(TK-316) Add metrics support

This commit adds metrics support to the http client (clojure and java, sync
and async). A metric registry can optionally be passed into the client as a
client option on creation. If a metric registry is present, timers will be
added to time each request.

By default, a timer is added for the URL (stripped of username, password,
query string, and path fragments) and the URL plus the method used for the
request. In addition, a request can include a `metric-id` option, which takes
a tuple of metric ids. If this request option is specified, a timer will be
created for each element of the metric id tuple - thus if the tuple is [:foo
:bar :baz] there will be a foo timer, a foo.bar timer, and a foo.bar.baz

In addition, each timer has a "MetricType" - currently there is only one
metric type, bytes-read, which is stopped when the full response has been
read. In the future, we may add "response-init" timers that get stopped when
the first byte of the response has been read.

This commit also adds a `get-client-metrics`/`.getClientMetrics` function that
takes a client instance and returns the http client-specific metrics from the
metric registry and a `get-client-metrics-data`/`.getClientMetricsData`
function for clojure and java sync and async clients to get out metrics data
from the client. This function takes a client instance and returns a map of
metric name to a map of metric data (for clojure) or a ClientMetricData object
(for java), both of which include the mean, count, and aggregate for the timer

These `get-client-metrics*`/`.getClientMetrics*` functions also have versions
that take a url, url and method, or metric id to allow for filtering of the
timers/metrics data returned by these functions.

The clojure versions of these functions take a metric filter map. There are
also metric filter builder functions to build up the type of metric filter
desired from a url, a url and method, or a metric id. These will prevent users
from having to know the specifics of how to build a metric themselves; instead
they can use a convenience function.

An empty metric id can be passed in to the filter to return all metric-id
This commit is contained in:
Ruth Linehan 2016-02-25 21:39:21 -08:00
parent fb39b41260
commit df4e36a1aa
22 changed files with 1456 additions and 76 deletions

View file

@ -15,9 +15,11 @@
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0"]
[org.apache.httpcomponents/httpasyncclient "4.1.1"]
[org.apache.commons/commons-lang3 "3.4"]
[prismatic/schema "1.0.4"]
[org.slf4j/slf4j-api "1.7.13"]
[commons-io "2.4"]
[io.dropwizard.metrics/metrics-core "3.1.2"]
[puppetlabs/ssl-utils "0.8.1"]]

View file

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
(org.apache.http.client.utils URIBuilder)
(org.apache.http.nio.client HttpAsyncClient))
(:require [puppetlabs.http.client.common :as common]
[puppetlabs.http.client.metrics :as metrics]
[schema.core :as schema])
(:refer-clojure :exclude (get)))
@ -24,7 +25,7 @@
(schema/defn ^:always-validate create-default-client :- HttpAsyncClient
[{:keys [ssl-context ssl-ca-cert ssl-cert ssl-key ssl-protocols cipher-suites
follow-redirects force-redirects connect-timeout-milliseconds
socket-timeout-milliseconds]}:- common/ClientOptions]
socket-timeout-milliseconds metric-registry]}:- common/ClientOptions]
(let [client-options (ClientOptions.)]
(cond-> client-options
(some? ssl-context) (.setSslContext ssl-context)
@ -38,7 +39,8 @@
(some? connect-timeout-milliseconds)
(.setConnectTimeoutMilliseconds connect-timeout-milliseconds)
(some? socket-timeout-milliseconds)
(.setSocketTimeoutMilliseconds socket-timeout-milliseconds))
(.setSocketTimeoutMilliseconds socket-timeout-milliseconds)
(some? metric-registry) (.setMetricRegistry metric-registry))
(JavaClient/createClient client-options)))
@ -110,6 +112,11 @@
:text ResponseBodyType/TEXT
(defn parse-metric-id
(when-let [metric-id (:metric-id opts)]
(into-array (map name metric-id))))
(schema/defn clojure-options->java :- RequestOptions
[opts :- common/RequestOptions]
(-> (parse-url opts)
@ -117,7 +124,8 @@
(.setAs (clojure-response-body-type->java opts))
(.setBody (:body opts))
(.setDecompressBody (clojure.core/get opts :decompress-body true))
(.setHeaders (:headers opts))))
(.setHeaders (:headers opts))
(.setMetricId (parse-metric-id opts))))
;;; Public
@ -144,10 +152,17 @@
* :as - used to control the data type of the response body. Supported values
are `:text` and `:stream`, which will return a `String` or an
`InputStream`, respectively. Defaults to `:stream`.
* :query-params - used to set the query parameters of an http request"
[opts :- common/RawUserRequestOptions
* :query-params - used to set the query parameters of an http request
* :metric-id - array of strings or keywords, used to set the metrics to be
timed for the request."
([opts :- common/RawUserRequestOptions
callback :- common/ResponseCallbackFn
client :- HttpAsyncClient]
(request-with-client opts callback client nil))
([opts :- common/RawUserRequestOptions
callback :- common/ResponseCallbackFn
client :- HttpAsyncClient
metric-registry :- common/OptionalMetricRegistry]
(let [result (promise)
defaults {:headers {}
:body nil
@ -157,8 +172,9 @@
java-request-options (clojure-options->java opts)
java-method (clojure-method->java opts)
response-delivery-delegate (get-response-delivery-delegate opts result)]
(JavaClient/requestWithClient java-request-options java-method callback client response-delivery-delegate)
(JavaClient/requestWithClient java-request-options java-method callback
client response-delivery-delegate metric-registry)
(schema/defn create-client :- (schema/protocol common/HTTPClient)
"Creates a client to be used for making one or more HTTP requests.
@ -186,6 +202,8 @@
* :cipher-suites - used to set the cipher suites that the client could
select from when talking to the server. Defaults to the complete
set of suites supported by the underlying language runtime.
* :metric-registry - a MetricRegistry instance used to collect metrics
on client requests.
opts (ssl-specific where only one of the following combinations permitted):
@ -201,7 +219,8 @@
* :ssl-ca-cert - path to a PEM file containing the CA cert"
[opts :- common/ClientOptions]
(let [client (create-default-client opts)]
(let [client (create-default-client opts)
metric-registry (:metric-registry opts)]
(reify common/HTTPClient
(get [this url] (common/get this url {}))
(get [this url opts] (common/make-request this url :get opts))
@ -216,9 +235,15 @@
(trace [this url] (common/trace this url {}))
(trace [this url opts] (common/make-request this url :trace opts))
(options [this url] (common/options this url {}))
(options [this url opts] (common/make-request this url :post opts))
(options [this url opts] (common/make-request this url :options opts))
(patch [this url] (common/patch this url {}))
(patch [this url opts] (common/make-request this url :patch opts))
(make-request [this url method] (common/make-request this url method {}))
(make-request [_ url method opts] (request-with-client (assoc opts :method method :url url) nil client))
(close [_] (.close client)))))
(make-request [_ url method opts] (request-with-client
(assoc opts :method method :url url)
nil client metric-registry))
(close [_] (.close client))
(get-client-metrics [_] (metrics/get-client-metrics metric-registry))
(get-client-metrics [_ metric-filter] (metrics/get-client-metrics metric-registry metric-filter))
(get-client-metrics-data [_] (metrics/get-client-metrics-data metric-registry))
(get-client-metrics-data [_ metric-filter] (metrics/get-client-metrics-data metric-registry metric-filter)))))

