see #13 add optional paramter that specifies algorithm to verify function

This commit is contained in:
liquidz 2015-04-02 07:38:32 +09:00
parent eb9a202a1d
commit 63f80fb453
2 changed files with 46 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
"Protocol for JonWebSignature"
(set-alg [this alg] "Set algorithm name to JWS Header Parameter")
(sign [this key] [this alg key] "Set signature to this token")
(verify [this] [this key] "Verify this token"))
(verify [this] [this key] [this algorithm key] "Verify this token"))
(extend-protocol JsonWebSignature
@ -76,7 +76,11 @@
data (str (encoded-header this) "." (encoded-claims this))]
(verify-fn key data (:signature this)))
:else (throw (Exception. "Unkown signature")))))))
:else (throw (Exception. "Unkown signature")))))
([this algorithm key]
(if (= algorithm (-> this :header :alg keyword))
(verify this key)
; =jwt
(defn jwt [claim] (init (->JWT "" "" "") claim))

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
(ns clj-jwt.attack-test
[clj-jwt.core :refer :all]
[clj-jwt.sign :refer :all]
[clj-jwt.key :refer [private-key public-key]]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test :refer :all]))
(def pub-key-path "test/files/rsa/")
(def rsa-prv-key (private-key "test/files/rsa/no_pass.key"))
(def rsa-pub-key (public-key pub-key-path))
(deftest test-algorithm->none-attack
(let [key "secret"
original (-> {:foo "bar"} jwt (sign :HS256 key))
attacked (update-in original [:header :alg] (constantly "none"))]
(testing "attack"
(is (verify original key))
(is (not (verify attacked key))))
(testing "defense"
(is (verify original :HS256 key))
(is (not (verify original :RS256 key)))
(is (not (verify attacked :HS256 key))))))
(deftest test-rsa->hmac-attack
(let [base (jwt {:foo "bar"})
original (sign base :RS256 rsa-prv-key)
hmac-sign (-> base (sign :HS256 (str/trim (slurp pub-key-path))) :signature)
attacked (-> original
(update-in [:header :alg] (constantly "HS256"))
(update-in [:signature] (constantly hmac-sign)))]
(testing "attack"
(is (verify original rsa-pub-key))
(is (thrown? Exception (verify attacked rsa-pub-key))))
(testing "defense"
(is (verify original :RS256 rsa-pub-key))
(is (not (verify original :HS256 rsa-pub-key)))
(is (not (verify attacked :RS256 rsa-pub-key))))))