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(ns com.puppetlabs.http.client.impl.metrics-unit-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[puppetlabs.http.client.metrics :as metrics]
[schema.test :as schema-test])
(:import (com.codahale.metrics MetricRegistry)
(com.puppetlabs.http.client.metrics Metrics)
(org.apache.http.message BasicHttpRequest)
(clojure.lang ExceptionInfo)
(com.puppetlabs.http.client.impl.metrics TimerUtils)
( URISyntaxException)))
(use-fixtures :once schema-test/validate-schemas)
(defn add-metric-ns [string]
(str "puppetlabs.http-client.experimental." string))
(deftest start-full-response-timers-test
(testing "startFullResponseTimers creates the right timers"
(let [url-id (add-metric-ns "with-url.http://localhost/foo.full-response")
url-method-id (add-metric-ns "with-url-and-method.http://localhost/foo.GET.full-response")]
(testing "metric id timers are not created for a request without a metric id"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(TimerUtils/startFullResponseTimers metric-registry
(BasicHttpRequest. "GET" "http://localhost/foo")
(is (= (set (list url-id url-method-id)) (set (keys (.getTimers metric-registry)))))))
(testing "metric id timers are not created for a request with an empty metric id"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(TimerUtils/startFullResponseTimers metric-registry
(BasicHttpRequest. "GET" "http://localhost/foo")
(into-array String []))
(is (= (set (list url-id url-method-id)) (set (keys (.getTimers metric-registry)))))))
(testing "metric id timers are created correctly for a request with a metric id"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(TimerUtils/startFullResponseTimers metric-registry
(BasicHttpRequest. "GET" "http://localhost/foo")
(into-array ["foo" "bar" "baz"]))
(is (= (set (list url-id url-method-id
(add-metric-ns "")
(add-metric-ns "")
(add-metric-ns "")))
(set (keys (.getTimers metric-registry)))))))
(testing "url timers should strip off username, password, query string, and fragment"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(BasicHttpRequest. "GET" "http://user:pwd@localhost:1234/foo%2cbar/baz?te%2cst=one")
(BasicHttpRequest. "GET" "http://user:pwd@localhost:1234/foo%2cbar/baz#x%2cyz")
"GET" "http://user:pwd@localhost:1234/foo%2cbar/baz?te%2cst=one#x%2cyz")
"GET" "http://user:pwd@localhost:1234/foo%2cbar/baz?#x%2cyz")
(is (= (set (list
(set (keys (.getTimers metric-registry))))))))))
(deftest url->metric-url-test
(testing "url->metric-url strips username, password, query params, and path fragment off of url"
(let [url "http://user:pwd@localhost:1234/foo%2cbar/baz?te%2cst=one"]
(is (= "http://localhost:1234/foo,bar/baz"
(Metrics/urlToMetricUrl url)
(metrics/url->metric-url url)))))
(testing "url->metric-url throws error if non-url passed in"
(is (thrown? URISyntaxException (Metrics/urlToMetricUrl "abc def")))
(is (thrown? URISyntaxException (metrics/url->metric-url "abc def")))))
(defn start-and-stop-timers! [registry req id]
(doseq [timer (TimerUtils/startFullResponseTimers
(.stop timer)))
(deftest get-client-metrics-data-test
(let [registry (MetricRegistry.)
url ""
url2 ""]
(start-and-stop-timers! registry (BasicHttpRequest. "GET" url) nil)
(start-and-stop-timers! registry (BasicHttpRequest. "POST" url) nil)
(start-and-stop-timers! registry (BasicHttpRequest. "POST" url) (into-array ["foo" "bar"]))
(start-and-stop-timers! registry (BasicHttpRequest. "GET" url2) (into-array ["foo" "abc"]))
(testing "getClientMetrics without args returns all timers organized by category"
(is (= (set [:url :url-and-method :metric-id])
(set (keys (metrics/get-client-metrics registry)))
(set (keys (metrics/get-client-metrics-data registry)))))
(is (= (set
[(add-metric-ns "with-url.")
(add-metric-ns "with-url.")])
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) (.getUrlTimers (Metrics/getClientMetrics registry))))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) (:url (metrics/get-client-metrics registry))))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) (.getUrlData (Metrics/getClientMetricsData registry))))
(set (map :metric-name (:url (metrics/get-client-metrics-data registry))))))
(is (= (set
[(add-metric-ns "with-url-and-method.")
(add-metric-ns "with-url-and-method.")
(add-metric-ns "with-url-and-method.")])
(set (map #(.getMetricName %)
(.getUrlAndMethodTimers (Metrics/getClientMetrics registry))))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %)
(:url-and-method (metrics/get-client-metrics registry))))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %)
(.getUrlAndMethodData (Metrics/getClientMetricsData registry))))
(set (map :metric-name
(:url-and-method (metrics/get-client-metrics-data registry))))))
(is (= (set [""
(set (map #(.getMetricName %)
(.getMetricIdTimers (Metrics/getClientMetrics registry))))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %)
(:metric-id (metrics/get-client-metrics registry))))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %)
(.getMetricIdData (Metrics/getClientMetricsData registry))))
(set (map :metric-name
(:metric-id (metrics/get-client-metrics-data registry)))))))
(testing "getClientMetricsData with url returns the right thing"
(let [java-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByUrl registry url)
clj-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-url registry url)]
(is (= 1 (count java-data) (count clj-data)))
(is (= (add-metric-ns "with-url.")
(.getMetricName (first java-data))
(:metric-name (first clj-data))))
(is (= 3 (.getCount (first java-data))
(:count (first clj-data)))))
(let [java-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByUrl registry url2)
clj-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-url registry url2)]
(is (= 1 (count java-data) (count clj-data)))
(is (= (add-metric-ns "with-url.")