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
(ns puppetlabs.http.client.common
(:import (java.net URL)
(javax.net.ssl SSLContext)
(com.codahale.metrics MetricRegistry Timer)
(clojure.lang IBlockingDeref)
(java.io InputStream)
(java.nio.charset Charset))
@ -20,7 +21,9 @@
(options [this url] [this url opts])
(patch [this url] [this url opts])
(make-request [this url method] [this url method opts])
(close [this]))
(close [this])
(get-client-metrics [this] [this metric-filter])
(get-client-metrics-data [this] [this metric-filter]))
;;; Schemas
@ -38,8 +41,10 @@
(def BodyType
(schema/enum :text :stream :unbuffered-stream))
(def MetricId [(schema/either schema/Str schema/Keyword)])
(def RawUserRequestClientOptions
"The list of Request and client options passed by a user into
"The list of request and client options passed by a user into
the request function. Allows the user to configure
both a client and a request."
{:url UrlOrString
@ -49,6 +54,7 @@
(ok :decompress-body) schema/Bool
(ok :as) BodyType
(ok :query-params) {schema/Str schema/Str}
(ok :metric-id) [schema/Str]
(ok :ssl-context) SSLContext
(ok :ssl-cert) UrlOrString
@ -70,7 +76,8 @@
(ok :body) Body
(ok :decompress-body) schema/Bool
(ok :as) BodyType
(ok :query-params) {schema/Str schema/Str}})
(ok :query-params) {schema/Str schema/Str}
(ok :metric-id) MetricId})
(def RequestOptions
"The options from UserRequestOptions that have to do with the
@ -83,7 +90,8 @@
:body Body
:decompress-body schema/Bool
:as BodyType
(ok :query-params) {schema/Str schema/Str}})
(ok :query-params) {schema/Str schema/Str}
(ok :metric-id) MetricId})
(def SslContextOptions
{:ssl-context SSLContext})
@ -104,7 +112,8 @@
{(ok :force-redirects) schema/Bool
(ok :follow-redirects) schema/Bool
(ok :connect-timeout-milliseconds) schema/Int
(ok :socket-timeout-milliseconds) schema/Int})
(ok :socket-timeout-milliseconds) schema/Int
(ok :metric-registry) MetricRegistry})
(def UserRequestOptions
"A cleaned-up version of RawUserRequestClientOptions, which is formed after
@ -149,3 +158,34 @@
(def Response
(schema/either NormalResponse ErrorResponse))
(def HTTPMethod
(schema/enum :delete :get :head :option :patch :post :put :trace))
(def OptionalMetricRegistry
(schema/maybe MetricRegistry))
(def Metrics
{schema/Str Timer})
(def MetricData
{:metric-name schema/Str
:count schema/Int
:mean schema/Num
:aggregate schema/Num})
(def MetricsData
{schema/Str MetricData})
(def MetricTypes
(schema/enum :bytes-read))
(def MetricFilter
#(contains? % :url)
{:metric-type MetricTypes
:url schema/Str
(ok :method) HTTPMethod}
#(contains? % :metric-id)
{:metric-type MetricTypes
:metric-id MetricId}))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
(ns puppetlabs.http.client.metrics
(:require [schema.core :as schema]
[puppetlabs.http.client.common :as common])
(:import (com.codahale.metrics Timer)
(java.util.concurrent TimeUnit)
(com.puppetlabs.http.client.impl Metrics$MetricType Metrics)))
(schema/defn get-mean :- schema/Num
[timer :- Timer]
(->> timer
(.toMillis TimeUnit/NANOSECONDS)))
(defn get-metric-data
[timer metric-name]
(let [count (.getCount timer)
mean (get-mean timer)
aggregate (* count mean)]
{:count count
:mean mean
:aggregate aggregate
:metric-name metric-name}))
(defn get-metrics-data
(reduce (fn [acc [metric-name timer]]
(assoc acc metric-name (get-metric-data timer metric-name)))
{} timers))
(defn get-java-metric-type
(case metric-type
:bytes-read Metrics$MetricType/BYTES_READ))
(defn uppercase-method
(clojure.string/upper-case (name method)))
;;; Public
(schema/defn ^:always-validate filter-with-metric-id :- common/MetricFilter
[metric-id :- common/MetricId]
{:metric-id metric-id
:metric-type :bytes-read})
(schema/defn ^:always-validate filter-with-url :- common/MetricFilter
[url :- schema/Str]
{:url url
:metric-type :bytes-read})
(schema/defn ^:always-validate filter-with-url-and-method :- common/MetricFilter
[url :- schema/Str
method :- common/HTTPMethod]
{:url url
:method method
:metric-type :bytes-read})
(schema/defn ^:always-validate get-client-metrics :- (schema/maybe common/Metrics)
"Returns the http client-specific metrics from the metric registry."
([metric-registry :- common/OptionalMetricRegistry]
(when metric-registry
(into {} (Metrics/getClientMetrics metric-registry))))
([metric-registry :- common/OptionalMetricRegistry
metric-filter :- common/MetricFilter]
(when metric-registry
(:method metric-filter) (into {} (Metrics/getClientMetricsWithUrlAndMethod
(:url metric-filter)
(uppercase-method (:method metric-filter))
(get-java-metric-type (:metric-type metric-filter))))
(:url metric-filter) (into {} (Metrics/getClientMetricsWithUrl
(:url metric-filter)
(get-java-metric-type (:metric-type metric-filter))))
(:metric-id metric-filter) (into {} (Metrics/getClientMetricsWithMetricId
(into-array String (map name (:metric-id metric-filter)))
(get-java-metric-type (:metric-type metric-filter))))
:else (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Not an allowed metric filter."))))))
(schema/defn ^:always-validate get-client-metrics-data :- (schema/maybe common/MetricsData)
"Returns a map of metric-id to metric data summary."
([metric-registry :- common/OptionalMetricRegistry]
(when metric-registry
(let [timers (get-client-metrics metric-registry)]
(get-metrics-data timers))))
([metric-registry :- common/OptionalMetricRegistry
metric-filter :- common/MetricFilter]
(when metric-registry
(let [timers (get-client-metrics metric-registry metric-filter)]
(get-metrics-data timers)))))

View file

@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
(ns puppetlabs.http.client.sync
(:require [puppetlabs.http.client.async :as async]
[schema.core :as schema]
[puppetlabs.http.client.common :as common])
[puppetlabs.http.client.common :as common]
[puppetlabs.http.client.metrics :as metrics])
(:refer-clojure :exclude (get)))
@ -23,23 +24,26 @@
(select-keys opts [:url :method :headers :body :decompress-body :as :query-params]))
(defn request-with-client
[req client]
(let [{:keys [error] :as resp} @(async/request-with-client req nil client)]
([req client]
(request-with-client req client nil))
([req client metric-registry]
(let [{:keys [error] :as resp} @(async/request-with-client
req nil client metric-registry)]
(if error
(throw error)
;;; Public
(defn request
(with-open [client (async/create-default-client (extract-client-opts req))]
(request-with-client (extract-request-opts req) client)))
(request-with-client (extract-request-opts req) client nil)))
(schema/defn create-client :- (schema/protocol common/HTTPClient)
[opts :- common/ClientOptions]
(let [client (async/create-default-client opts)]
(let [client (async/create-default-client opts)
metric-registry (:metric-registry opts)]
(reify common/HTTPClient
(get [this url] (common/get this url {}))
(get [this url opts] (common/make-request this url :get opts))
@ -58,8 +62,14 @@
(patch [this url] (common/patch this url {}))
(patch [this url opts] (common/make-request this url :patch opts))
(make-request [this url method] (common/make-request this url method {}))
(make-request [_ url method opts] (request-with-client (assoc opts :method method :url url) client))
(close [_] (.close client)))))
(make-request [_ url method opts] (request-with-client
(assoc opts :method method :url url)
client metric-registry))
(close [_] (.close client))
(get-client-metrics [_] (metrics/get-client-metrics metric-registry))
(get-client-metrics [_ metric-filter] (metrics/get-client-metrics metric-registry metric-filter))
(get-client-metrics-data [_] (metrics/get-client-metrics-data metric-registry))
(get-client-metrics-data [_ metric-filter] (metrics/get-client-metrics-data metric-registry metric-filter)))))
(defn get
"Issue a synchronous HTTP GET request. This will raise an exception if an

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import com.puppetlabs.http.client.impl.SslUtils;
import com.puppetlabs.http.client.impl.JavaClient;
import com.puppetlabs.http.client.impl.PersistentAsyncHttpClient;
import com.puppetlabs.http.client.impl.CoercedClientOptions;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
* This class allows you to create an AsyncHttpClient for use in making
@ -20,6 +21,6 @@ public class Async {
* @return an AsyncHttpClient that can be used to make requests
public static AsyncHttpClient createClient(ClientOptions clientOptions) {
return new PersistentAsyncHttpClient(JavaClient.createClient(clientOptions));
return new PersistentAsyncHttpClient(JavaClient.createClient(clientOptions), clientOptions.getMetricRegistry());

View file

@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
package com.puppetlabs.http.client;
import com.codahale.metrics.Timer;
import com.puppetlabs.http.client.impl.ClientMetricData;
import com.puppetlabs.http.client.impl.Metrics;
import com.puppetlabs.http.client.impl.Promise;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.Map;
* This interface represents an asynchronous HTTP client with which
@ -13,6 +17,60 @@ import java.net.URISyntaxException;
public interface AsyncHttpClient extends Closeable{
* @return a Map of metric name to Timer instance
public Map<String, Timer> getClientMetrics();
* @param url a url to filter on
* @param metricType the type of metric to return timers for
* @return a Map of metric name to Timer instance
public Map<String, Timer> getClientMetrics(String url, Metrics.MetricType metricType);
* @param url a url to filter on
* @param method an HTTP method to filter on
* @param metricType the type of metric to return data for
* @return a Map of metric name to Timer instance
public Map<String, Timer> getClientMetrics(String url, String method, Metrics.MetricType metricType);
* @param metricId a metric id to filter on
* @param metricType the type of metric to return data for
* @return a Map of metric name to Timer instance
public Map<String, Timer> getClientMetrics(String[] metricId, Metrics.MetricType metricType);
* @return a Map of metric name to metric data
public Map<String, ClientMetricData> getClientMetricsData();
* @param url a url to filter on
* @param metricType the type of metric to return data for
* @return a Map of metric name to metric data
public Map<String, ClientMetricData> getClientMetricsData(String url, Metrics.MetricType metricType);
* @param url a url to filter on
* @param method an HTTP method to filter on
* @param metricType the type of metric to return data for
* @return a Map of metric name to metric data
public Map<String, ClientMetricData> getClientMetricsData(String url, String method, Metrics.MetricType metricType);
* @param metricId a metric id to filter on
* @param metricType the type of metric to return data for
* @return a Map of metric name to metric data
public Map<String, ClientMetricData> getClientMetricsData(String[] metricId, Metrics.MetricType metricType);
* Performs a GET request
* @param url the URL against which to make the GET request

