Move unbuffered stream Clojure tests into a separate namespace

This commit is contained in:
Scott Walker 2016-01-07 17:05:54 +00:00
parent e431b5036f
commit a5ed1d0bf8
2 changed files with 183 additions and 165 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
(ns puppetlabs.http.client.async-plaintext-test
(:import (com.puppetlabs.http.client Async RequestOptions ClientOptions ResponseBodyType)
(:import (com.puppetlabs.http.client Async RequestOptions ClientOptions)
(org.apache.http.impl.nio.client HttpAsyncClients)
( URI SocketTimeoutException ServerSocket ConnectException)
( PipedInputStream PipedOutputStream)
(java.util.concurrent TimeoutException)
(java.util UUID))
( URI SocketTimeoutException ServerSocket))
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[puppetlabs.http.client.test-common :refer :all]
[puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.core :as tk]
@ -356,163 +353,3 @@
(let [response @(common/get client url {:as :text})]
(is (= 200 (:status response)))
(is (= "Hello, World!" (:body response)))))))))))
(defn- generate-data
"Generate data of approximately the requested size, which is moderately compressible"
(apply str "xxxx" (repeatedly (/ data-size 35) #(UUID/randomUUID))))
(defn- successful-handler
"A Ring handler that asynchronously sends some data, waits for confirmation the data has been received then sends
some more data"
[data send-more-data]
(fn [_]
(let [outstream (PipedOutputStream.)
instream (PipedInputStream.)]
(.connect instream outstream)
;; Return the response immediately and asynchronously stream some data into it
(.write outstream (.getBytes data))
; Block until the client confirms it has read the first few bytes
; :socket-timeout-milliseconds on the client ensures we can't really get stuck here, even if the test fails
(if send-more-data (deref send-more-data))
; Write the last of the data
(.write outstream (.getBytes "yyyy"))
(.close outstream))
{:status 200
:body instream})))
(defn- blocking-handler
"A Ring handler that sends some data but then never closes the socket"
(fn [_]
(let [outstream (PipedOutputStream.)
instream (PipedInputStream.)]
(.connect instream outstream)
;; Return the response immediately and asynchronously stream some data into it
(.write outstream (.getBytes data)))
{:status 200
:body instream})))
(defn- clojure-non-blocking-streaming
"Stream 32M of data (roughly) which is large enough to ensure the client won't buffer it all. Checks the data is
streamed in a non-blocking manner i.e some data is received by the client before the server has finished
(let [data (generate-data (* 32 1024 1024))
opts {:as :unbuffered-stream :decompress-body decompress-body?}]
(testing " - check data can be streamed successfully success"
(let [send-more-data (promise)]
(successful-handler data send-more-data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
(with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100
:socket-timeout-milliseconds 20000})]
(let [response @(common/get client (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello") opts)
{:keys [status body]} response]
(is (= 200 status))
(let [instream body
buf (make-array Byte/TYPE 4)
_ (.read instream buf)]
(is (= "xxxx" (String. buf "UTF-8"))) ;; Make sure we can read a few chars off of the stream
(deliver send-more-data true) ;; Indicate we read some chars
(is (= (str data "yyyy") (str "xxxx" (slurp instream)))))))))) ;; Read the rest and validate
(testing " - check socket timeout is handled"
(blocking-handler data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
(with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100
:socket-timeout-milliseconds 200})]
(let [response @(common/get client (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello") opts)
{:keys [body error]} response]
(is (nil? error))
;; Consume the body to get the exception
(is (thrown? SocketTimeoutException (slurp body))))))
(catch TimeoutException e
;; Expected whenever a server-side failure is generated
(testing " - check connection timeout is handled"
(with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100})]
(let [response @(common/get client (str "http://localhost:" 12345 "/bad") opts)
{:keys [error]} response]
(is error)
(is (instance? ConnectException error))))))))
(deftest clojure-non-blocking-streaming-without-decompression
(testing "clojure :unbuffered-stream with 32MB payload and no decompression"
(clojure-non-blocking-streaming false)))
(deftest clojure-non-blocking-streaming-with-decompression
(testing "clojure :unbuffered-stream with 32MB payload and decompression"
(clojure-non-blocking-streaming true)))
(defn- clojure-blocking-streaming
"Stream data that is buffered client-side i.e. in a blocking manner"
[data opts]
(testing " - check data can be streamed successfully success"
(successful-handler data nil) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
(with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100
:socket-timeout-milliseconds 20000})]
