janelu2 23b44ae93d (TK-295) add tests for cookies
(MAINT) remove comments

(MAINT) change body message to reflect 400 status

(MAINT) change test to use Java and Clj API

(MAINT) refactor RequestOptions in let block of java api test

(MAINT) add tests for async cookie support
2016-07-19 14:27:02 -07:00

435 lines
22 KiB

(ns puppetlabs.http.client.async-plaintext-test
(:import (com.puppetlabs.http.client Async RequestOptions ClientOptions)
(org.apache.http.impl.nio.client HttpAsyncClients)
( URI SocketTimeoutException ServerSocket))
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[puppetlabs.http.client.test-common :refer :all]
[puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.core :as tk]
[puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.testutils.bootstrap :as testutils]
[puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.testutils.logging :as testlogging]
[puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.testutils.webserver :as testwebserver]
[ :as jetty9]
[puppetlabs.http.client.common :as common]
[puppetlabs.http.client.async :as async]
[schema.test :as schema-test]
[ring.middleware.cookies :refer [wrap-cookies]]))
(use-fixtures :once schema-test/validate-schemas)
(defn app
{:status 200
:body "Hello, World!"})
(defn app-with-empty-content-type
{:headers {"content-type" ""}
:status 200
:body "Hello, World!"})
(tk/defservice test-web-service
[[:WebserverService add-ring-handler]]
(init [this context]
(add-ring-handler app "/hello")
(defn cookie-handler
{:status 200
:body "cookie has been set"
:cookies {"session_id" {:value "session-id-hash"}}})
(defn check-cookie-handler
(if (empty? (get req :cookies))
{:status 400
:body "cookie has not been set"}
{:status 200
:body "cookie has been set"}))
(tk/defservice test-cookie-service
[[:WebserverService add-ring-handler]]
(init [this context]
(add-ring-handler (wrap-cookies cookie-handler) "/cookietest")
(add-ring-handler (wrap-cookies check-cookie-handler) "/cookiecheck")
(deftest persistent-async-client-test
(testutils/with-app-with-config app
[jetty9/jetty9-service test-web-service]
{:webserver {:port 10000}}
(testing "java async client"
(let [request-options (RequestOptions. (URI. "http://localhost:10000/hello/"))
client-options (ClientOptions.)
client (Async/createClient client-options)]
(testing "HEAD request with persistent async client"
(let [response (.head client request-options)]
(is (= 200 (.getStatus (.deref response))))
(is (= nil (.getBody (.deref response))))))
(testing "GET request with persistent async client"
(let [response (.get client request-options)]
(is (= 200 (.getStatus (.deref response))))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (.getBody (.deref response)))))))
(testing "POST request with persistent async client"
(let [response (.post client request-options)]
(is (= 200 (.getStatus (.deref response))))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (.getBody (.deref response)))))))
(testing "PUT request with persistent async client"
(let [response (.put client request-options)]
(is (= 200 (.getStatus (.deref response))))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (.getBody (.deref response)))))))
(testing "DELETE request with persistent async client"
(let [response (.delete client request-options)]
(is (= 200 (.getStatus (.deref response))))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (.getBody (.deref response)))))))
(testing "TRACE request with persistent async client"
(let [response (.trace client request-options)]
(is (= 200 (.getStatus (.deref response))))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (.getBody (.deref response)))))))
(testing "OPTIONS request with persistent async client"
(let [response (.options client request-options)]
(is (= 200 (.getStatus (.deref response))))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (.getBody (.deref response)))))))
(testing "PATCH request with persistent async client"
(let [response (.patch client request-options)]
(is (= 200 (.getStatus (.deref response))))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (.getBody (.deref response)))))))
(testing "client closes properly"
(.close client)
(is (thrown? IllegalStateException
(.get client request-options))))))
(testing "clojure async client"
(let [client (async/create-client {})]
(testing "HEAD request with persistent async client"
(let [response (common/head client "http://localhost:10000/hello/")]
(is (= 200 (:status @response)))
(is (= nil (:body @response)))))
(testing "GET request with persistent async client"
(let [response (common/get client "http://localhost:10000/hello/")]
(is (= 200 (:status @response)))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (:body @response))))))
(testing "POST request with persistent async client"
(let [response (common/post client "http://localhost:10000/hello/")]
(is (= 200 (:status @response)))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (:body @response))))))
(testing "PUT request with persistent async client"
(let [response (common/put client "http://localhost:10000/hello/")]
(is (= 200 (:status @response)))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (:body @response))))))
(testing "DELETE request with persistent async client"
(let [response (common/delete client "http://localhost:10000/hello/")]
(is (= 200 (:status @response)))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (:body @response))))))
(testing "TRACE request with persistent async client"
(let [response (common/trace client "http://localhost:10000/hello/")]
(is (= 200 (:status @response)))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (:body @response))))))
(testing "OPTIONS request with persistent async client"