View file

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package com.puppetlabs.http.client;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext;
@ -24,6 +26,7 @@ public class ClientOptions {
private boolean followRedirects = true;
private int connectTimeoutMilliseconds = -1;
private int socketTimeoutMilliseconds = -1;
private MetricRegistry metricRegistry;
* Constructor for the ClientOptions class. When this constructor is called,
@ -171,4 +174,13 @@ public class ClientOptions {
this.socketTimeoutMilliseconds = socketTimeoutMilliseconds;
return this;
public MetricRegistry getMetricRegistry() {
return metricRegistry;
public ClientOptions setMetricRegistry(MetricRegistry metricRegistry) {
this.metricRegistry = metricRegistry;
return this;

View file

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package com.puppetlabs.http.client;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ public class RequestOptions {
private Object body;
private boolean decompressBody = true;
private ResponseBodyType as = ResponseBodyType.STREAM;
private String[] metricId;
* Constructor for the RequestOptions class. When this constructor is called,
@ -90,4 +92,13 @@ public class RequestOptions {
this.as = as;
return this;
public String[] getMetricId() {
return metricId;
public RequestOptions setMetricId(String[] metricId) {
this.metricId = metricId;
return this;

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import com.puppetlabs.http.client.impl.PersistentSyncHttpClient;
import com.puppetlabs.http.client.impl.CoercedClientOptions;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext;
import java.io.IOException;
@ -86,8 +87,7 @@ public class Sync {
* @return A persistent synchronous HTTP client
public static SyncHttpClient createClient(ClientOptions clientOptions) {
return new PersistentSyncHttpClient(
return new PersistentSyncHttpClient(JavaClient.createClient(clientOptions), clientOptions.getMetricRegistry());

View file

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
package com.puppetlabs.http.client;
import com.codahale.metrics.Timer;
import com.puppetlabs.http.client.impl.ClientMetricData;
import com.puppetlabs.http.client.impl.Metrics;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.Map;
* This interface represents a synchronous HTTP client with which
@ -11,6 +16,60 @@ import java.net.URISyntaxException;
public interface SyncHttpClient extends Closeable {
* @return a Map of metric name to Timer instance
public Map<String, Timer> getClientMetrics();
* @param url a url to filter on
* @param metricType the type of metric to return timers for
* @return a Map of metric name to Timer instance
public Map<String, Timer> getClientMetrics(String url, Metrics.MetricType metricType);
* @param url a url to filter on
* @param method an HTTP method to filter on
* @param metricType the type of metric to return data for
* @return a Map of metric name to Timer instance
public Map<String, Timer> getClientMetrics(String url, String method, Metrics.MetricType metricType);
* @param metricId a metric id to filter on
* @param metricType the type of metric to return data for
* @return a Map of metric name to Timer instance
public Map<String, Timer> getClientMetrics(String[] metricId, Metrics.MetricType metricType);
* @return a Map of metric name to metric data
public Map<String, ClientMetricData> getClientMetricsData();
* @param url a url to filter on
* @param metricType the type of metric to return data for
* @return a Map of metric name to metric data
public Map<String, ClientMetricData> getClientMetricsData(String url, Metrics.MetricType metricType);
* @param url a url to filter on
* @param method an HTTP method to filter on
* @param metricType the type of metric to return data for
* @return a Map of metric name to metric data
public Map<String, ClientMetricData> getClientMetricsData(String url, String method, Metrics.MetricType metricType);
* @param metricId a metric id to filter on
* @param metricType the type of metric to return data for
* @return a Map of metric name to metric data
public Map<String, ClientMetricData> getClientMetricsData(String[] metricId, Metrics.MetricType metricType);
* Makes a configurable HTTP request
* @param requestOptions the options to configure the request

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
package com.puppetlabs.http.client.impl;
public class ClientMetricData {
private String metricName;
private Long count;
private Long mean;
private Long aggregate;
ClientMetricData(String metricName, Long count, Long mean, Long aggregate) {
this.metricName = metricName;
this.count = count;
this.mean = mean;
this.aggregate = aggregate;
public String getMetricName() {
return metricName;
public Long getCount() {
return count;
public Long getMean() {
return mean;
public Long getAggregate() {
return aggregate;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
package com.puppetlabs.http.client.impl;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricFilter;
import com.codahale.metrics.Metric;
public class ClientMetricFilter implements MetricFilter{
private String name;
private String nameEnd;
public ClientMetricFilter() {
this.name = null;
public ClientMetricFilter(String name) {
this.name = name;
public ClientMetricFilter(String name, String nameEnd) {
this.name = name;
this.nameEnd = nameEnd;
public boolean matches(String s, Metric metric) {
if ( name == null ) {
return s.startsWith(Metrics.METRIC_NAMESPACE);
} else if ( nameEnd == null ){
return s.equals(name);
} else {
return s.startsWith(name) && s.endsWith(nameEnd);

View file

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import com.puppetlabs.http.client.HttpClientException;
import com.puppetlabs.http.client.HttpMethod;
import com.puppetlabs.http.client.RequestOptions;
import com.puppetlabs.http.client.ResponseBodyType;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
import org.apache.http.Consts;
@ -259,7 +260,10 @@ public class JavaClient {
private static void executeWithConsumer(final CloseableHttpAsyncClient client,
final FutureCallback<HttpResponse> futureCallback,
final HttpRequestBase request) {
final HttpRequestBase request,
final MetricRegistry metricRegistry,
final String[] metricId) {
* Create an Apache AsyncResponseConsumer that will return the response to us as soon as it is available,
* then send the response body asynchronously
@ -287,6 +291,7 @@ public class JavaClient {
public void completed(HttpResponse httpResponse) {
@ -307,14 +312,18 @@ public class JavaClient {
client.execute(HttpAsyncMethods.create(request), consumer, streamingCompleteCallback);
TimedFutureCallback<HttpResponse> timedStreamingCompleteCallback =
new TimedFutureCallback<>(streamingCompleteCallback,
Metrics.startBytesReadTimers(metricRegistry, request, metricId));
client.execute(HttpAsyncMethods.create(request), consumer, timedStreamingCompleteCallback);
public static void requestWithClient(final RequestOptions requestOptions,
final HttpMethod method,
final IResponseCallback callback,
final CloseableHttpAsyncClient client,
final ResponseDeliveryDelegate responseDeliveryDelegate) {
final ResponseDeliveryDelegate responseDeliveryDelegate,
final MetricRegistry registry) {
final CoercedRequestOptions coercedRequestOptions = coerceRequestOptions(requestOptions, method);
@ -343,10 +352,13 @@ public class JavaClient {
final String[] metricId = requestOptions.getMetricId();
if (requestOptions.getAs() == ResponseBodyType.UNBUFFERED_STREAM) {
executeWithConsumer(client, futureCallback, request);
executeWithConsumer(client, futureCallback, request, registry, metricId);
} else {
client.execute(request, futureCallback);
TimedFutureCallback<HttpResponse> timedFutureCallback =
new TimedFutureCallback<>(futureCallback, Metrics.startBytesReadTimers(registry, request, metricId));
client.execute(request, timedFutureCallback);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
package com.puppetlabs.http.client.impl;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import com.codahale.metrics.Timer;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.http.HttpRequest;
import org.apache.http.RequestLine;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class Metrics {
public static final String METRIC_NAMESPACE = "puppetlabs.http-client.experimental";
public static final String URL_NAMESPACE = "with-url";
public static final String ID_NAMESPACE = "with-metric-id";
public static final String BYTES_READ_STRING = "bytes-read";
public enum MetricType { BYTES_READ; }
public static String metricTypeString(Metrics.MetricType metricType) {
// currently this is the only metric type we have; in the future when
// there are multiple types this will do something more useful
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Metrics.class);
private static ArrayList<Timer.Context> startBytesReadMetricIdTimers(MetricRegistry registry,
String[] metricId) {
ArrayList<Timer.Context> timers = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < metricId.length; i++) {
ArrayList<String> currentId = new ArrayList<>();
for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
String metric_name = MetricRegistry.name(METRIC_NAMESPACE,
currentId.toArray(new String[currentId.size()]));
return timers;
private static ArrayList<Timer.Context> startBytesReadUrlTimers(MetricRegistry registry,
HttpRequest request) {
ArrayList<Timer.Context> timers = new ArrayList<>();
try {
final RequestLine requestLine = request.getRequestLine();
final URI uri = new URI(requestLine.getUri());
// if the port is not specified, `getPort()` returns -1
final String port = uri.getPort() == -1 ? "" : ":" + uri.getPort();
final String strippedUrl = uri.getScheme() + "://" + uri.getHost()
+ port + uri.getRawPath();
final String urlName = MetricRegistry.name(METRIC_NAMESPACE, URL_NAMESPACE,
strippedUrl, BYTES_READ_STRING);
final String urlAndMethodName = MetricRegistry.name(METRIC_NAMESPACE, URL_NAMESPACE,
strippedUrl, requestLine.getMethod(), BYTES_READ_STRING);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
// this shouldn't be possible
LOGGER.warn("Could not build URI out of the request URI. Will not create URI timers. " +
"We recommend you read http://www.stilldrinking.com/programming-sucks. " +
"'now all your snowflakes are urine and you can't even find the cat.'");
return timers;
public static ArrayList<Timer.Context> startBytesReadTimers(MetricRegistry registry,
HttpRequest request,
String[] metricId) {
if (registry != null) {
ArrayList<Timer.Context> urlTimers = startBytesReadUrlTimers(registry, request);
ArrayList<Timer.Context> allTimers = new ArrayList<>(urlTimers);
if (metricId != null) {
ArrayList<Timer.Context> metricIdTimers =
startBytesReadMetricIdTimers(registry, metricId);
return allTimers;
else {
return null;
public static Map<String, Timer> getClientMetrics(MetricRegistry metricRegistry){
if (metricRegistry != null) {
return metricRegistry.getTimers(new ClientMetricFilter());
} else {
return null;
public static Map<String, Timer> getClientMetricsWithUrl(MetricRegistry metricRegistry,
final String url,
final MetricType metricType){
if (metricRegistry != null) {
String metricName = MetricRegistry.name(METRIC_NAMESPACE, URL_NAMESPACE,
url, metricTypeString(metricType));
return metricRegistry.getTimers(new ClientMetricFilter(metricName));
} else {
return null;
public static Map<String, Timer> getClientMetricsWithUrlAndMethod(MetricRegistry metricRegistry,
final String url,
final String method,
final MetricType metricType){
if (metricRegistry != null) {
String metricName = MetricRegistry.name(METRIC_NAMESPACE, URL_NAMESPACE,
url, method, metricTypeString(metricType));
return metricRegistry.getTimers(new ClientMetricFilter(metricName));
} else {
return null;
public static Map<String, Timer> getClientMetricsWithMetricId(MetricRegistry metricRegistry,
final String[] metricId,
final MetricType metricType){
if (metricRegistry != null) {
if (metricId.length == 0) {
String metricNameStart = MetricRegistry.name(METRIC_NAMESPACE, ID_NAMESPACE);
String metricNameEnd = metricTypeString(metricType);
return metricRegistry.getTimers(new ClientMetricFilter(metricNameStart, metricNameEnd));
} else {
String metricName = MetricRegistry.name(METRIC_NAMESPACE, ID_NAMESPACE,
StringUtils.join(metricId, "."), metricTypeString(metricType));
return metricRegistry.getTimers(new ClientMetricFilter(metricName));
} else {
return null;
public static Map<String, ClientMetricData> computeClientMetricsData(Map<String, Timer> timers){
if (timers != null) {
Map<String, ClientMetricData> metricsData = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Timer> entry : timers.entrySet()) {
Timer timer = entry.getValue();
String metricName = entry.getKey();
Double mean = timer.getSnapshot().getMean();
Long meanMillis = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(mean.longValue());
Long count = timer.getCount();
Long aggregate = count * meanMillis;
ClientMetricData data = new ClientMetricData(metricName, count, meanMillis, aggregate);
metricsData.put(metricName, data);
return metricsData;
} else {
return null;
public static Map<String, ClientMetricData> getClientMetricsData(MetricRegistry metricRegistry){
Map<String, Timer> timers = getClientMetrics(metricRegistry);
return computeClientMetricsData(timers);
public static Map<String, ClientMetricData> getClientMetricsDataWithUrl(MetricRegistry metricRegistry,
String url,
MetricType metricType){
Map<String, Timer> timers = getClientMetricsWithUrl(metricRegistry, url, metricType);
return computeClientMetricsData(timers);
public static Map<String, ClientMetricData> getClientMetricsDataWithUrlAndMethod(MetricRegistry metricRegistry,
String url,
String method,
MetricType metricType){
Map<String, Timer> timers = getClientMetricsWithUrlAndMethod(metricRegistry, url, method, metricType);
return computeClientMetricsData(timers);
public static Map<String, ClientMetricData> getClientMetricsDataWithMetricId(MetricRegistry metricRegistry,
String[] metricId,
MetricType metricType){
Map<String, Timer> timers = getClientMetricsWithMetricId(metricRegistry, metricId, metricType);
return computeClientMetricsData(timers);

