Ruth Linehan 4f92c1ba55 (TK-402) Allow metric namespace to be configurable
Add two new client options - `server-id` and `metric-prefix` that allow the
metric namespace to be configured rather than always

If `server-id` is set, the metric namespace becomes

If `metric-prefix` is set, the metric namespace becomes

If both are set, `metric-prefix` wins out and a warning message is logged.

Also add a `get-client-metric-namespace`/`getMetricNamespace` method on the
client (clojure and java) to get back the metric namespace.
2016-10-03 12:06:15 -07:00

739 lines
46 KiB

(ns puppetlabs.http.client.metrics-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[puppetlabs.http.client.async-unbuffered-test :as unbuffered-test]
[ :as jetty9]
[puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.testutils.bootstrap :as testutils]
[puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.testutils.logging :as testlogging]
[puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.testutils.webserver :as testwebserver]
[puppetlabs.http.client.async :as async]
[puppetlabs.http.client.sync :as sync]
[puppetlabs.http.client.common :as common]
[puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.core :as tk]
[puppetlabs.http.client.metrics :as metrics]
[schema.test :as schema-test])
(:import (com.puppetlabs.http.client Async RequestOptions
ClientOptions ResponseBodyType Sync)
(com.codahale.metrics MetricRegistry)
( SocketTimeoutException)
(java.util.concurrent TimeoutException)
(com.puppetlabs.http.client.metrics Metrics ClientTimer ClientMetricData)))
(use-fixtures :once schema-test/validate-schemas)
(def metric-namespace "puppetlabs.http-client.experimental")
(tk/defservice test-metric-web-service
[[:WebserverService add-ring-handler]]
(init [this context]
(fn [_] {:status 200 :body "Hello, World!"}) "/hello")
(add-ring-handler (fn [_]
(Thread/sleep 5)
{:status 200 :body "short"}))
(add-ring-handler (fn [_]
(Thread/sleep 100)
{:status 200 :body "long"}))
(def hello-url "http://localhost:10000/hello")
(def short-url "http://localhost:10000/short")
(def long-url "http://localhost:10000/long")
(def short-name (format "%s.with-url.%s.full-response" metric-namespace short-url))
(def short-name-with-get (format "%s.with-url-and-method.%s.GET.full-response"
metric-namespace short-url))
(def short-name-with-post (format "%s.with-url-and-method.%s.POST.full-response"
metric-namespace short-url))
(def long-name (format "%s.with-url.%s.full-response" metric-namespace long-url))
(def long-name-with-method (format "%s.with-url-and-method.%s.GET.full-response"
metric-namespace long-url))
(def long-foo-name
(def long-foo-bar-name
(def long-foo-bar-baz-name
(def hello-name (format "%s.with-url.%s.full-response" metric-namespace hello-url))
(def hello-name-with-method (format "%s.with-url-and-method.%s.GET.full-response"
metric-namespace hello-url))
(deftest metrics-test-java-async
(testing "metrics work with java async client"
[jetty9/jetty9-service test-metric-web-service]
{:webserver {:port 10000}}
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)
hello-request-opts (RequestOptions. hello-url)
short-request-opts (RequestOptions. short-url)
long-request-opts (doto (RequestOptions. long-url)
(.setMetricId (into-array ["foo" "bar" "baz"])))]
(with-open [client (Async/createClient (doto (ClientOptions.)