(let [response @(common/get client (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello") opts)
{:keys [status body]} response]
(is (= 200 status))
(let [instream body
buf (make-array Byte/TYPE 4)
_ (.read instream buf)]
(is (= "xxxx" (String. buf "UTF-8"))) ;; Make sure we can read a few chars off of the stream
(is (= (str data "yyyy") (str "xxxx" (slurp instream))))))))) ;; Read the rest and validate
(testing " - check socket timeout is handled"
(blocking-handler data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
(with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100
:socket-timeout-milliseconds 200})]
(let [response @(common/get client (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello") opts)
{:keys [error]} response]
(is (instance? SocketTimeoutException error)))))
(catch TimeoutException e
;; Expected whenever a server-side failure is generated
(testing " - check connection timeout is handled"
(with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100})]
(let [response @(common/get client (str "http://localhost:" 12345 "/bad") opts)
{:keys [error]} response]
(is error)
(is (instance? ConnectException error)))))))
(deftest clojure-blocking-streaming-without-decompression
(testing "clojure :unbuffered-stream with 1K payload and no decompression"
;; This is a small enough payload that :unbuffered-stream still buffered it all in memory and so it behaves
;; identically to :stream
(clojure-blocking-streaming (generate-data 1024) {:as :unbuffered-stream :decompress-body false})))
(deftest clojure-blocking-streaming-with-decompression
(testing "clojure :unbuffered-stream with 1K payload and decompression"
;; This is a small enough payload that :unbuffered-stream still buffered it all in memory and so it behaves
;; identically to :stream
(clojure-blocking-streaming (generate-data 1024) {:as :unbuffered-stream :decompress-body true})))
(deftest clojure-existing-streaming-with-small-payload-without-decompression
(testing "clojure :stream with 1K payload and no decompression"
(clojure-blocking-streaming (generate-data 1024) {:as :stream :decompress-body false})))
(deftest clojure-existing-streaming-with-small-payload-with-decompression
(testing "clojure :stream with 1K payload and decompression"
(clojure-blocking-streaming (generate-data 1024) {:as :stream :decompress-body true})))
(deftest clojure-existing-streaming-with-large-payload-without-decompression
(testing "clojure :stream with 32M payload and no decompression"
(clojure-blocking-streaming (generate-data (* 32 1024 1024)) {:as :stream :decompress-body false})))
(deftest clojure-existing-streaming-with-large-payload-with-decompression
(testing "clojure :stream with 32M payload and decompression"
(clojure-blocking-streaming (generate-data (* 32 1024 1024)) {:as :stream :decompress-body true})))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
(ns puppetlabs.http.client.async-unbuffered-test
(:import (com.puppetlabs.http.client Async RequestOptions ClientOptions ResponseBodyType)
(org.apache.http.impl.nio.client HttpAsyncClients)
( URI SocketTimeoutException ServerSocket ConnectException)
( PipedInputStream PipedOutputStream)
(java.util.concurrent TimeoutException)
(java.util UUID))
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[ :as io]
[puppetlabs.http.client.test-common :refer :all]
[puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.core :as tk]
[puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.testutils.bootstrap :as testutils]
[puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.testutils.logging :as testlogging]
[puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.testutils.webserver :as testwebserver]
[ :as jetty9]
[puppetlabs.http.client.common :as common]
[puppetlabs.http.client.async :as async]
[schema.test :as schema-test]
[ :as log]))
(use-fixtures :once schema-test/validate-schemas)
(defn- generate-data
"Generate data of approximately the requested size, which is moderately compressible"
(apply str "xxxx" (repeatedly (/ data-size 35) #(UUID/randomUUID))))
(defn- successful-handler
"A Ring handler that asynchronously sends some data, waits for confirmation the data has been received then sends
some more data"
[data send-more-data]
(fn [_]
(let [outstream (PipedOutputStream.)
instream (PipedInputStream.)]
(.connect instream outstream)
;; Return the response immediately and asynchronously stream some data into it
(.write outstream (.getBytes data))
; Block until the client confirms it has read the first few bytes
; :socket-timeout-milliseconds on the client ensures we can't really get stuck here, even if the test fails
(if send-more-data (deref send-more-data))
; Write the last of the data
(.write outstream (.getBytes "yyyy"))
(.close outstream))
{:status 200
:body instream})))
(defn- blocking-handler
"A Ring handler that sends some data but then never closes the socket"
(fn [_]
(let [outstream (PipedOutputStream.)
instream (PipedInputStream.)]