View file

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package com.puppetlabs.http.client.impl;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import com.codahale.metrics.Timer;
import com.puppetlabs.http.client.Response;
import com.puppetlabs.http.client.RequestOptions;
import com.puppetlabs.http.client.HttpMethod;
@ -9,22 +11,57 @@ import org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.CloseableHttpAsyncClient;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.Map;
public class PersistentAsyncHttpClient implements AsyncHttpClient {
private CloseableHttpAsyncClient client;
private MetricRegistry metricRegistry;
public PersistentAsyncHttpClient(CloseableHttpAsyncClient client) {
public PersistentAsyncHttpClient(CloseableHttpAsyncClient client, MetricRegistry metricRegistry) {
this.client = client;
this.metricRegistry = metricRegistry;
public void close() throws IOException {
public Map<String, Timer> getClientMetrics(){
return Metrics.getClientMetrics(metricRegistry);
public Map<String, Timer> getClientMetrics(String url, Metrics.MetricType metricType) {
return Metrics.getClientMetricsWithUrl(metricRegistry, url, metricType);
public Map<String, Timer> getClientMetrics(String url, String method, Metrics.MetricType metricType) {
return Metrics.getClientMetricsWithUrlAndMethod(metricRegistry, url, method, metricType);
public Map<String, Timer> getClientMetrics(String[] metricId, Metrics.MetricType metricType) {
return Metrics.getClientMetricsWithMetricId(metricRegistry, metricId, metricType);
public Map<String, ClientMetricData> getClientMetricsData(){
return Metrics.getClientMetricsData(metricRegistry);
public Map<String, ClientMetricData> getClientMetricsData(String url, Metrics.MetricType metricType) {
return Metrics.getClientMetricsDataWithUrl(metricRegistry, url, metricType);
public Map<String, ClientMetricData> getClientMetricsData(String url, String method, Metrics.MetricType metricType) {
return Metrics.getClientMetricsDataWithUrlAndMethod(metricRegistry, url, method, metricType);
public Map<String, ClientMetricData> getClientMetricsData(String[] metricId, Metrics.MetricType metricType) {
return Metrics.getClientMetricsDataWithMetricId(metricRegistry, metricId, metricType);
private Promise<Response> request(RequestOptions requestOptions, HttpMethod method) {
final Promise<Response> promise = new Promise<>();
final JavaResponseDeliveryDelegate responseDelivery = new JavaResponseDeliveryDelegate(promise);
JavaClient.requestWithClient(requestOptions, method, null, client, responseDelivery);
JavaClient.requestWithClient(requestOptions, method, null, client, responseDelivery, metricRegistry);
return promise;

View file

@ -8,17 +8,22 @@ import com.puppetlabs.http.client.SyncHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.CloseableHttpAsyncClient;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import com.codahale.metrics.Timer;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.Map;
public class PersistentSyncHttpClient implements SyncHttpClient {
private CloseableHttpAsyncClient client;
private MetricRegistry metricRegistry;
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PersistentSyncHttpClient.class);
public PersistentSyncHttpClient(CloseableHttpAsyncClient client) {
public PersistentSyncHttpClient(CloseableHttpAsyncClient client, MetricRegistry metricRegistry) {
this.client = client;
this.metricRegistry = metricRegistry;
private static void logAndRethrow(String msg, Throwable t) {
@ -26,10 +31,42 @@ public class PersistentSyncHttpClient implements SyncHttpClient {
throw new HttpClientException(msg, t);
public Map<String, Timer> getClientMetrics(){
return Metrics.getClientMetrics(metricRegistry);
public Map<String, Timer> getClientMetrics(String url, Metrics.MetricType metricType) {
return Metrics.getClientMetricsWithUrl(metricRegistry, url, metricType);
public Map<String, Timer> getClientMetrics(String url, String method, Metrics.MetricType metricType) {
return Metrics.getClientMetricsWithUrlAndMethod(metricRegistry, url, method, metricType);
public Map<String, Timer> getClientMetrics(String[] metricId, Metrics.MetricType metricType) {
return Metrics.getClientMetricsWithMetricId(metricRegistry, metricId, metricType);
public Map<String, ClientMetricData> getClientMetricsData(){
return Metrics.getClientMetricsData(metricRegistry);
public Map<String, ClientMetricData> getClientMetricsData(String url, Metrics.MetricType metricType) {
return Metrics.getClientMetricsDataWithUrl(metricRegistry, url, metricType);
public Map<String, ClientMetricData> getClientMetricsData(String url, String method, Metrics.MetricType metricType) {
return Metrics.getClientMetricsDataWithUrlAndMethod(metricRegistry, url, method, metricType);
public Map<String, ClientMetricData> getClientMetricsData(String[] metricId, Metrics.MetricType metricType) {
return Metrics.getClientMetricsDataWithMetricId(metricRegistry, metricId, metricType);
public Response request(RequestOptions requestOptions, HttpMethod method) {
final Promise<Response> promise = new Promise<>();
final JavaResponseDeliveryDelegate responseDelivery = new JavaResponseDeliveryDelegate(promise);
JavaClient.requestWithClient(requestOptions, method, null, client, responseDelivery);
JavaClient.requestWithClient(requestOptions, method, null, client, responseDelivery, metricRegistry);
Response response = null;
try {
response = promise.deref();