(.setMetricRegistry metric-registry)))]
(-> client (.get hello-request-opts) (.deref)) ; warm it up
(let [short-response (-> client (.get short-request-opts) (.deref))
long-response (-> client (.get long-request-opts) (.deref))]
(-> client (.post short-request-opts) (.deref))
(is (= 200 (.getStatus short-response)))
(is (= "short" (slurp (.getBody short-response))))
(is (= 200 (.getStatus long-response)))
(is (= "long" (slurp (.getBody long-response))))
(.timer metric-registry "fake")
(let [client-metric-registry (.getMetricRegistry client)
client-metrics (Metrics/getClientMetrics client-metric-registry)
client-metrics-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsData client-metric-registry)
url-metrics (.getUrlTimers client-metrics)
url-and-method-metrics (.getUrlAndMethodTimers client-metrics)
metric-id-metrics (.getMetricIdTimers client-metrics)
url-metrics-data (.getUrlData client-metrics-data)
url-and-method-metrics-data (.getUrlAndMethodData client-metrics-data)
metric-id-metrics-data (.getMetricIdData client-metrics-data)
all-metrics (.getMetrics metric-registry)]
(testing ".getMetricRegistry returns the associated MetricRegistry"
(is (instance? MetricRegistry client-metric-registry)))
(testing "Metrics/getClientMetrics returns only http client metrics"
(is (= 11 (count all-metrics)))
(is (= 10 (+ (count url-metrics)
(count url-and-method-metrics)
(count metric-id-metrics))))
(is (= 10 (+ (count url-metrics-data)
(count url-and-method-metrics-data)
(count metric-id-metrics-data)))))
(testing ".getClientMetrics returns a map of category to array of timers"
(is (= (set (list hello-name short-name long-name))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) url-metrics))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) url-metrics-data))))
(is (= (set (list hello-name-with-method short-name-with-get
short-name-with-post long-name-with-method))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) url-and-method-metrics))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) url-and-method-metrics-data))))
(is (= (set (list long-foo-name long-foo-bar-name long-foo-bar-baz-name))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) metric-id-metrics))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) metric-id-metrics-data))))
(is (every? #(instance? ClientTimer %) url-metrics))
(is (every? #(instance? ClientTimer %) url-and-method-metrics))
(is (every? #(instance? ClientTimer %) metric-id-metrics)))
(testing ".getClientMetricsData returns a map of metric category to arrays of metric data"
(let [short-data (first (filter #(= short-name (.getMetricName %)) url-metrics-data))
short-data-get (first (filter #(= short-name-with-get (.getMetricName %))
short-data-post (first (filter #(= short-name-with-post (.getMetricName %))
long-data (first (filter #(= long-name (.getMetricName %)) url-metrics-data))]
(is (every? #(instance? ClientMetricData %)
(concat url-metrics-data
(is (= short-name (.getMetricName short-data)))
(is (= 2 (.getCount short-data)))
(is (<= 5 (.getMean short-data)))
(is (<= 10 (.getAggregate short-data)))
(is (= short-name-with-get (.getMetricName short-data-get)))
(is (= 1 (.getCount short-data-get)))
(is (<= 5 (.getMean short-data-get)))
(is (<= 5 (.getAggregate short-data-get)))
(is (= short-name-with-post (.getMetricName short-data-post)))
(is (= 1 (.getCount short-data-post)))
(is (<= 5 (.getMean short-data-post)))
(is (<= 5 (.getAggregate short-data-post)))
(is (>= 1 (Math/abs (- (.getAggregate short-data)
(+ (.getAggregate short-data-get)
(.getAggregate short-data-post))))))
(is (= long-name (.getMetricName long-data)))
(is (= 1 (.getCount long-data)))
(is (<= 100 (.getMean long-data)))
(is (<= 100 (.getAggregate long-data)))
(is (> (.getAggregate long-data) (.getAggregate short-data))))))))
(with-open [client (Async/createClient (ClientOptions.))]