(let [response (common/options client "http://localhost:10000/hello/")]
(is (= 200 (:status @response)))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (:body @response))))))
(testing "PATCH request with persistent async client"
(let [response (common/patch client "http://localhost:10000/hello/")]
(is (= 200 (:status @response)))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (:body @response))))))
(testing "GET request via request function with persistent async client"
(let [response (common/make-request client "http://localhost:10000/hello/" :get)]
(is (= 200 (:status @response)))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (:body @response))))))
(testing "Bad verb request via request function with persistent async client"
(is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException
(common/make-request client
(testing "client closes properly"
(common/close client)
(is (thrown? IllegalStateException
(common/get client
(deftest java-api-cookie-test
(testutils/with-app-with-config app
[jetty9/jetty9-service test-cookie-service]
{:webserver {:port 10000}}
(let [client (Async/createClient (ClientOptions.))]
(testing "Set a cookie using Java API"
(let [response (.get client (RequestOptions. (URI. "http://localhost:10000/cookietest")))]
(is (= 200 (.getStatus (.deref response))))))
(testing "Check if cookie still exists"
(let [response (.get client (RequestOptions. (URI. "http://localhost:10000/cookiecheck")))]
(is (= 200 (.getStatus (.deref response))))))))))
(deftest clj-api-cookie-test
(testutils/with-app-with-config app
[jetty9/jetty9-service test-cookie-service]
{:webserver {:port 10000}}
(let [client (async/create-client {})]
(testing "Set a cookie using Clojure API"
(let [response (common/get client "http://localhost:10000/cookietest")]
(is (= 200 (:status @response)))))
(testing "Check if cookie still exists"
(let [response (common/get client "http://localhost:10000/cookiecheck")]
(is (= 200 (:status @response)))))))))
(deftest request-with-client-test
(testutils/with-app-with-config app
[jetty9/jetty9-service test-web-service]
{:webserver {:port 10000}}
(let [client (HttpAsyncClients/createDefault)
opts {:method :get :url "http://localhost:10000/hello/"}]
(.start client)
(testing "GET request works with request-with-client"
(let [response (async/request-with-client opts nil client)]
(is (= 200 (:status @response)))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (:body @response))))))
(testing "Client persists when passed to request-with-client"
(let [response (async/request-with-client opts nil client)]
(is (= 200 (:status @response)))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (:body @response))))))
(.close client)))))
(deftest query-params-test-async
(testutils/with-app-with-config app
[jetty9/jetty9-service test-params-web-service]
{:webserver {:port 8080}}
(testing "URL Query Parameters work with the Java client"
(let [client (Async/createClient (ClientOptions.))]
(let [request-options (RequestOptions.
(URI. "http://localhost:8080/params?foo=bar&baz=lux"))
response (.get client request-options)]
(is (= 200 (.getStatus (.deref response))))
(is (= queryparams (read-string (slurp (.getBody
(.deref response)))))))
(.close client)))))
(testing "URL Query Parameters work with the clojure client"
(with-open [client (async/create-client {})]
(let [opts {:method :get
:url "http://localhost:8080/params/"
:query-params queryparams
:as :text}
response (common/get client "http://localhost:8080/params" opts)]
(is (= 200 (:status @response)))
(is (= queryparams (read-string (:body @response)))))))
(testing "URL Query Parameters can be set directly in the URL"
(with-open [client (async/create-client {})]
(let [response (common/get client
{:as :text})]
(is (= 200 (:status @response)))
(is (= (str {"paramone" "one"}) (:body @response))))))
(testing (str "URL Query Parameters set in URL are overwritten if params "
"are also specified in options map")
(with-open [client (async/create-client {})]
(let [response (common/get client
(is (= 200 (:status @response)))
(is (= queryparams (read-string (:body @response))))))))))
(deftest redirect-test-async
(testutils/with-app-with-config app
[jetty9/jetty9-service redirect-web-service]
{:webserver {:port 8080}}
(testing (str "redirects on POST not followed by persistent Java client "
"when forceRedirects option not set to true")
(let [client (Async/createClient (ClientOptions.))]
(let [request-options (RequestOptions.
(URI. "http://localhost:8080/hello"))
response (.post client request-options)]
(is (= 302 (.getStatus (.deref response)))))
(.close client)))))
(testing "redirects on POST followed by Java client when option is set"
(let [client (Async/createClient (.. (ClientOptions.)
(setForceRedirects true)))]
(let [request-options (RequestOptions.
(URI. "http://localhost:8080/hello"))
response (.post client request-options)]
(is (= 200 (.getStatus (.deref response))))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (.getBody (.deref response))))))
(.close client)))))
(testing "redirects not followed by Java client when :follow-redirects is false"
(let [client (Async/createClient (.. (ClientOptions.)
(setFollowRedirects false)))]
(let [request-options (RequestOptions.
(URI. "http://localhost:8080/hello"))
response (.get client request-options)]
(is (= 302 (.getStatus (.deref response)))))
(.close client)))))
(testing ":follow-redirects overrides :force-redirects for Java client"
(let [client (Async/createClient (.. (ClientOptions.)
(setFollowRedirects false)
(setForceRedirects true)))]
(let [request-options (RequestOptions.
(URI. "http://localhost:8080/hello"))
response (.get client request-options)]