View file

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
package com.puppetlabs.http.client.impl;
import com.codahale.metrics.Timer;
import org.apache.http.concurrent.FutureCallback;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public final class TimedFutureCallback<T> implements FutureCallback<T> {
private final FutureCallback<T> delegate;
private final ArrayList<Timer.Context> timerContexts;
public TimedFutureCallback(FutureCallback<T> delegate, ArrayList<Timer.Context> timerContexts) {
this.delegate = delegate;
this.timerContexts = timerContexts;
public void completed(T result) {
public void failed(Exception ex) {
public void cancelled() {
private void stopTimerContexts() {
if (timerContexts != null) {
for (Timer.Context timerContext : timerContexts) {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
(ns com.puppetlabs.http.client.impl.metrics-unit-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[puppetlabs.http.client.metrics :as metrics])
(:import (com.codahale.metrics MetricRegistry)
(com.puppetlabs.http.client.impl Metrics Metrics$MetricType)
(org.apache.http.message BasicHttpRequest)))
(def bytes-read Metrics$MetricType/BYTES_READ)
(defn add-metric-ns [string]
(str "puppetlabs.http-client.experimental." string))
(deftest start-bytes-read-timers-test
(testing "startBytesReadTimers creates the right timers"
(let [url-id (add-metric-ns "with-url.http://localhost/foo.bytes-read")
url-method-id (add-metric-ns "with-url.http://localhost/foo.GET.bytes-read")]
(testing "metric id timers are not created for a request without a metric id"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(Metrics/startBytesReadTimers metric-registry
(BasicHttpRequest. "GET" "http://localhost/foo")
(is (= (set (list url-id url-method-id)) (set (keys (.getTimers metric-registry)))))))
(testing "metric id timers are not created for a request with an empty metric id"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(Metrics/startBytesReadTimers metric-registry
(BasicHttpRequest. "GET" "http://localhost/foo")
(into-array String []))
(is (= (set (list url-id url-method-id)) (set (keys (.getTimers metric-registry)))))))
(testing "metric id timers are created correctly for a request with a metric id"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(Metrics/startBytesReadTimers metric-registry
(BasicHttpRequest. "GET" "http://localhost/foo")
(into-array ["foo" "bar" "baz"]))
(is (= (set (list url-id url-method-id
(add-metric-ns "with-metric-id.foo.bytes-read")
(add-metric-ns "with-metric-id.foo.bar.bytes-read")
(add-metric-ns "with-metric-id.foo.bar.baz.bytes-read")))
(set (keys (.getTimers metric-registry)))))))
(testing "url timers should strip off username, password, query string, and fragment"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(Metrics/startBytesReadTimers metric-registry
(BasicHttpRequest. "GET" "http://user:pwd@localhost:1234/foo%2cbar/baz?te%2cst=one")
(Metrics/startBytesReadTimers metric-registry
(BasicHttpRequest. "GET" "http://user:pwd@localhost:1234/foo%2cbar/baz#x%2cyz")
(Metrics/startBytesReadTimers metric-registry
(BasicHttpRequest. "GET" "http://user:pwd@localhost:1234/foo%2cbar/baz?te%2cst=one#x%2cyz")
(Metrics/startBytesReadTimers metric-registry
(BasicHttpRequest. "GET" "http://user:pwd@localhost:1234/foo%2cbar/baz?#x%2cyz")
(is (= (set (list (add-metric-ns "with-url.http://localhost:1234/foo%2cbar/baz.bytes-read")
(add-metric-ns "with-url.http://localhost:1234/foo%2cbar/baz.GET.bytes-read")))
(set (keys (.getTimers metric-registry))))))))))
(defn start-and-stop-timers! [registry req id]
(doseq [timer (Metrics/startBytesReadTimers
(.stop timer)))
(deftest get-client-metrics-data-test
(let [registry (MetricRegistry.)
url "http://test.com/one"
url2 "http://test.com/one/two"]
(start-and-stop-timers! registry (BasicHttpRequest. "GET" url) nil)
(start-and-stop-timers! registry (BasicHttpRequest. "POST" url) nil)
(start-and-stop-timers! registry (BasicHttpRequest. "POST" url) (into-array ["foo" "bar"]))
(start-and-stop-timers! registry (BasicHttpRequest. "GET" url2) (into-array ["foo" "abc"]))
(testing "getClientMetrics without args returns all timers"
(is (= (set
(set (keys (Metrics/getClientMetrics registry)))
(set (keys (Metrics/getClientMetricsData registry))))))
(testing "getClientMetricsData with url returns the right thing"
(let [java-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataWithUrl registry url bytes-read)
clj-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data
registry {:url url :metric-type :bytes-read})]
(is (= (add-metric-ns "with-url.http://test.com/one.bytes-read")
(first (keys java-data))
(first (keys clj-data))))
(is (= 3 (.getCount (first (vals java-data)))
(:count (first (vals clj-data))))))
(let [java-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataWithUrl registry url2 bytes-read)
clj-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data
registry {:url url2 :metric-type :bytes-read})]
(is (= (add-metric-ns "with-url.http://test.com/one/two.bytes-read")
(first (keys java-data))
(first (keys clj-data))))
(is (= 1 (.getCount (first (vals java-data)))
(:count (first (vals clj-data))))))
(testing "getClientMetricsData with url returns nothing if url is not a full match"
(is (= {} (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataWithUrl registry "http://test.com" bytes-read)
registry {:url "http://test.com" :metric-type :bytes-read})))))
(testing "getClientMetricsData with url and method returns the right thing"
(let [java-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataWithUrlAndMethod registry url "GET" bytes-read)
clj-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data
registry {:url url :method :get :metric-type :bytes-read})]
(is (= (add-metric-ns "with-url.http://test.com/one.GET.bytes-read")
(first (keys clj-data))
(first (keys java-data))))
(is (= 1 (.getCount (first (vals java-data)))
(:count (first (vals clj-data))))))
(let [java-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataWithUrlAndMethod registry url "POST" bytes-read)
clj-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data
registry {:url url :method :post :metric-type :bytes-read})]
(is (= (add-metric-ns "with-url.http://test.com/one.POST.bytes-read")
(first (keys java-data))
(first (keys clj-data))))
(is (= 2 (.getCount (first (vals java-data)))
(:count (first (vals clj-data))))))
(let [java-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataWithUrlAndMethod registry url2 "GET" bytes-read)
clj-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data
registry {:url url2 :method :get :metric-type :bytes-read})]
(is (= (add-metric-ns "with-url.http://test.com/one/two.GET.bytes-read")
(first (keys java-data))
(first (keys clj-data))))
(is (= 1 (.getCount (first (vals java-data)))
(:count (first (vals clj-data))))))
(testing "getClientMetricsData with url and method returns nothing if method is not a match"
(is (= {} (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataWithUrlAndMethod
registry "http://test.com" "PUT" bytes-read)
registry {:url "http://test.com" :method :put :metric-type :bytes-read})))))
(testing "getClientMetricsData with metric id returns the right thing"
(let [java-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataWithMetricId
registry (into-array ["foo"]) bytes-read)
clj-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data
registry {:metric-id ["foo"] :metric-type :bytes-read})]
(is (= (add-metric-ns "with-metric-id.foo.bytes-read")
(first (keys java-data))
(first (keys clj-data))))
(is (= 2 (.getCount (first (vals java-data)))
(:count (first (vals clj-data))))))
(let [java-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataWithMetricId
registry (into-array ["foo" "bar"]) bytes-read)
clj-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data
registry {:metric-id ["foo" "bar"] :metric-type :bytes-read})]
(is (= (add-metric-ns "with-metric-id.foo.bar.bytes-read")
(first (keys java-data))
(first (keys clj-data))))
(is (= 1 (.getCount (first (vals java-data)))
(:count (first (vals clj-data))))))
(let [java-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataWithMetricId
registry (into-array ["foo" "abc"]) bytes-read)
clj-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data
registry {:metric-id ["foo" "abc"] :metric-type :bytes-read})]
(is (= (add-metric-ns "with-metric-id.foo.abc.bytes-read")
(first (keys java-data))
(first (keys clj-data))))
(is (= 1 (.getCount (first (vals java-data)))
(:count (first (vals clj-data)))))
(testing "metric id can be specified as keyword or string"
(is (= clj-data
registry {:metric-id ["foo" :abc] :metric-type :bytes-read})))))
(testing "getClientMetricsData with metric id returns nothing if id is not a match"
(is (= {} (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataWithMetricId
registry (into-array ["foo" "cat"]) bytes-read)
registry {:metric-id ["foo" "cat"] :metric-type :bytes-read})))))))
(deftest empty-metric-id-filter-test
(testing "a metric id filter with an empty array returns all metric id timers"
(let [registry (MetricRegistry.)
url "http://test.com/foo/bar"
foo-id (add-metric-ns "with-metric-id.foo.bytes-read")
foo-bar-id (add-metric-ns "with-metric-id.foo.bar.bytes-read")
foo-bar-baz-id (add-metric-ns "with-metric-id.foo.bar.baz.bytes-read")]
(start-and-stop-timers! registry (BasicHttpRequest. "GET" url) (into-array ["foo" "bar" "baz"]))
(testing "empty metric filter returns all metric id timers"
(is (= (set (list foo-id foo-bar-id foo-bar-baz-id))
(set (keys (Metrics/getClientMetricsDataWithMetricId registry (into-array String []) bytes-read)))
(set (keys (metrics/get-client-metrics-data registry (metrics/filter-with-metric-id []))))))))))
(deftest metrics-filter-builder-test
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)
url "http://test.com/foo/bar"]
(start-and-stop-timers! metric-registry (BasicHttpRequest. "GET" url) (into-array ["foo" "bar"]))
(testing "url-filter works"
(is (= (metrics/get-client-metrics-data metric-registry {:url url :metric-type :bytes-read})
(metrics/get-client-metrics-data metric-registry (metrics/filter-with-url url)))))
(testing "url-method-filter works"
(is (= (metrics/get-client-metrics-data metric-registry {:url url :method :get :metric-type :bytes-read})
(metrics/get-client-metrics-data metric-registry (metrics/filter-with-url-and-method url :get)))))
(testing "metric-id-filter works"
(is (= (metrics/get-client-metrics-data metric-registry {:metric-id [:foo :bar] :metric-type :bytes-read})
(metrics/get-client-metrics-data metric-registry (metrics/filter-with-metric-id [:foo :bar])))))))