(testing ".getMetricRegistry returns nil if no metric registry passed in"
(is (= nil (.getMetricRegistry client))))))))))
(deftest metrics-test-clojure-async
(testing "metrics work with clojure async client"
[jetty9/jetty9-service test-metric-web-service]
{:webserver {:port 10000}}
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(with-open [client (async/create-client
{:metric-registry metric-registry})]
@(common/get client hello-url) ; warm it up
(let [short-response @(common/get client short-url {:as :text :metric-id ["foo" "bar" "baz"]})
long-response @(common/get client long-url)]
@(common/post client short-url)
(is (= {:status 200 :body "short"} (select-keys short-response [:status :body])))
(is (= 200 (:status long-response)))
(is (= "long" (slurp (:body long-response))))
(.timer metric-registry "fake")
(let [client-metric-registry (common/get-client-metric-registry client)
client-metrics (metrics/get-client-metrics client-metric-registry)
client-metrics-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data client-metric-registry)
url-metrics (:url client-metrics)
url-and-method-metrics (:url-and-method client-metrics)
metric-id-metrics (:metric-id client-metrics)
url-metrics-data (:url client-metrics-data)
url-and-method-metrics-data (:url-and-method client-metrics-data)
metric-id-metrics-data (:metric-id client-metrics-data)
all-metrics (.getMetrics metric-registry)]
(testing "get-client-metric-registry returns the associated MetricRegistry"
(is (instance? MetricRegistry client-metric-registry)))
(testing "get-client-metrics and get-client-metrics data return only http client metrics"
(is (= 11 (count all-metrics)))
(is (= 10 (+ (count url-metrics)
(count url-and-method-metrics)
(count metric-id-metrics))))
(is (= 10 (+ (count url-metrics-data)
(count url-and-method-metrics-data)
(count metric-id-metrics-data)))))
(testing "get-client-metrics returns a map of category to array of timers"
(is (= (set (list hello-name short-name long-name))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) url-metrics))
(set (map :metric-name url-metrics-data))))
(is (= (set (list hello-name-with-method short-name-with-get
short-name-with-post long-name-with-method))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) url-and-method-metrics))
(set (map :metric-name url-and-method-metrics-data))))
(is (= (set (list long-foo-name long-foo-bar-name long-foo-bar-baz-name))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) metric-id-metrics))
(set (map :metric-name metric-id-metrics-data))))
(is (every? #(instance? ClientTimer %) url-metrics))
(is (every? #(instance? ClientTimer %) url-and-method-metrics))
(is (every? #(instance? ClientTimer %) metric-id-metrics)))
(testing "get-client-metrics-data returns a map of metric category to metric data"
(let [short-data (first (filter #(= short-name (:metric-name %)) url-metrics-data))
short-data-get (first (filter #(= short-name-with-get (:metric-name %))
short-data-post (first (filter #(= short-name-with-post (:metric-name %))
long-data (first (filter #(= long-name (:metric-name %)) url-metrics-data))]
(is (= short-name (:metric-name short-data)))
(is (= 2 (:count short-data)))
(is (<= 5 (:mean short-data)))
(is (<= 10 (:aggregate short-data)))
(is (= short-name-with-get (:metric-name short-data-get)))
(is (= 1 (:count short-data-get)))
(is (<= 5 (:mean short-data-get)))
(is (<= 5 (:aggregate short-data-get)))
(is (= short-name-with-post (:metric-name short-data-post)))
(is (= 1 (:count short-data-post)))
(is (<= 5 (:mean short-data-post)))
(is (<= 5 (:aggregate short-data-post)))
(is (>= 1 (Math/abs (- (:aggregate short-data)
(+ (:aggregate short-data-get)
(:aggregate short-data-post))))))
(is (= long-name (:metric-name long-data)))
(is (= 1 (:count long-data)))
(is (<= 100 (:mean long-data)))
(is (<= 100 (:aggregate long-data)))
(is (> (:mean long-data) (:mean short-data)))))))))
(with-open [client (async/create-client {})]
(testing "get-client-metric-registry returns nil if no metric registry passed in"
(is (= nil (common/get-client-metric-registry client)))))))))
(deftest metrics-test-java-sync
(testing "metrics work with java sync client"
[jetty9/jetty9-service test-metric-web-service]
{:webserver {:port 10000}}
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)
hello-request-opts (RequestOptions. hello-url)
short-request-opts (RequestOptions. short-url)
long-request-opts (doto (RequestOptions. long-url)
(.setMetricId (into-array ["foo" "bar" "baz"])))]
(with-open [client (Sync/createClient (doto (ClientOptions.)
