Ruth Linehan da4d59fb7d (TK-316) Remove second arity of get-client-metrics* functions
Previously, all the get-client-metrics* functions had two arities - one with a
metric type and one without. This commit removes the arity with a metric type
from all these functions since currently we only have one metric type and
since we aren't entirely certain of what we want the API to be when we add
additional metric types. When we add more metric types, we will change the API
in a backward compatible way.
2016-05-04 10:38:41 -07:00

249 lines
15 KiB

(ns com.puppetlabs.http.client.impl.metrics-unit-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[puppetlabs.http.client.metrics :as metrics]
[schema.test :as schema-test])
(:import (com.codahale.metrics MetricRegistry)
(com.puppetlabs.http.client.impl Metrics)
(org.apache.http.message BasicHttpRequest)))
(use-fixtures :once schema-test/validate-schemas)
(defn add-metric-ns [string]
(str "puppetlabs.http-client.experimental." string))
(deftest start-full-response-timers-test
(testing "startFullResponseTimers creates the right timers"
(let [url-id (add-metric-ns "with-url.http://localhost/foo.full-response")
url-method-id (add-metric-ns "with-url-and-method.http://localhost/foo.GET.full-response")]
(testing "metric id timers are not created for a request without a metric id"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(Metrics/startFullResponseTimers metric-registry
(BasicHttpRequest. "GET" "http://localhost/foo")
(is (= (set (list url-id url-method-id)) (set (keys (.getTimers metric-registry)))))))
(testing "metric id timers are not created for a request with an empty metric id"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(Metrics/startFullResponseTimers metric-registry
(BasicHttpRequest. "GET" "http://localhost/foo")
(into-array String []))
(is (= (set (list url-id url-method-id)) (set (keys (.getTimers metric-registry)))))))
(testing "metric id timers are created correctly for a request with a metric id"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(Metrics/startFullResponseTimers metric-registry
(BasicHttpRequest. "GET" "http://localhost/foo")
(into-array ["foo" "bar" "baz"]))
(is (= (set (list url-id url-method-id
(add-metric-ns "")
(add-metric-ns "")
(add-metric-ns "")))
(set (keys (.getTimers metric-registry)))))))
(testing "url timers should strip off username, password, query string, and fragment"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(BasicHttpRequest. "GET" "http://user:pwd@localhost:1234/foo%2cbar/baz?te%2cst=one")
(BasicHttpRequest. "GET" "http://user:pwd@localhost:1234/foo%2cbar/baz#x%2cyz")
"GET" "http://user:pwd@localhost:1234/foo%2cbar/baz?te%2cst=one#x%2cyz")
"GET" "http://user:pwd@localhost:1234/foo%2cbar/baz?#x%2cyz")
(is (= (set (list
(set (keys (.getTimers metric-registry))))))))))
(defn start-and-stop-timers! [registry req id]
(doseq [timer (Metrics/startFullResponseTimers
(.stop timer)))
(deftest get-client-metrics-data-test
(let [registry (MetricRegistry.)
url ""
url2 ""]
(start-and-stop-timers! registry (BasicHttpRequest. "GET" url) nil)
(start-and-stop-timers! registry (BasicHttpRequest. "POST" url) nil)
(start-and-stop-timers! registry (BasicHttpRequest. "POST" url) (into-array ["foo" "bar"]))
(start-and-stop-timers! registry (BasicHttpRequest. "GET" url2) (into-array ["foo" "abc"]))
(testing "getClientMetrics without args returns all timers organized by category"
(is (= (set ["url" "url-and-method" "metric-id"])
(set (keys (Metrics/getClientMetrics registry)))
(set (keys (Metrics/getClientMetricsData registry)))))
(is (= (set [:url :url-and-method :metric-id])
(set (keys (metrics/get-client-metrics registry)))
(set (keys (metrics/get-client-metrics-data registry)))))
(is (= (set
[(add-metric-ns "with-url.")
(add-metric-ns "with-url.")])
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) (get (Metrics/getClientMetrics registry) "url")))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) (:url (metrics/get-client-metrics registry))))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) (get (Metrics/getClientMetricsData registry) "url")))
(set (map :metric-name (:url (metrics/get-client-metrics-data registry))))))
(is (= (set
[(add-metric-ns "with-url-and-method.")
(add-metric-ns "with-url-and-method.")
(add-metric-ns "with-url-and-method.")])
(set (map #(.getMetricName %)
(get (Metrics/getClientMetrics registry) "url-and-method")))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %)
(:url-and-method (metrics/get-client-metrics registry))))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %)
(get (Metrics/getClientMetricsData registry) "url-and-method")))
(set (map :metric-name
(:url-and-method (metrics/get-client-metrics-data registry))))))
(is (= (set [""
(set (map #(.getMetricName %)
(get (Metrics/getClientMetrics registry) "metric-id")))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %)
(:metric-id (metrics/get-client-metrics registry))))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %)
(get (Metrics/getClientMetricsData registry) "metric-id")))
(set (map :metric-name
(:metric-id (metrics/get-client-metrics-data registry)))))))
(testing "getClientMetricsData with url returns the right thing"
(let [java-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByUrl registry url)
clj-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-url registry url)]
(is (= 1 (count java-data) (count clj-data)))
(is (= (add-metric-ns "with-url.")
(.getMetricName (first java-data))
(:metric-name (first clj-data))))
(is (= 3 (.getCount (first java-data))
(:count (first clj-data)))))
(let [java-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByUrl registry url2)
clj-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-url registry url2)]
(is (= 1 (count java-data) (count clj-data)))
(is (= (add-metric-ns "with-url.")
