:signature after)))
(let [claim {:iss "foo"}
before (-> claim jwt (sign "foo"))
after (-> before to-str str->jwt)]
(fact "signed jwt"
(:header before) => (:header after)
(:claims before) => (:claims after)
(:signature before) => (:signature after))))