(.setMetricRegistry metric-registry)))]
(.get client hello-request-opts) ; warm it up
(let [short-response (.get client short-request-opts)
long-response (.get client long-request-opts)]
(.post client short-request-opts)
(is (= 200 (.getStatus short-response)))
(is (= "short" (slurp (.getBody short-response))))
(is (= 200 (.getStatus long-response)))
(is (= "long" (slurp (.getBody long-response))))
(.timer metric-registry "fake")
(let [client-metric-registry (.getMetricRegistry client)
client-metrics (Metrics/getClientMetrics client-metric-registry)
client-metrics-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsData client-metric-registry)
url-metrics (.getUrlTimers client-metrics)
url-and-method-metrics (.getUrlAndMethodTimers client-metrics)
metric-id-metrics (.getMetricIdTimers client-metrics)
url-metrics-data (.getUrlData client-metrics-data)
url-and-method-metrics-data (.getUrlAndMethodData client-metrics-data)
metric-id-metrics-data (.getMetricIdData client-metrics-data)
all-metrics (.getMetrics metric-registry)]
(testing ".getMetricRegistry returns the associated MetricRegistry"
(is (instance? MetricRegistry client-metric-registry)))
(testing "Metrics/getClientMetrics returns only http client metrics"
(is (= 11 (count all-metrics)))
(is (= 10 (+ (count url-metrics)
(count url-and-method-metrics)
(count metric-id-metrics))))
(is (= 10 (+ (count url-metrics-data)
(count url-and-method-metrics-data)
(count metric-id-metrics-data)))))
(testing ".getClientMetrics returns a map of category to array of timers"
(is (= (set (list hello-name short-name long-name))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) url-metrics))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) url-metrics-data))))
(is (= (set (list hello-name-with-method short-name-with-get
short-name-with-post long-name-with-method))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) url-and-method-metrics))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) url-and-method-metrics-data))))
(is (= (set (list long-foo-name long-foo-bar-name long-foo-bar-baz-name))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) metric-id-metrics))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) metric-id-metrics-data))))
(is (every? #(instance? ClientTimer %) url-metrics))
(is (every? #(instance? ClientTimer %) url-and-method-metrics))
(is (every? #(instance? ClientTimer %) metric-id-metrics)))
(testing ".getClientMetricsData returns a map of metric category to arrays of metric data"
(let [short-data (first (filter #(= short-name (.getMetricName %)) url-metrics-data))
short-data-get (first (filter #(= short-name-with-get (.getMetricName %))
short-data-post (first (filter #(= short-name-with-post (.getMetricName %))
long-data (first (filter #(= long-name (.getMetricName %)) url-metrics-data))]
(is (every? #(instance? ClientMetricData %)
(concat url-metrics-data
(is (= short-name (.getMetricName short-data)))
(is (= 2 (.getCount short-data)))
(is (<= 5 (.getMean short-data)))
(is (<= 10 (.getAggregate short-data)))
(is (= short-name-with-get (.getMetricName short-data-get)))
(is (= 1 (.getCount short-data-get)))
(is (<= 5 (.getMean short-data-get)))
(is (<= 5 (.getAggregate short-data-get)))
(is (= short-name-with-post (.getMetricName short-data-post)))
(is (= 1 (.getCount short-data-post)))
(is (<= 5 (.getMean short-data-post)))
(is (<= 5 (.getAggregate short-data-post)))
(is (>= 1 (Math/abs (- (.getAggregate short-data)
(+ (.getAggregate short-data-get)
(.getAggregate short-data-post))))))
(is (= long-name (.getMetricName long-data)))
(is (= 1 (.getCount long-data)))
(is (<= 100 (.getMean long-data)))
(is (<= 100 (.getAggregate long-data)))
(is (> (.getMean long-data) (.getMean short-data))))))))
(with-open [client (Sync/createClient (ClientOptions.))]