View file

@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
(use-fixtures :once schema-test/validate-schemas)
(defn- generate-data
(defn generate-data
"Generate data of approximately the requested size, which is moderately compressible"
(apply str "xxxx" (repeatedly (/ data-size 35) #(UUID/randomUUID))))
(defn- successful-handler
(defn successful-handler
"A Ring handler that asynchronously sends some data, waits for confirmation the data has been received then sends
some more data"
[data send-more-data]
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
{:status 200
:body instream})))
(defn- blocking-handler
(defn blocking-handler
"A Ring handler that sends some data but then never closes the socket"
(fn [_]
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
(let [data (generate-data (* 32 1024 1024))
opts {:as :unbuffered-stream :decompress-body decompress-body?}]
(testing " - check data can be streamed successfully success"
(testing " - check data can be streamed successfully"
(let [send-more-data (promise)]
(successful-handler data send-more-data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
@ -190,9 +190,9 @@
(.setSocketTimeoutMilliseconds 20000)
(.setConnectTimeoutMilliseconds 100)
(let [request-options (RequestOptions. (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello"))
_ (.setAs request-options ResponseBodyType/UNBUFFERED_STREAM)
_ (.setDecompressBody request-options decompress-body?)
(let [request-options (doto (RequestOptions. (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello"))
(.setAs ResponseBodyType/UNBUFFERED_STREAM)
(.setDecompressBody decompress-body?))
response (-> client (.get request-options) .deref)
status (.getStatus response)
body (.getBody response)]
@ -212,9 +212,9 @@
(.setSocketTimeoutMilliseconds 200)
(.setConnectTimeoutMilliseconds 100)
(let [request-options (RequestOptions. (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello"))
_ (.setAs request-options ResponseBodyType/UNBUFFERED_STREAM)
_ (.setDecompressBody request-options decompress-body?)
(let [request-options (doto (RequestOptions. (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello"))
(.setAs ResponseBodyType/UNBUFFERED_STREAM)
(.setDecompressBody decompress-body?))
response (-> client (.get request-options) .deref)
body (.getBody response)
error (.getError response)]
@ -229,9 +229,9 @@
(with-open [client (-> (ClientOptions.)
(.setConnectTimeoutMilliseconds 100)
(let [request-options (RequestOptions. (str "http://localhost:" 12345 "/bad"))
_ (.setAs request-options ResponseBodyType/UNBUFFERED_STREAM)
_ (.setDecompressBody request-options decompress-body?)
(let [request-options (doto (RequestOptions. (str "http://localhost:" 12345 "/bad"))
(.setAs ResponseBodyType/UNBUFFERED_STREAM)
(.setDecompressBody decompress-body?))
response (-> client (.get request-options) .deref)
error (.getError response)]
(is error)
@ -250,16 +250,16 @@
[data response-body-type decompress-body?]
(testing " - check data can be streamed successfully success"
(testing " - check data can be streamed successfully"
(successful-handler data nil) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
(with-open [client (-> (ClientOptions.)
(.setSocketTimeoutMilliseconds 20000)
(.setConnectTimeoutMilliseconds 100)
(let [request-options (RequestOptions. (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello"))
_ (.setAs request-options response-body-type)
_ (.setDecompressBody request-options decompress-body?)
(let [request-options (doto (RequestOptions. (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello"))
(.setAs response-body-type)
(.setDecompressBody decompress-body?))
response (-> client (.get request-options) .deref)
status (.getStatus response)
body (.getBody response)]
@ -278,9 +278,9 @@
(.setSocketTimeoutMilliseconds 200)
(.setConnectTimeoutMilliseconds 100)
(let [request-options (RequestOptions. (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello"))
_ (.setAs request-options response-body-type)
_ (.setDecompressBody request-options decompress-body?)
(let [request-options (doto (RequestOptions. (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello"))
(.setAs response-body-type)
(.setDecompressBody decompress-body?))
response (-> client (.get request-options) .deref)
error (.getError response)]
(is (instance? SocketTimeoutException error)))))
@ -292,9 +292,9 @@
(with-open [client (-> (ClientOptions.)
(.setConnectTimeoutMilliseconds 100)
(let [request-options (RequestOptions. (str "http://localhost:" 12345 "/bad"))
_ (.setAs request-options response-body-type)
_ (.setDecompressBody request-options decompress-body?)
(let [request-options (doto (RequestOptions. (str "http://localhost:" 12345 "/bad"))
(.setAs response-body-type)
(.setDecompressBody decompress-body?))
response (-> client (.get request-options) .deref)
error (.getError response)]
(is error)
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
(deftest java-existing-streaming-with-small-payload-with-decompression
(testing "java :stream with 1K payload and decompression"
(java-blocking-streaming (generate-data 1024) ResponseBodyType/STREAM false)))
(java-blocking-streaming (generate-data 1024) ResponseBodyType/STREAM true)))
(deftest java-existing-streaming-with-large-payload-without-decompression
(testing "java :stream with 32M payload and no decompression"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
(ns puppetlabs.http.client.metrics-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[puppetlabs.http.client.async-unbuffered-test :as unbuffered-test]
[puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services.webserver.jetty9-service :as jetty9]
[puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.testutils.bootstrap :as testutils]
[puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.testutils.logging :as testlogging]
[puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.testutils.webserver :as testwebserver]
[puppetlabs.http.client.async :as async]
[puppetlabs.http.client.sync :as sync]
[puppetlabs.http.client.common :as common]
[puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.core :as tk])
(:import (com.puppetlabs.http.client.impl ClientMetricData)
(com.puppetlabs.http.client Async RequestOptions ClientOptions ResponseBodyType Sync)
(com.codahale.metrics Timer MetricRegistry)
(java.net SocketTimeoutException)
(java.util.concurrent TimeoutException)))
(tk/defservice test-metric-web-service
[[:WebserverService add-ring-handler]]
(init [this context]
(add-ring-handler (fn [_] {:status 200 :body "Hello, World!"}) "/hello")
(add-ring-handler (fn [_]
(Thread/sleep 5)
{:status 200 :body "short"}))
(add-ring-handler (fn [_]
(Thread/sleep 100)
{:status 200 :body "long"}))
(def hello-url "http://localhost:10000/hello")
(def short-url "http://localhost:10000/short")
(def long-url "http://localhost:10000/long")
(def short-name-base "puppetlabs.http-client.experimental.with-url.http://localhost:10000/short")
(def short-name (str short-name-base ".bytes-read"))
(def short-name-with-get (str short-name-base ".GET" ".bytes-read"))
(def short-name-with-post (str short-name-base ".POST" ".bytes-read"))
(def long-name-base "puppetlabs.http-client.experimental.with-url.http://localhost:10000/long")
(def long-name (str long-name-base ".bytes-read"))
(def long-name-with-method (str long-name-base ".GET" ".bytes-read"))
(def long-foo-name "puppetlabs.http-client.experimental.with-metric-id.foo.bytes-read")
(def long-foo-bar-name "puppetlabs.http-client.experimental.with-metric-id.foo.bar.bytes-read")
(def long-foo-bar-baz-name "puppetlabs.http-client.experimental.with-metric-id.foo.bar.baz.bytes-read")
(def hello-name-base "puppetlabs.http-client.experimental.with-url.http://localhost:10000/hello")
(def hello-name (str hello-name-base ".bytes-read"))
(def hello-name-with-method (str hello-name-base ".GET" ".bytes-read"))
(deftest metrics-test-java-async
(testing "metrics work with java async client"
[jetty9/jetty9-service test-metric-web-service]
{:webserver {:port 10000}}
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)
hello-request-opts (RequestOptions. hello-url)
short-request-opts (RequestOptions. short-url)
long-request-opts (doto (RequestOptions. long-url)
(.setMetricId (into-array ["foo" "bar" "baz"])))]
(with-open [client (Async/createClient (doto (ClientOptions.)
(.setMetricRegistry metric-registry)))]
(-> client (.get hello-request-opts) (.deref)) ; warm it up
(let [short-response (-> client (.get short-request-opts) (.deref))
long-response (-> client (.get long-request-opts) (.deref))]
(-> client (.post short-request-opts) (.deref))
(is (= 200 (.getStatus short-response)))
(is (= "short" (slurp (.getBody short-response))))
(is (= 200 (.getStatus long-response)))
(is (= "long" (slurp (.getBody long-response))))
(.timer metric-registry "fake")
(let [client-metrics (.getClientMetrics client)
client-metrics-data (.getClientMetricsData client)
all-metrics (.getMetrics metric-registry)]
