Chris Price 186b226512 (TK-23) Port to apache HttpAsyncClient
* Ports the code over to use the Apache HttpAsyncClient library
  instead of http-kit, as we were getting some weird and inconsistent
  SSL errors from http-kit, and
* Simplify the API (by eliminating a lot of the supported configuration
  options).  Some of these options we'll eventually want to add back in,
  but for now, getting rid of them makes the API less cluttered and
  also gives us the opportunity to do a better job writing tests
  for new options when we do add support for them.

For now it only supports constructing a new client on every request.
I intend to add API for creating a client explicitly, and a protocol
for how to interact with the client.  This will allow users to
re-use an existing client as they see fit... but this hasn't been
implemented yet.
2014-07-03 08:58:46 -07:00

95 lines
4.4 KiB

(ns puppetlabs.http.client.sync-ssl-test
(:import (com.puppetlabs.http.client SyncHttpClient RequestOptions
( SSLHandshakeException))
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.core :as tk]
[puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.testutils.bootstrap :as testutils]
[puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.testutils.logging :as testlogging]
[ :as jetty9]
[puppetlabs.http.client.sync :as sync]
[schema.test :as schema-test]))
(use-fixtures :once schema-test/validate-schemas)
(defn app
{:status 200
:body "Hello, World!"})
(tk/defservice test-web-service
[[:WebserverService add-ring-handler]]
(init [this context]
(add-ring-handler app "/hello")
(deftest sync-client-test-from-pems
(testutils/with-app-with-config app
[jetty9/jetty9-service test-web-service]
{:webserver {:ssl-host ""
:ssl-port 10080
:ssl-ca-cert "./dev-resources/ssl/ca.pem"
:ssl-cert "./dev-resources/ssl/cert.pem"
:ssl-key "./dev-resources/ssl/key.pem"}}
(testing "java sync client"
(let [options (.. (RequestOptions. "https://localhost:10080/hello/")
(setSslCert "./dev-resources/ssl/cert.pem")
(setSslKey "./dev-resources/ssl/key.pem")
(setSslCaCert "./dev-resources/ssl/ca.pem"))
response (SyncHttpClient/get options)]
(is (= 200 (.getStatus response)))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (.getBody response))))))
(testing "clojure sync client"
(let [response (sync/get "https://localhost:10080/hello/"
{:ssl-cert "./dev-resources/ssl/cert.pem"
:ssl-key "./dev-resources/ssl/key.pem"
:ssl-ca-cert "./dev-resources/ssl/ca.pem"})]
(is (= 200 (:status response)))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (:body response)))))))))
(deftest sync-client-test-from-ca-cert
(testutils/with-app-with-config app
[jetty9/jetty9-service test-web-service]
{:webserver {:ssl-host ""
:ssl-port 10080
:ssl-ca-cert "./dev-resources/ssl/ca.pem"
:ssl-cert "./dev-resources/ssl/cert.pem"
:ssl-key "./dev-resources/ssl/key.pem"
:client-auth "want"}}
(testing "java sync client"
(let [options (.. (RequestOptions. "https://localhost:10080/hello/")
(setSslCaCert "./dev-resources/ssl/ca.pem"))
response (SyncHttpClient/get options)]
(is (= 200 (.getStatus response)))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (.getBody response))))))
(testing "clojure sync client"
(let [response (sync/get "https://localhost:10080/hello/"
{:ssl-ca-cert "./dev-resources/ssl/ca.pem"})]
(is (= 200 (:status response)))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (:body response)))))))))
(deftest sync-client-test-with-invalid-ca-cert
(testutils/with-app-with-config app
[jetty9/jetty9-service test-web-service]
{:webserver {:ssl-host ""
:ssl-port 10081
:ssl-ca-cert "./dev-resources/ssl/ca.pem"
:ssl-cert "./dev-resources/ssl/cert.pem"
:ssl-key "./dev-resources/ssl/key.pem"
:client-auth "want"}}
(testing "java sync client"
(let [options (.. (RequestOptions. "https://localhost:10081/hello/")
(setSslCaCert "./dev-resources/ssl/alternate-ca.pem"))]
(SyncHttpClient/get options)
; fail if we don't get an exception
(is (not true) "expected HttpClientException")
(catch HttpClientException e
(is (instance? SSLHandshakeException (.getCause e)))))))
(testing "clojure sync client"
(is (thrown? SSLHandshakeException
(sync/get "https://localhost:10081/hello/"
{:ssl-ca-cert "./dev-resources/ssl/alternate-ca.pem"})))))))