(.getMetricName (first java-data))
(:metric-name (first clj-data))))
(is (= 1 (.getCount (first java-data))
(:count (first clj-data)))))
(testing "getClientMetricsData with url returns nothing if url is not a full match"
(is (= [] (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByUrl registry "")
(metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-url registry "")))))
(testing "getClientMetricsData with url and method returns the right thing"
(let [java-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByUrlAndMethod registry url "GET")
clj-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-url-and-method registry url :get)]
(is (= 1 (count java-data) (count clj-data)))
(is (= (add-metric-ns "with-url-and-method.")
(.getMetricName (first java-data))
(:metric-name (first clj-data))))
(is (= 1 (.getCount (first java-data))
(:count (first clj-data)))))
(let [java-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByUrlAndMethod registry url "POST")
clj-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-url-and-method
registry url :post)]
(is (= 1 (count java-data) (count clj-data)))
(is (= (add-metric-ns "with-url-and-method.")
(.getMetricName (first java-data))
(:metric-name (first clj-data))))
(is (= 2 (.getCount (first java-data))
(:count (first clj-data)))))
(let [java-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByUrlAndMethod registry url2 "GET")
clj-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-url-and-method registry url2 :get)]
(is (= 1 (count java-data) (count clj-data)))
(is (= (add-metric-ns "with-url-and-method.")
(.getMetricName (first java-data))
(:metric-name (first clj-data))))
(is (= 1 (.getCount (first java-data))
(:count (first clj-data)))))
(testing "getClientMetricsData with url and method returns nothing if method is not a match"
(is (= [] (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByUrlAndMethod registry "" "PUT")
(metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-url-and-method registry "" :put)))))
(testing "getClientMetricsData with metric id returns the right thing"
(let [java-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByMetricId registry (into-array ["foo"]))
clj-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-metric-id registry ["foo"])]
(is (= 1 (count java-data) (count clj-data)))
(is (= (add-metric-ns "")
(.getMetricName (first java-data))
(:metric-name (first clj-data))))
(is (= 2 (.getCount (first java-data))
(:count (first clj-data)))))
(let [java-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByMetricId registry (into-array ["foo" "bar"]))
clj-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-metric-id
registry ["foo" "bar"])]
(is (= 1 (count java-data) (count clj-data)))
(is (= (add-metric-ns "")
(.getMetricName (first java-data))
(:metric-name (first clj-data))))
(is (= 1 (.getCount (first java-data))
(:count (first clj-data)))))
(let [java-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByMetricId registry (into-array ["foo" "abc"]))
clj-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-metric-id
registry ["foo" "abc"])]
(is (= 1 (count java-data) (count clj-data)))
(is (= (add-metric-ns "")
(.getMetricName (first java-data))
(:metric-name (first clj-data))))
(is (= 1 (.getCount (first java-data))
(:count (first clj-data))))
(testing "metric id can be specified as keyword or string"
(is (= clj-data
(metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-metric-id registry ["foo" :abc])))))
(testing "getClientMetricsData with metric id returns nothing if id is not a match"
(is (= [] (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByMetricId registry (into-array ["foo" "cat"]))
(metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-metric-id registry ["foo" "cat"]))))
(testing "getClientMetrics|Data returns nil if no metric registry passed in"
(is (= nil (Metrics/getClientMetrics nil) (Metrics/getClientMetricsData nil)))
(is (= nil (metrics/get-client-metrics nil) (metrics/get-client-metrics-data nil))))
(testing (str "getClientMetrics|Data returns map with empty arrays as values"
" if no requests have been made yet")
(is (= {"url" [] "url-and-method" [] "metric-id" []}
(into {} (Metrics/getClientMetrics (MetricRegistry.)))
(into {} (Metrics/getClientMetricsData (MetricRegistry.)))))
(is (= {:url [] :url-and-method [] :metric-id []}
(metrics/get-client-metrics (MetricRegistry.))
(metrics/get-client-metrics-data (MetricRegistry.)))))
(testing "getClientMetrics returns correctly without metric-id on request"
(let [registry (MetricRegistry.)
url ""]
(start-and-stop-timers! registry (BasicHttpRequest. "GET" url) nil)
(let [client-metrics (Metrics/getClientMetrics registry)
client-metrics-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsData registry)]
(is (= (set ["url" "url-and-method" "metric-id"])
(set (keys client-metrics))
(set (keys client-metrics-data))))
(is (= (set [(add-metric-ns
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) (get client-metrics "url")))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) (get client-metrics-data "url")))))
(is (= (set [(add-metric-ns
(set (map #(.getMetricName %)
(get client-metrics "url-and-method")))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %)
(get client-metrics-data "url-and-method")))))
(is (= []
(get client-metrics "metric-id")
(get client-metrics-data "metric-id")))))))))
(deftest empty-metric-id-filter-test
(testing "a metric id filter with an empty array returns all metric id timers"
(let [registry (MetricRegistry.)
url ""
foo-id (add-metric-ns "")
foo-bar-id (add-metric-ns "")
foo-bar-baz-id (add-metric-ns "")]
(start-and-stop-timers! registry (BasicHttpRequest. "GET" url)
(into-array ["foo" "bar" "baz"]))
(testing "empty metric filter returns all metric id timers"
(is (= (set (list foo-id foo-bar-id foo-bar-baz-id))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %)
(Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByMetricId registry (into-array String []))))
(set (map :metric-name
(metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-metric-id registry [])))))))))