(.connect instream outstream)
;; Return the response immediately and asynchronously stream some data into it
(.write outstream (.getBytes data)))
{:status 200
:body instream})))
(defn- clojure-non-blocking-streaming
"Stream 32M of data (roughly) which is large enough to ensure the client won't buffer it all. Checks the data is
streamed in a non-blocking manner i.e some data is received by the client before the server has finished
(let [data (generate-data (* 32 1024 1024))
opts {:as :unbuffered-stream :decompress-body decompress-body?}]
(testing " - check data can be streamed successfully success"
(let [send-more-data (promise)]
(successful-handler data send-more-data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
(with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100
:socket-timeout-milliseconds 20000})]
(let [response @(common/get client (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello") opts)
{:keys [status body]} response]
(is (= 200 status))
(let [instream body
buf (make-array Byte/TYPE 4)
_ (.read instream buf)]
(is (= "xxxx" (String. buf "UTF-8"))) ;; Make sure we can read a few chars off of the stream
(deliver send-more-data true) ;; Indicate we read some chars
(is (= (str data "yyyy") (str "xxxx" (slurp instream)))))))))) ;; Read the rest and validate
(testing " - check socket timeout is handled"
(blocking-handler data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
(with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100
:socket-timeout-milliseconds 200})]
(let [response @(common/get client (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello") opts)
{:keys [body error]} response]
(is (nil? error))
;; Consume the body to get the exception
(is (thrown? SocketTimeoutException (slurp body))))))
(catch TimeoutException e
;; Expected whenever a server-side failure is generated
(testing " - check connection timeout is handled"
(with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100})]
(let [response @(common/get client (str "http://localhost:" 12345 "/bad") opts)
{:keys [error]} response]
(is error)
(is (instance? ConnectException error))))))))
(deftest clojure-non-blocking-streaming-without-decompression
(testing "clojure :unbuffered-stream with 32MB payload and no decompression"
(clojure-non-blocking-streaming false)))
(deftest clojure-non-blocking-streaming-with-decompression
(testing "clojure :unbuffered-stream with 32MB payload and decompression"
(clojure-non-blocking-streaming true)))
(defn- clojure-blocking-streaming
"Stream data that is buffered client-side i.e. in a blocking manner"
[data opts]
(testing " - check data can be streamed successfully success"
(successful-handler data nil) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
(with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100
:socket-timeout-milliseconds 20000})]
(let [response @(common/get client (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello") opts)
{:keys [status body]} response]
(is (= 200 status))
(let [instream body
buf (make-array Byte/TYPE 4)
_ (.read instream buf)]
(is (= "xxxx" (String. buf "UTF-8"))) ;; Make sure we can read a few chars off of the stream
(is (= (str data "yyyy") (str "xxxx" (slurp instream))))))))) ;; Read the rest and validate
(testing " - check socket timeout is handled"
(blocking-handler data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
(with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100
:socket-timeout-milliseconds 200})]
(let [response @(common/get client (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello") opts)
{:keys [error]} response]
(is (instance? SocketTimeoutException error)))))
(catch TimeoutException e
;; Expected whenever a server-side failure is generated
(testing " - check connection timeout is handled"
(with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100})]
(let [response @(common/get client (str "http://localhost:" 12345 "/bad") opts)
{:keys [error]} response]
(is error)
(is (instance? ConnectException error)))))))
(deftest clojure-blocking-streaming-without-decompression
(testing "clojure :unbuffered-stream with 1K payload and no decompression"
;; This is a small enough payload that :unbuffered-stream still buffered it all in memory and so it behaves
;; identically to :stream
(clojure-blocking-streaming (generate-data 1024) {:as :unbuffered-stream :decompress-body false})))
(deftest clojure-blocking-streaming-with-decompression
(testing "clojure :unbuffered-stream with 1K payload and decompression"
;; This is a small enough payload that :unbuffered-stream still buffered it all in memory and so it behaves
;; identically to :stream
(clojure-blocking-streaming (generate-data 1024) {:as :unbuffered-stream :decompress-body true})))
(deftest clojure-existing-streaming-with-small-payload-without-decompression
(testing "clojure :stream with 1K payload and no decompression"
(clojure-blocking-streaming (generate-data 1024) {:as :stream :decompress-body false})))
(deftest clojure-existing-streaming-with-small-payload-with-decompression
(testing "clojure :stream with 1K payload and decompression"
(clojure-blocking-streaming (generate-data 1024) {:as :stream :decompress-body true})))
(deftest clojure-existing-streaming-with-large-payload-without-decompression
(testing "clojure :stream with 32M payload and no decompression"
(clojure-blocking-streaming (generate-data (* 32 1024 1024)) {:as :stream :decompress-body false})))
(deftest clojure-existing-streaming-with-large-payload-with-decompression
(testing "clojure :stream with 32M payload and decompression"
(clojure-blocking-streaming (generate-data (* 32 1024 1024)) {:as :stream :decompress-body true})))