(testing ".getMetricRegistry returns nil if no metric registry passed in"
(is (= nil (.getMetricRegistry client))))))))))
(deftest metrics-test-clojure-sync
(testing "metrics work with clojure sync client"
[jetty9/jetty9-service test-metric-web-service]
{:webserver {:port 10000}}
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(with-open [client (sync/create-client {:metric-registry metric-registry})]
(common/get client hello-url) ; warm it up
(let [short-response (common/get client short-url {:as :text})
long-response (common/get client long-url {:as :text :metric-id ["foo" "bar" "baz"]})]
(common/post client short-url)
(is (= {:status 200 :body "short"} (select-keys short-response [:status :body])))
(is (= {:status 200 :body "long"} (select-keys long-response [:status :body])))
(.timer metric-registry "fake")
(let [client-metric-registry (common/get-client-metric-registry client)
client-metrics (metrics/get-client-metrics client-metric-registry)
client-metrics-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data client-metric-registry)
url-metrics (:url client-metrics)
url-and-method-metrics (:url-and-method client-metrics)
metric-id-metrics (:metric-id client-metrics)
url-metrics-data (:url client-metrics-data)
url-and-method-metrics-data (:url-and-method client-metrics-data)
metric-id-metrics-data (:metric-id client-metrics-data)
all-metrics (.getMetrics metric-registry)]
(testing "get-client-metric-registry returns the associated MetricRegistry"
(is (instance? MetricRegistry client-metric-registry)))
(testing "get-client-metrics and get-client-metrics data return only http client metrics"
(is (= 11 (count all-metrics)))
(is (= 10 (+ (count url-metrics)
(count url-and-method-metrics)
(count metric-id-metrics))))
(is (= 10 (+ (count url-metrics-data)
(count url-and-method-metrics-data)
(count metric-id-metrics-data)))))
(testing "get-client-metrics returns a map of category to array of timers"
(is (= (set (list hello-name short-name long-name))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) url-metrics))
(set (map :metric-name url-metrics-data))))
(is (= (set (list hello-name-with-method short-name-with-get
short-name-with-post long-name-with-method))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) url-and-method-metrics))
(set (map :metric-name url-and-method-metrics-data))))
(is (= (set (list long-foo-name long-foo-bar-name long-foo-bar-baz-name))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) metric-id-metrics))
(set (map :metric-name metric-id-metrics-data))))
(is (every? #(instance? ClientTimer %) url-metrics))
(is (every? #(instance? ClientTimer %) url-and-method-metrics))
(is (every? #(instance? ClientTimer %) metric-id-metrics)))
(testing "get-client-metrics-data returns a map of metric category to metric data"
(let [short-data (first (filter #(= short-name (:metric-name %)) url-metrics-data))
short-data-get (first (filter #(= short-name-with-get (:metric-name %))
short-data-post (first (filter #(= short-name-with-post (:metric-name %))
long-data (first (filter #(= long-name (:metric-name %)) url-metrics-data))]
(is (= short-name (:metric-name short-data)))
(is (= 2 (:count short-data)))
(is (<= 5 (:mean short-data)))
(is (<= 10 (:aggregate short-data)))
(is (= short-name-with-get (:metric-name short-data-get)))
(is (= 1 (:count short-data-get)))
(is (<= 5 (:mean short-data-get)))
(is (<= 5 (:aggregate short-data-get)))
(is (= short-name-with-post (:metric-name short-data-post)))
(is (= 1 (:count short-data-post)))
(is (<= 5 (:mean short-data-post)))
(is (<= 5 (:aggregate short-data-post)))
(is (>= 1 (Math/abs (- (:aggregate short-data)
(+ (:aggregate short-data-get)
(:aggregate short-data-post))))))
(is (= long-name (:metric-name long-data)))
(is (= 1 (:count long-data)))
(is (<= 100 (:mean long-data)))
(is (<= 100 (:aggregate long-data)))
(is (> (:mean long-data) (:mean short-data))))))))
(with-open [client (sync/create-client {})]
(testing "get-client-metric-registry returns nil if no metric registry passed in"
(is (= nil (common/get-client-metric-registry client))))))))))
(deftest java-metrics-for-unbuffered-streaming-test
(let [data (unbuffered-test/generate-data (* 1024 1024))]
(testing "metrics work for a successful request"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(unbuffered-test/successful-handler data nil) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
(with-open [client (-> (ClientOptions.)