(is (= 302 (.getStatus (.deref response)))))
(.close client)))))
(testing (str "redirects on POST not followed by clojure client "
"when :force-redirects is not set to true")
(with-open [client (async/create-client {:force-redirects false})]
(let [opts {:method :post
:url "http://localhost:8080/hello"
:as :text}
response (common/post client "http://localhost:8080/hello" opts)]
(is (= 302 (:status @response))))))
(testing (str "redirects on POST followed by persistent clojure client "
"when option is set")
(with-open [client (async/create-client {:force-redirects true})]
(let [response (common/post client
{:as :text})]
(is (= 200 (:status @response)))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (:body @response))))))
(testing (str "persistent clojure client does not follow redirects when "
":follow-redirects is set to false")
(with-open [client (async/create-client {:follow-redirects false})]
(let [response (common/get client
{:as :text})]
(is (= 302 (:status @response))))))
(testing ":follow-redirects overrides :force-redirects with persistent clj client"
(with-open [client (async/create-client {:follow-redirects false
:force-redirects true})]
(let [response (common/get client
{:as :text})]
(is (= 302 (:status @response)))))))))
(deftest short-connect-timeout-persistent-java-test-async
(testing (str "connection times out properly for java persistent client "
"async request with short timeout")
(with-open [client (-> (ClientOptions.)
(.setConnectTimeoutMilliseconds 250)
(let [request-options (RequestOptions. "")
time-before-connect (System/currentTimeMillis)]
(is (connect-exception-thrown? (-> client
(.get request-options)
"Unexpected result for connection attempt")
(is (elapsed-within-range? time-before-connect 2000)
"Connection attempt took significantly longer than timeout")))))
(deftest short-connect-timeout-persistent-clojure-test-async
(testing (str "connection times out properly for clojure persistent client "
"async request with short timeout")
(with-open [client (async/create-client
{:connect-timeout-milliseconds 250})]
(let [time-before-connect (System/currentTimeMillis)]
(is (connect-exception-thrown? (-> @(common/get
"Unexpected result for connection attempt")
(is (elapsed-within-range? time-before-connect 2000)
"Connection attempt took significantly longer than timeout")))))
(deftest longer-connect-timeout-test-async
(testing "connection succeeds for async request with longer connect timeout"
(testwebserver/with-test-webserver app port
(let [url (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello")]
(testing "java persistent async client"
(with-open [client (-> (ClientOptions.)
(.setConnectTimeoutMilliseconds 2000)
(let [response (-> client
(.get (RequestOptions. url))
(is (= 200 (.getStatus response)))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (.getBody response)))))))
(testing "clojure persistent async client"
(with-open [client (async/create-client
{:connect-timeout-milliseconds 2000})]
(let [response @(common/get client url {:as :text})]
(is (= 200 (:status response)))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (:body response)))))))))))
(deftest short-socket-timeout-persistent-java-test-async
(testing (str "socket read times out properly for persistent java async "
"request with short timeout")
(with-open [client (-> (ClientOptions.)
(.setSocketTimeoutMilliseconds 1)
server (ServerSocket. 0)]
(let [request-options (-> ""
(str (.getLocalPort server))
time-before-connect (System/currentTimeMillis)]
(is (instance? SocketTimeoutException (-> client
(.get request-options)
"Unexpected result for get attempt")
(is (elapsed-within-range? time-before-connect 2000)
"Get attempt took significantly longer than timeout")))))
(deftest short-socket-timeout-persistent-clojure-test-async
(testing (str "socket read times out properly for clojure persistent client "
"async request with short timeout")
(with-open [client (async/create-client
{:socket-timeout-milliseconds 250})
server (ServerSocket. 0)]
(let [url (str "" (.getLocalPort server))
time-before-connect (System/currentTimeMillis)]
(is (instance? SocketTimeoutException
(-> @(common/get client url)
"Unexpected result for get attempt")
(is (elapsed-within-range? time-before-connect 2000)
"Get attempt took significantly longer than timeout")))))
(deftest longer-socket-timeout-test-async
(testing "get succeeds for async request with longer socket timeout"
(testwebserver/with-test-webserver app port
(let [url (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello")]
(testing "java persistent async client"
(with-open [client (-> (ClientOptions.)
(.setSocketTimeoutMilliseconds 2000)
(let [response (-> client
(.get (RequestOptions. url))
(is (= 200 (.getStatus response)))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (.getBody response)))))))
(testing "clojure persistent async client"
(with-open [client (async/create-client
{:socket-timeout-milliseconds 2000})]
(let [response @(common/get client url {:as :text})]
(is (= 200 (:status response)))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (:body response)))))))))))
(deftest empty-content-type-async
(testing "content-type parsing handles empty content-type"
(testwebserver/with-test-webserver app-with-empty-content-type port
(let [url (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello")]
(testing "java persistent async client"
(with-open [client (-> (ClientOptions.)
(let [response (-> client
(.get (RequestOptions. url))
(is (= 200 (.getStatus response))))))
(testing "clojure persistent async client"
(with-open [client (async/create-client {})]
(let [response @(common/get client url {:as :text})]
(is (= 200 (:status response)))))))))))