Jeremy Barlow 13f694cfda (SERVER-1733) Update to clj-parent 0.4.3 and i18n 0.7.1
This commit updates the clj-parent dependency to 0.4.3 and i18n plugin
dependency to 0.7.1.  This commit also includes some updates to
i18n-related files, including the removal of pot files which are no
longer used, updates to the Makefile, and regenerated .po files.
2017-03-20 13:46:06 -07:00

136 lines
6.1 KiB

# -*- Makefile -*-
# This file was generated by the i18n leiningen plugin
# Do not edit this file; it will be overwritten the next time you run
# lein i18n init
# The name of the package into which the translations bundle will be placed
# The name of the POT file into which the gettext code strings (msgid) will be placed
# The list of names of packages covered by the translation bundle;
# by default it contains a single package - the same where the translations
# bundle itself is placed - but this can be overridden - preferably in
# the top level Makefile
LOCALES=$(basename $(notdir $(wildcard locales/*.po)))
BUNDLE_DIR=$(subst .,/,$(BUNDLE))
BUNDLE_FILES=$(patsubst %,resources/$(BUNDLE_DIR)/Messages_%.class,$(LOCALES))
FIND_SOURCES=find src -name \*.clj
# xgettext before 0.19 does not understand --add-location=file. Even CentOS
# 7 ships with an older gettext. We will therefore generate full location
# info on those systems, and only file names where xgettext supports it
LOC_OPT=$(shell xgettext --add-location=file -f - </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo --add-location=file || echo --add-location)
:locales #{$(patsubst %,"%",$(LOCALES))}
:packages [$(patsubst %,"%",$(PACKAGES))]
:bundle $(patsubst %,"%",$(BUNDLE).Messages)
i18n: msgfmt
# Update locales/<project-name>.pot
update-pot: locales/$(POT_NAME)
locales/$(POT_NAME): $(shell $(FIND_SOURCES)) | locales
@tmp=$$(mktemp $@.tmp.XXXX); \
| xgettext --from-code=UTF-8 --language=lisp \
--copyright-holder='Puppet <>' \
--package-name="$(BUNDLE)" \
--package-version="$(BUNDLE_VERSION)" \
--msgid-bugs-address="" \
-k \
-kmark:1 -ki18n/mark:1 \
-ktrs:1 -ki18n/trs:1 \
-ktru:1 -ki18n/tru:1 \
-ktrun:1,2 -ki18n/trun:1,2 \
-ktrsn:1,2 -ki18n/trsn:1,2 \
$(LOC_OPT) \
--add-comments --sort-by-file \
-o $$tmp -f -; \
sed -i.bak -e 's/charset=CHARSET/charset=UTF-8/' $$tmp; \
sed -i.bak -e 's/POT-Creation-Date: [^\\]*/POT-Creation-Date: /' $$tmp; \
rm -f $$tmp.bak; \
if ! diff -q -I POT-Creation-Date $$tmp $@ >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
mv $$tmp $@; \
else \
rm $$tmp; touch $@; \
# Run msgfmt over all .po files to generate Java resource bundles
# and create the locales.clj file
msgfmt: $(BUNDLE_FILES) $(LOCALES_CLJ) clean-orphaned-bundles
# Force rebuild of locales.clj if its contents is not the the desired one. The
# shell echo is used to add a trailing newline to match the one from `cat`
ifneq ($(shell cat $(LOCALES_CLJ) 2> /dev/null),$(shell echo '$(LOCALES_CLJ_CONTENTS)'))
$(LOCALES_CLJ): | resources
@echo "Writing $@"
# Remove every resource bundle that wasn't generated from a PO file.
# We do this because we used to generate the english bundle directly from the POT.
.PHONY: clean-orphaned-bundles
@for bundle in resources/$(BUNDLE_DIR)/Messages_*.class; do \
locale=$$(basename "$$bundle" | sed -E -e 's/\$$?1?\.class$$/_class/' | cut -d '_' -f 2;); \
if [ ! -f "locales/$$locale.po" ]; then \
rm "$$bundle"; \
fi \
resources/$(BUNDLE_DIR)/Messages_%.class: locales/%.po | resources
msgfmt --java2 -d resources -r $(BUNDLE).Messages -l $(*F) $<
# Use this to initialize translations. Updating the PO files is done
# automatically through a CI job that utilizes the scripts in the project's
# `bin` file, which themselves come from the `clj-i18n` project.
locales/%.po: | locales
@if [ ! -f $@ ]; then \
touch $@ && msginit --no-translator -l $(*F) -o $@ -i locales/$(POT_NAME); \
resources locales:
@mkdir $@
$(info $(HELP))
.PHONY: help
define HELP
This Makefile assists in handling i18n related tasks during development. Files
that need to be checked into source control are put into the locales/ directory.
They are
locales/$(POT_NAME) - the POT file generated by 'make update-pot'
locales/$$LANG.po - the translations for $$LANG
Only the $$LANG.po files should be edited manually; this is usually done by
You can use the following targets:
i18n: refresh all the files in locales/ and recompile resources
update-pot: extract strings and update locales/$(POT_NAME)
locales/LANG.po: create translations for LANG
msgfmt: compile the translations into Java classes; this step is
needed to make translations available to the Clojure code
and produces Java class files in resources/
# @todo lutter 2015-04-20: for projects that use libraries with their own
# translation, we need to combine all their translations into one big po
# file and then run msgfmt over that so that we only have to deal with one
# resource bundle