(.setSocketTimeoutMilliseconds 20000)
(.setConnectTimeoutMilliseconds 100)
(.setMetricRegistry metric-registry)
(let [url (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello")
request-options (doto (RequestOptions. url)
(.setAs ResponseBodyType/UNBUFFERED_STREAM))
response (-> client (.get request-options) .deref)
status (.getStatus response)
body (.getBody response)]
(is (= 200 status))
(let [instream body
buf (make-array Byte/TYPE 4)]
(.read instream buf)
(is (= "xxxx" (String. buf "UTF-8"))) ;; Make sure we can read a few chars off of the stream
(Thread/sleep 1000) ;; check that the full-response metric takes this into account
(is (= (str data "yyyy") (str "xxxx" (slurp instream))))) ;; Read the rest and validate
(let [client-metric-registry (.getMetricRegistry client)
client-metrics (Metrics/getClientMetrics client-metric-registry)
client-metrics-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsData client-metric-registry)
full-response-name (format "%s.with-url.%s.full-response" metric-namespace url)
full-response-name-with-method (format "%s.with-url-and-method.%s.GET.full-response"
metric-namespace url)]
(is (= [full-response-name]
(map #(.getMetricName %) (.getUrlTimers client-metrics))
(map #(.getMetricName %) (.getUrlData client-metrics-data))))
(is (= [full-response-name-with-method]
(map #(.getMetricName %) (.getUrlAndMethodTimers client-metrics))
(map #(.getMetricName %) (.getUrlAndMethodData client-metrics-data))))
(is (= [] (.getMetricIdTimers client-metrics) (.getMetricIdData client-metrics-data)))
(is (every? #(instance? ClientTimer %)
(concat (.getUrlTimers client-metrics)
(.getUrlAndMethodTimers client-metrics))))
(let [full-response-data (first (.getUrlData client-metrics-data))]
(is (every? #(instance? ClientMetricData %)
(concat (.getUrlData client-metrics-data)
(.getUrlAndMethodData client-metrics-data))))
(is (= 1 (.getCount full-response-data)))
(is (= full-response-name (.getMetricName full-response-data)))
(is (<= 1000 (.getMean full-response-data)))
(is (<= 1000 (.getAggregate full-response-data))))))))))
(testing "metrics work for failed request"
(unbuffered-test/blocking-handler data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(with-open [client (-> (ClientOptions.)
(.setSocketTimeoutMilliseconds 200)
(.setConnectTimeoutMilliseconds 100)
(.setMetricRegistry metric-registry)
(let [url (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello")
request-options (doto (RequestOptions. url)
(.setAs ResponseBodyType/UNBUFFERED_STREAM))
response (-> client (.get request-options) .deref)
error (.getError response)
body (.getBody response)]
(is (nil? error))
(is (thrown? SocketTimeoutException (slurp body)))
(let [client-metric-registry (.getMetricRegistry client)
client-metrics (Metrics/getClientMetrics client-metric-registry)
client-metrics-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsData client-metric-registry)
full-response-name (format "%s.with-url.%s.full-response" metric-namespace url)
full-response-name-with-method (format "%s.with-url-and-method.%s.GET.full-response"
metric-namespace url)]
(is (= [full-response-name]
(map #(.getMetricName %) (.getUrlTimers client-metrics))
(map #(.getMetricName %) (.getUrlData client-metrics-data))))
(is (= [full-response-name-with-method]
(map #(.getMetricName %) (.getUrlAndMethodTimers client-metrics))
(map #(.getMetricName %) (.getUrlAndMethodData client-metrics-data))))
(is (= [] (.getMetricIdTimers client-metrics)
(.getMetricIdData client-metrics-data)))
(is (every? #(instance? ClientTimer %)
(concat (.getUrlTimers client-metrics)
(.getUrlAndMethodTimers client-metrics))))
(let [full-response-data (first (.getUrlData client-metrics-data))]
(is (every? #(instance? ClientMetricData %)
(concat (.getUrlData client-metrics-data)
(.getUrlAndMethodData client-metrics-data))))
(is (= 1 (.getCount full-response-data)))
(is (= full-response-name (.getMetricName full-response-data)))
(is (<= 200 (.getMean full-response-data)))
(is (<= 200 (.getAggregate full-response-data)))))))))
(catch TimeoutException e
;; Expected whenever a server-side failure is generated
(deftest clojure-metrics-for-unbuffered-streaming-test
(let [data (unbuffered-test/generate-data (* 1024 1024))
opts {:as :unbuffered-stream}]
(testing "metrics work for a successful request"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(unbuffered-test/successful-handler data nil) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
(with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100
:socket-timeout-milliseconds 20000
:metric-registry metric-registry})]