(testing ".getClientMetrics returns only http client metrics"
(is (= 11 (count all-metrics)))
(is (= 10 (count client-metrics)))
(is (= 10 (count client-metrics-data))))
(testing "get-client-metrics returns a map of metric name to timer instance"
(is (= (set (list hello-name hello-name-with-method short-name short-name-with-get
short-name-with-post long-name long-name-with-method
long-foo-name long-foo-bar-name long-foo-bar-baz-name))
(set (keys client-metrics))
(set (keys client-metrics-data))))
(is (every? #(instance? Timer %) (vals client-metrics))))
(testing "get-client-metrics-data returns a map of metric name to metric data"
(let [short-data (get client-metrics-data short-name)
short-data-get (get client-metrics-data short-name-with-get)
short-data-post (get client-metrics-data short-name-with-post)
long-data (get client-metrics-data long-name)]
(is (every? #(instance? ClientMetricData %) (vals client-metrics-data)))
(is (= short-name (.getMetricName short-data)))
(is (= 2 (.getCount short-data)))
(is (<= 5 (.getMean short-data)))
(is (<= 10 (.getAggregate short-data)))
(is (= short-name-with-get (.getMetricName short-data-get)))
(is (= 1 (.getCount short-data-get)))
(is (<= 5 (.getMean short-data-get)))
(is (<= 5 (.getAggregate short-data-get)))
(is (= short-name-with-post (.getMetricName short-data-post)))
(is (= 1 (.getCount short-data-post)))
(is (<= 5 (.getMean short-data-post)))
(is (<= 5 (.getAggregate short-data-post)))
(is (>= 1 (Math/abs (- (.getAggregate short-data)
(+ (.getAggregate short-data-get)
(.getAggregate short-data-post))))))
(is (= long-name (.getMetricName long-data)))
(is (= 1 (.getCount long-data)))
(is (<= 100 (.getMean long-data)))
(is (<= 100 (.getAggregate long-data)))
(is (> (.getAggregate long-data) (.getAggregate short-data))))))))
(with-open [client (Async/createClient (ClientOptions.))]
(testing ".getClientMetrics returns nil if no metrics registry passed in"
(let [response (-> client (.get hello-request-opts) (.deref))]
(is (= 200 (.getStatus response)))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (.getBody response))))
(is (= nil (.getClientMetrics client)))
(is (= nil (.getClientMetricsData client)))))))))))
(deftest metrics-test-clojure-async
(testing "metrics work with clojure async client"
[jetty9/jetty9-service test-metric-web-service]
{:webserver {:port 10000}}
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(with-open [client (async/create-client {:metric-registry metric-registry})]
@(common/get client hello-url) ; warm it up
(let [short-response @(common/get client short-url {:as :text :metric-id ["foo" "bar" "baz"]})
long-response @(common/get client long-url)]
@(common/post client short-url)
(is (= {:status 200 :body "short"} (select-keys short-response [:status :body])))
(is (= 200 (:status long-response)))
(is (= "long" (slurp (:body long-response))))
(.timer metric-registry "fake")
(let [client-metrics (common/get-client-metrics client)
client-metrics-data (common/get-client-metrics-data client)
all-metrics (.getMetrics metric-registry)]
(testing "get-client-metrics and get-client-metrics data return only http client metrics"
(is (= 11 (count all-metrics)))
(is (= 10 (count client-metrics)))
(is (= 10 (count client-metrics-data))))
(testing "get-client-metrics returns a map of metric name to timer instance"
(is (= (set (list hello-name hello-name-with-method short-name short-name-with-get
short-name-with-post long-name long-name-with-method
long-foo-name long-foo-bar-name long-foo-bar-baz-name))
(set (keys client-metrics))
(set (keys client-metrics-data))))
(is (every? #(instance? Timer %) (vals client-metrics))))
(testing "get-client-metrics-data returns a map of metric name to metrics data"
(let [short-data (get client-metrics-data short-name)
short-data-get (get client-metrics-data short-name-with-get)
short-data-post (get client-metrics-data short-name-with-post)
long-data (get client-metrics-data long-name)]
(is (= short-name (:metric-name short-data)))
(is (= 2 (:count short-data)))
(is (<= 5 (:mean short-data)))
(is (<= 10 (:aggregate short-data)))
(is (= short-name-with-get (:metric-name short-data-get)))
(is (= 1 (:count short-data-get)))
(is (<= 5 (:mean short-data-get)))
(is (<= 5 (:aggregate short-data-get)))
(is (= short-name-with-post (:metric-name short-data-post)))
(is (= 1 (:count short-data-post)))
(is (<= 5 (:mean short-data-post)))
(is (<= 5 (:aggregate short-data-post)))
(is (>= 1 (Math/abs (- (:aggregate short-data)
(+ (:aggregate short-data-get)
(:aggregate short-data-post))))))
(is (= long-name (:metric-name long-data)))
(is (= 1 (:count long-data)))
(is (<= 100 (:mean long-data)))
(is (<= 100 (:aggregate long-data)))
(is (> (:mean long-data) (:mean short-data)))))))))
(with-open [client (async/create-client {})]
(testing "get-client-metrics returns nil if no metrics registry passed in"
(let [response (common/get client hello-url)]
(is (= 200 (:status @response)))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (:body @response))))
(is (= nil (common/get-client-metrics client)))
(is (= nil (common/get-client-metrics-data client))))))))))
(deftest metrics-test-java-sync
(testing "metrics work with java sync client"
[jetty9/jetty9-service test-metric-web-service]
{:webserver {:port 10000}}
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)
hello-request-opts (RequestOptions. hello-url)
short-request-opts (RequestOptions. short-url)
long-request-opts (doto (RequestOptions. long-url)
(.setMetricId (into-array ["foo" "bar" "baz"])))]
(with-open [client (Sync/createClient (doto (ClientOptions.)
(.setMetricRegistry metric-registry)))]
(.get client hello-request-opts) ; warm it up
(let [short-response (.get client short-request-opts)
long-response (.get client long-request-opts)]
(.post client short-request-opts)
(is (= 200 (.getStatus short-response)))
(is (= "short" (slurp (.getBody short-response))))
(is (= 200 (.getStatus long-response)))
(is (= "long" (slurp (.getBody long-response))))
(.timer metric-registry "fake")
(let [client-metrics (.getClientMetrics client)
client-metrics-data (.getClientMetricsData client)
all-metrics (.getMetrics metric-registry)]
(testing ".getClientMetrics returns only http client metrics"
(is (= 11 (count all-metrics)))
(is (= 10 (count client-metrics)))
(is (= 10 (count client-metrics-data))))
(testing ".getClientMetrics returns a map of metric name to timer instance"
(is (= (set (list hello-name hello-name-with-method short-name short-name-with-get
short-name-with-post long-name long-name-with-method
long-foo-name long-foo-bar-name long-foo-bar-baz-name))
(set (keys client-metrics))
(set (keys client-metrics-data))))
(is (every? #(instance? Timer %) (vals client-metrics))))
(testing ".getClientMetricsData returns a map of metric name to metric data"
(let [short-data (get client-metrics-data short-name)
short-data-get (get client-metrics-data short-name-with-get)
short-data-post (get client-metrics-data short-name-with-post)
long-data (get client-metrics-data long-name)]
(is (every? #(instance? ClientMetricData %) (vals client-metrics-data)))
(is (= short-name (.getMetricName short-data)))
(is (= 2 (.getCount short-data)))
(is (<= 5 (.getMean short-data)))
(is (<= 10 (.getAggregate short-data)))
(is (= short-name-with-get (.getMetricName short-data-get)))
(is (= 1 (.getCount short-data-get)))
(is (<= 5 (.getMean short-data-get)))
(is (<= 5 (.getAggregate short-data-get)))
(is (= short-name-with-post (.getMetricName short-data-post)))
(is (= 1 (.getCount short-data-post)))
(is (<= 5 (.getMean short-data-post)))
(is (<= 5 (.getAggregate short-data-post)))
(is (>= 1 (Math/abs (- (.getAggregate short-data)
(+ (.getAggregate short-data-get)
(.getAggregate short-data-post))))))
(is (= long-name (.getMetricName long-data)))
(is (= 1 (.getCount long-data)))
(is (<= 100 (.getMean long-data)))
(is (<= 100 (.getAggregate long-data)))
(is (> (.getMean long-data) (.getMean short-data))))))))
(with-open [client (Sync/createClient (ClientOptions.))]
(testing ".getClientMetrics returns nil if no metrics registry passed in"
(let [response (.get client hello-request-opts)]
(is (= 200 (.getStatus response)))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (.getBody response))))
(is (= nil (.getClientMetrics client)))
(is (= nil (.getClientMetricsData client)))))))))))
(deftest metrics-test-clojure-sync
(testing "metrics work with clojure sync client"
[jetty9/jetty9-service test-metric-web-service]
{:webserver {:port 10000}}
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(with-open [client (sync/create-client {:metric-registry metric-registry})]
(common/get client hello-url) ; warm it up
(let [short-response (common/get client short-url {:as :text})
long-response (common/get client long-url {:as :text :metric-id ["foo" "bar" "baz"]})]
(common/post client short-url)
(is (= {:status 200 :body "short"} (select-keys short-response [:status :body])))