(.getMetricName (first java-data))
(:metric-name (first clj-data))))
(is (= 1 (.getCount (first java-data))
(:count (first clj-data)))))
(testing "getClientMetricsData with url returns nothing if url is not a full match"
(is (= [] (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByUrl registry "")
(metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-url registry "")))))
(testing "getClientMetricsData with url and method returns the right thing"
(let [java-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByUrlAndMethod registry url "GET")
clj-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-url-and-method registry url :get)]
(is (= 1 (count java-data) (count clj-data)))
(is (= (add-metric-ns "with-url-and-method.")
(.getMetricName (first java-data))
(:metric-name (first clj-data))))
(is (= 1 (.getCount (first java-data))
(:count (first clj-data)))))
(let [java-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByUrlAndMethod registry url "POST")
clj-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-url-and-method
registry url :post)]
(is (= 1 (count java-data) (count clj-data)))
(is (= (add-metric-ns "with-url-and-method.")
(.getMetricName (first java-data))
(:metric-name (first clj-data))))
(is (= 2 (.getCount (first java-data))
(:count (first clj-data)))))
(let [java-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByUrlAndMethod registry url2 "GET")
clj-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-url-and-method registry url2 :get)]
(is (= 1 (count java-data) (count clj-data)))
(is (= (add-metric-ns "with-url-and-method.")
(.getMetricName (first java-data))
(:metric-name (first clj-data))))
(is (= 1 (.getCount (first java-data))
(:count (first clj-data)))))
(testing "getClientMetricsData with url and method returns nothing if method is not a match"
(is (= [] (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByUrlAndMethod registry "" "PUT")
(metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-url-and-method registry "" :put)))))
(testing "getClientMetricsData with metric id returns the right thing"
(let [java-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByMetricId registry (into-array ["foo"]))
clj-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-metric-id registry ["foo"])]
(is (= 1 (count java-data) (count clj-data)))
(is (= (add-metric-ns "")
(.getMetricName (first java-data))
(:metric-name (first clj-data))))
(is (= 2 (.getCount (first java-data))
(:count (first clj-data)))))
(let [java-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByMetricId registry (into-array ["foo" "bar"]))
clj-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-metric-id
registry ["foo" "bar"])]
(is (= 1 (count java-data) (count clj-data)))
(is (= (add-metric-ns "")
(.getMetricName (first java-data))
(:metric-name (first clj-data))))
(is (= 1 (.getCount (first java-data))
(:count (first clj-data)))))
(let [java-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByMetricId registry (into-array ["foo" "abc"]))
clj-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-metric-id
registry ["foo" "abc"])]
(is (= 1 (count java-data) (count clj-data)))
(is (= (add-metric-ns "")
(.getMetricName (first java-data))
(:metric-name (first clj-data))))
(is (= 1 (.getCount (first java-data))
(:count (first clj-data))))
(testing "metric id can be specified as keyword or string"
(is (= clj-data
(metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-metric-id registry ["foo" :abc])))))
(testing "getClientMetricsData with metric id returns nothing if id is not a match"
(is (= [] (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByMetricId registry (into-array ["foo" "cat"]))
(metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-metric-id registry ["foo" "cat"]))))
(testing "getClientMetrics|Data returns throws an error if no metric registry passed in"
(is (thrown? ExceptionInfo (metrics/get-client-metrics nil)))
(is (thrown? ExceptionInfo (metrics/get-client-metrics-data nil)))
(is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (Metrics/getClientMetrics nil)))
(is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (Metrics/getClientMetricsData nil))))
(testing (str "getClientMetrics|Data returns data structure with empty arrays"
" as values if no requests have been made yet")
(let [empty-metrics (Metrics/getClientMetrics (MetricRegistry.))
empty-metrics-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsData (MetricRegistry.))]
(is (empty? (.getUrlTimers empty-metrics)))
(is (empty? (.getUrlAndMethodTimers empty-metrics)))
(is (empty? (.getMetricIdTimers empty-metrics)))
(is (empty? (.getUrlData empty-metrics-data)))
(is (empty? (.getUrlAndMethodData empty-metrics-data)))
(is (empty? (.getMetricIdData empty-metrics-data)))))
(testing "getClientMetrics returns correctly without metric-id on request"
(let [registry (MetricRegistry.)
url ""]
(start-and-stop-timers! registry (BasicHttpRequest. "GET" url) nil)
(let [client-metrics (Metrics/getClientMetrics registry)
client-metrics-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsData registry)]
(is (= (set [(add-metric-ns
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) (.getUrlTimers client-metrics)))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %) (.getUrlData client-metrics-data)))))
(is (= (set [(add-metric-ns
(set (map #(.getMetricName %)
(.getUrlAndMethodTimers client-metrics)))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %)
(.getUrlAndMethodData client-metrics-data)))))
(is (= []
(.getMetricIdTimers client-metrics)
(.getMetricIdData client-metrics-data)))))))))
(deftest empty-metric-id-filter-test
(testing "a metric id filter with an empty array returns all metric id timers"
(let [registry (MetricRegistry.)
url ""
foo-id (add-metric-ns "")
foo-bar-id (add-metric-ns "")
foo-bar-baz-id (add-metric-ns "")]
(start-and-stop-timers! registry (BasicHttpRequest. "GET" url)
(into-array ["foo" "bar" "baz"]))
(testing "empty metric filter returns all metric id timers"
(is (= (set (list foo-id foo-bar-id foo-bar-baz-id))
(set (map #(.getMetricName %)
(Metrics/getClientMetricsDataByMetricId registry (into-array String []))))
(set (map :metric-name
(metrics/get-client-metrics-data-by-metric-id registry [])))))))))