(let [url (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello")
response @(common/get client url opts)
{:keys [status body]} response]
(is (= 200 status))
(let [instream body
buf (make-array Byte/TYPE 4)]
(.read instream buf)
(is (= "xxxx" (String. buf "UTF-8"))) ;; Make sure we can read a few chars off of the stream
(Thread/sleep 1000) ;; check that the full-response metric takes this into account
(is (= (str data "yyyy") (str "xxxx" (slurp instream))))) ;; Read the rest and validate
(let [client-metric-registry (common/get-client-metric-registry client)
client-metrics (metrics/get-client-metrics client-metric-registry)
client-metrics-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data client-metric-registry)
full-response-name (format "%s.with-url.%s.full-response" metric-namespace url)
full-response-name-with-method (format "%s.with-url-and-method.%s.GET.full-response"
metric-namespace url)]
(is (= [full-response-name]
(map #(.getMetricName %) (:url client-metrics))
(map :metric-name (:url client-metrics-data))))
(is (= [full-response-name-with-method]
(map #(.getMetricName %) (:url-and-method client-metrics))
(map :metric-name (:url-and-method client-metrics-data))))
(is (= [] (:metric-id client-metrics) (:metric-id client-metrics-data)))
(is (every? #(instance? ClientTimer %)
(concat (:url client-metrics)
(:url-and-method client-metrics))))
(let [full-response-data (first (:url client-metrics-data))]
(is (= {:count 1 :metric-name full-response-name}
(select-keys full-response-data [:metric-name :count])))
(is (<= 1000 (:mean full-response-data)))
(is (<= 1000 (:aggregate full-response-data))))))))))
(testing "metrics work for a failed request"
(unbuffered-test/blocking-handler data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)
url (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello")]
(with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100
:socket-timeout-milliseconds 200
:metric-registry metric-registry})]
(let [response @(common/get client url opts)
{:keys [body error]} response]
(is (nil? error))
;; Consume the body to get the exception
(is (thrown? SocketTimeoutException (slurp body))))
(let [client-metric-registry (common/get-client-metric-registry client)
client-metrics (metrics/get-client-metrics client-metric-registry)
client-metrics-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data client-metric-registry)
full-response-name (format "%s.with-url.%s.full-response" metric-namespace url)
full-response-name-with-method (format "%s.with-url-and-method.%s.GET.full-response"
metric-namespace url)]
(is (= [full-response-name]
(map #(.getMetricName %) (:url client-metrics))
(map :metric-name (:url client-metrics-data))))
(is (= [full-response-name-with-method]
(map #(.getMetricName %) (:url-and-method client-metrics))
(map :metric-name (:url-and-method client-metrics-data))))
(is (= [] (:metric-id client-metrics) (:metric-id client-metrics-data)))
(is (every? #(instance? ClientTimer %)
(concat (:url client-metrics)
(:url-and-method client-metrics))))
(let [full-response-data (first (:url client-metrics-data))]
(is (= {:count 1 :metric-name full-response-name}
(select-keys full-response-data [:metric-name :count])))
(is (<= 200 (:mean full-response-data)))
(is (<= 200 (:aggregate full-response-data))))))))
(catch TimeoutException e
;; Expected whenever a server-side failure is generated
(deftest metric-namespace-test
(let [metric-prefix "my-metric-prefix"
server-id "my-server"
(format "%s.http-client.experimental.with-url.%s.full-response" metric-prefix hello-url)
(format "puppetlabs.%s.http-client.experimental.with-url.%s.full-response"
server-id hello-url)
get-metric-name (fn [metric-registry]
(.getMetricName (first (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByUrl
metric-registry hello-url))))]
[jetty9/jetty9-service test-metric-web-service]
{:webserver {:port 10000}}
(testing "custom metric namespace works for java async client"
(testing "metric prefix works"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(with-open [client-with-metric-prefix (Async/createClient
(doto (ClientOptions.)
(.setMetricRegistry metric-registry)
(.setMetricPrefix metric-prefix)))]
(is (= (format "%s.http-client.experimental" metric-prefix)
(.getMetricNamespace client-with-metric-prefix)))
(-> client-with-metric-prefix (.get (RequestOptions. hello-url)))
(is (= metric-name-with-prefix (get-metric-name metric-registry))))))
(testing "server id works"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(with-open [client-with-server-id (Async/createClient
(doto (ClientOptions.)
