2015-04-24 10:05:29 -07:00

37 lines
1.6 KiB

(ns puppetlabs.http.client.async-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[puppetlabs.http.client.async :refer :all])
(:import ( ByteArrayInputStream)))
(defn compute-content-type
[body content-type-value]
(content-type body {:headers {"content-type" content-type-value}})
;; Calling .toString on an instance of org.apache.http.entity.ContentType
;; generates the string that'll actually end up in the header.
(deftest content-type-test
(testing "value of content-type header is computed correctly"
(testing "a byte stream which specifies application/octet-stream"
(let [body (ByteArrayInputStream. (byte-array [(byte 1) (byte 2)]))]
(is (= (compute-content-type body "application/octet-stream")
(testing "the request body is a string"
(testing "when a charset is specified, it is honored"
(let [body "foo"]
(is (= (compute-content-type body "text/plain; charset=US-ASCII")
"text/plain; charset=US-ASCII"))))
(testing "a missing charset yields a content-type that maintains
the given mime-type but adds UTF-8 as the charset"
(let [body "foo"]
(is (= (compute-content-type body "text/html")
"text/html; charset=UTF-8")))))))
(deftest nil-response-body-coerced-as-text
(testing "a nil response body is handled correctly by async/coerce-body-type"
(let [resp {:body nil, :opts {:as :text}}]
(is (= {:body nil, :opts {:as :text}}
(coerce-body-type resp))))))