(is (= {:status 200 :body "long"} (select-keys long-response [:status :body])))
(.timer metric-registry "fake")
(let [client-metrics (common/get-client-metrics client)
client-metrics-data (common/get-client-metrics-data client)
all-metrics (.getMetrics metric-registry)]
(testing "get-client-metrics and get-client-metrics data return only http client metrics"
(is (= 11 (count all-metrics)))
(is (= 10 (count client-metrics)))
(is (= 10 (count client-metrics-data))))
(testing "get-client-metrics returns a map of metric name to timer instance"
(is (= (set (list hello-name hello-name-with-method short-name short-name-with-get
short-name-with-post long-name long-name-with-method
long-foo-name long-foo-bar-name long-foo-bar-baz-name))
(set (keys client-metrics))
(set (keys client-metrics-data))))
(is (every? #(instance? Timer %) (vals client-metrics))))
(testing "get-client-metrics-data returns a map of metric name to metrics data"
(let [short-data (get client-metrics-data short-name)
short-data-get (get client-metrics-data short-name-with-get)
short-data-post (get client-metrics-data short-name-with-post)
long-data (get client-metrics-data long-name)]
(is (= short-name (:metric-name short-data)))
(is (= 2 (:count short-data)))
(is (<= 5 (:mean short-data)))
(is (<= 10 (:aggregate short-data)))
(is (= short-name-with-get (:metric-name short-data-get)))
(is (= 1 (:count short-data-get)))
(is (<= 5 (:mean short-data-get)))
(is (<= 5 (:aggregate short-data-get)))
(is (= short-name-with-post (:metric-name short-data-post)))
(is (= 1 (:count short-data-post)))
(is (<= 5 (:mean short-data-post)))
(is (<= 5 (:aggregate short-data-post)))
(is (>= 1 (Math/abs (- (:aggregate short-data)
(+ (:aggregate short-data-get)
(:aggregate short-data-post))))))
(is (= long-name (:metric-name long-data)))
(is (= 1 (:count long-data)))
(is (<= 100 (:mean long-data)))
(is (<= 100 (:aggregate long-data)))
(is (> (:mean long-data) (:mean short-data))))))))
(with-open [client (sync/create-client {})]
(testing "get-client-metrics returns nil if no metrics registry passed in"
(let [response (common/get client hello-url)]
(is (= 200 (:status response)))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (slurp (:body response))))
(is (= nil (common/get-client-metrics client)))
(is (= nil (common/get-client-metrics-data client)))))))))))
(deftest java-metrics-for-unbuffered-streaming-test
(let [data (unbuffered-test/generate-data (* 1024 1024))]
(testing "metrics work for a successful request"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(unbuffered-test/successful-handler data nil) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
(with-open [client (-> (ClientOptions.)
(.setSocketTimeoutMilliseconds 20000)
(.setConnectTimeoutMilliseconds 100)
(.setMetricRegistry metric-registry)
(let [request-options (doto (RequestOptions. (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello"))
(.setAs ResponseBodyType/UNBUFFERED_STREAM))
response (-> client (.get request-options) .deref)
status (.getStatus response)
body (.getBody response)]
(is (= 200 status))
(let [instream body
buf (make-array Byte/TYPE 4)]
(.read instream buf)
(is (= "xxxx" (String. buf "UTF-8"))) ;; Make sure we can read a few chars off of the stream
(Thread/sleep 1000) ;; check that the bytes-read metric takes this into account
(is (= (str data "yyyy") (str "xxxx" (slurp instream))))) ;; Read the rest and validate
(let [client-metrics (.getClientMetrics client)
client-metrics-data (.getClientMetricsData client)
base-metric-name (str "puppetlabs.http-client.experimental.with-url.http://localhost:" port "/hello")
bytes-read-name (str base-metric-name ".bytes-read")
bytes-read-name-with-method (str base-metric-name ".GET" ".bytes-read")]
(is (= (set (list bytes-read-name bytes-read-name-with-method))
(set (keys client-metrics))
(set (keys client-metrics-data))))
(is (every? #(instance? Timer %) (vals client-metrics)))
(let [bytes-read-data (get client-metrics-data bytes-read-name)]
(is (every? #(instance? ClientMetricData %) (vals client-metrics-data)))
(is (= 1 (.getCount bytes-read-data)))
(is (= bytes-read-name (.getMetricName bytes-read-data)))
(is (<= 1000 (.getMean bytes-read-data)))
(is (<= 1000 (.getAggregate bytes-read-data))))))))))
(testing "metrics work for failed request"
(unbuffered-test/blocking-handler data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(with-open [client (-> (ClientOptions.)
(.setSocketTimeoutMilliseconds 200)
(.setConnectTimeoutMilliseconds 100)
(.setMetricRegistry metric-registry)
(let [request-options (doto (RequestOptions. (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello"))
(.setAs ResponseBodyType/UNBUFFERED_STREAM))
response (-> client (.get request-options) .deref)
error (.getError response)
body (.getBody response)]
(is (nil? error))
(is (thrown? SocketTimeoutException (slurp body)))
(let [client-metrics (.getClientMetrics client)
client-metrics-data (.getClientMetricsData client)
base-metric-name (str "puppetlabs.http-client.experimental.with-url.http://localhost:" port "/hello")
bytes-read-name (str base-metric-name ".bytes-read")
bytes-read-name-with-method (str base-metric-name ".GET" ".bytes-read")]
(is (= (set (list bytes-read-name bytes-read-name-with-method))
(set (keys client-metrics))
(set (keys client-metrics-data))))
(is (every? #(instance? Timer %) (vals client-metrics)))
(let [bytes-read-data (get client-metrics-data bytes-read-name)]
(is (every? #(instance? ClientMetricData %) (vals client-metrics-data)))
(is (= 1 (.getCount bytes-read-data)))
(is (= bytes-read-name (.getMetricName bytes-read-data)))
(is (<= 200 (.getMean bytes-read-data)))
(is (<= 200 (.getAggregate bytes-read-data)))))))))
(catch TimeoutException e
;; Expected whenever a server-side failure is generated
(deftest clojure-metrics-for-unbuffered-streaming-test
(let [data (unbuffered-test/generate-data (* 1024 1024))
opts {:as :unbuffered-stream}]
(testing "metrics work for a successful request"
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(unbuffered-test/successful-handler data nil) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
(with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100
:socket-timeout-milliseconds 20000
:metric-registry metric-registry})]
(let [response @(common/get client (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello") opts)
{:keys [status body]} response]
(is (= 200 status))
(let [instream body
buf (make-array Byte/TYPE 4)]
(.read instream buf)
(is (= "xxxx" (String. buf "UTF-8"))) ;; Make sure we can read a few chars off of the stream
(Thread/sleep 1000) ;; check that the bytes-read metric takes this into account
(is (= (str data "yyyy") (str "xxxx" (slurp instream))))) ;; Read the rest and validate
(let [client-metrics (common/get-client-metrics client)
client-metrics-data (common/get-client-metrics-data client)
base-metric-name (str "puppetlabs.http-client.experimental.with-url.http://localhost:" port "/hello")
bytes-read-name (str base-metric-name ".bytes-read")
bytes-read-name-with-method (str base-metric-name ".GET" ".bytes-read")]
(is (= (set (list bytes-read-name bytes-read-name-with-method))
(set (keys client-metrics))
(set (keys client-metrics-data))))
(is (every? #(instance? Timer %) (vals client-metrics)))
(let [bytes-read-data (get client-metrics-data bytes-read-name)]
(is (= {:count 1 :metric-name bytes-read-name}
(select-keys bytes-read-data [:metric-name :count])))
(is (<= 1000 (:mean bytes-read-data)))
(is (<= 1000 (:aggregate bytes-read-data))))))))))
(testing "metrics work for a failed request"
(unbuffered-test/blocking-handler data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
(let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
(with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100
:socket-timeout-milliseconds 200
:metric-registry metric-registry})]
(let [response @(common/get client (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello") opts)
{:keys [body error]} response]
(is (nil? error))
;; Consume the body to get the exception
(is (thrown? SocketTimeoutException (slurp body))))
(let [client-metrics (common/get-client-metrics client)
client-metrics-data (common/get-client-metrics-data client)
base-metric-name (str "puppetlabs.http-client.experimental.with-url.http://localhost:" port "/hello")
bytes-read-name (str base-metric-name ".bytes-read")
bytes-read-name-with-method (str base-metric-name ".GET" ".bytes-read")]
(is (= (set (list bytes-read-name bytes-read-name-with-method))
(set (keys client-metrics))
(set (keys client-metrics-data))))
(is (every? #(instance? Timer %) (vals client-metrics)))
(let [bytes-read-data (get client-metrics-data bytes-read-name)]
(is (= {:count 1 :metric-name bytes-read-name}
(select-keys bytes-read-data [:metric-name :count])))
(is (<= 200 (:mean bytes-read-data)))
(is (<= 200 (:aggregate bytes-read-data))))))))
(catch TimeoutException e
;; Expected whenever a server-side failure is generated