(.setMetricRegistry metric-registry)
(.setServerId server-id)))]
(-> client-with-server-id (.get (RequestOptions. hello-url)))
(is (= metric-name-with-server-id (get-metric-name metric-registry))))))
(testing "metric prefix overrides server id if both are set"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(with-open [client-with-server-id (Async/createClient
(doto (ClientOptions.)
(.setMetricRegistry metric-registry)
(.setMetricPrefix metric-prefix)
(.setServerId server-id)))]
(-> client-with-server-id (.get (RequestOptions. hello-url)))
(is (= metric-name-with-prefix (get-metric-name metric-registry)))
(is (logged? #"Metric prefix and server id both set.*" :warn))))))
(testing "custom metric namespace works for clojure async client"
(testing "metric prefix works"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(with-open [client-with-metric-prefix (async/create-client
{:metric-registry metric-registry
:metric-prefix metric-prefix})]
(is (= (format "%s.http-client.experimental" metric-prefix)
(common/get-client-metric-namespace client-with-metric-prefix)))
(-> client-with-metric-prefix (common/get hello-url))
(is (= metric-name-with-prefix (get-metric-name metric-registry))))))
(testing "server id works"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(with-open [client-with-server-id (async/create-client
{:metric-registry metric-registry
:server-id server-id})]
(-> client-with-server-id (common/get hello-url))
(is (= metric-name-with-server-id (get-metric-name metric-registry))))))
(testing "metric prefix overrides server id if both are set"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(with-open [client-with-server-id (async/create-client
{:metric-registry metric-registry
:metric-prefix metric-prefix
:server-id server-id})]
(-> client-with-server-id (common/get hello-url))
(is (= metric-name-with-prefix (get-metric-name metric-registry)))))))
(testing "custom metric namespace works for Java sync client"
(testing "metric prefix works"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(with-open [client-with-metric-prefix (Sync/createClient
(doto (ClientOptions.)
(.setMetricRegistry metric-registry)
(.setMetricPrefix metric-prefix)))]
(is (= (format "%s.http-client.experimental" metric-prefix)
(.getMetricNamespace client-with-metric-prefix)))
(-> client-with-metric-prefix (.get (RequestOptions. hello-url)))
(is (= metric-name-with-prefix (get-metric-name metric-registry))))))
(testing "server id works"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(with-open [client-with-server-id (Sync/createClient
(doto (ClientOptions.)
(.setMetricRegistry metric-registry)
(.setServerId server-id)))]
(-> client-with-server-id (.get (RequestOptions. hello-url)))
(is (= metric-name-with-server-id (get-metric-name metric-registry))))))
(testing "metric prefix overrides server id if both are set"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(with-open [client-with-server-id (Sync/createClient
(doto (ClientOptions.)
(.setMetricRegistry metric-registry)
(.setMetricPrefix metric-prefix)
(.setServerId server-id)))]
(-> client-with-server-id (.get (RequestOptions. hello-url)))
(is (= metric-name-with-prefix (get-metric-name metric-registry)))))))
(testing "custom metric namespace works for clojure sync client"
(testing "metric prefix works"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(with-open [client-with-metric-prefix (sync/create-client
{:metric-registry metric-registry
:metric-prefix metric-prefix})]
(is (= (format "%s.http-client.experimental" metric-prefix)
(common/get-client-metric-namespace client-with-metric-prefix)))
(-> client-with-metric-prefix (common/get hello-url))
(is (= metric-name-with-prefix (get-metric-name metric-registry))))))
(testing "server id works"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(with-open [client-with-server-id (sync/create-client
{:metric-registry metric-registry
:server-id server-id})]
(-> client-with-server-id (common/get hello-url))
(is (= metric-name-with-server-id (get-metric-name metric-registry))))))
(testing "metric prefix overrides server id if both are set"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(with-open [client-with-server-id (sync/create-client
{:metric-registry metric-registry
:metric-prefix metric-prefix
:server-id server-id})]
(-> client-with-server-id (common/get hello-url))
(is (= metric-name-with-prefix (get-metric-name metric-registry)))))))))))