(TK-27) Move schemas into common

Combine the schemas and common namespaces.
This commit is contained in:
Preben Ingvaldsen 2014-07-17 10:40:40 -07:00
parent b807083c5a
commit 849b209bae
5 changed files with 138 additions and 135 deletions

View file

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
(:require [puppetlabs.certificate-authority.core :as ssl]
[clojure.string :as str]
[puppetlabs.kitchensink.core :as ks]
[puppetlabs.http.client.schemas :as schemas]
[puppetlabs.http.client.common :as common]
[schema.core :as schema]
[clojure.tools.logging :as log])
(:refer-clojure :exclude (get)))
@ -60,12 +60,12 @@
(initialize-ssl-context-from-ca-pem req))
(schema/defn configure-ssl :- (schema/either {} schemas/SslContextOptions)
(schema/defn configure-ssl :- (schema/either {} common/SslContextOptions)
"Configures a request map to have an SSLContext. It will use an existing one
(stored in :ssl-context) if already present, and will fall back to a set of
PEM files (stored in :ssl-cert, :ssl-key, and :ssl-ca-cert) if those are present.
If none of these are present this does not modify the request map."
[opts :- schemas/SslOptions]
[opts :- common/SslOptions]
(:ssl-context opts) opts
(every? opts [:ssl-cert :ssl-key :ssl-ca-cert]) (configure-ssl-from-pems opts)
@ -169,16 +169,16 @@
:body (when-let [entity (.getEntity http-response)]
(.getContent entity))}))
(schema/defn error-response :- schemas/ErrorResponse
[opts :- schemas/UserRequestOptions
(schema/defn error-response :- common/ErrorResponse
[opts :- common/UserRequestOptions
e :- Exception]
{:opts opts
:error e})
(schema/defn callback-response :- schemas/Response
[opts :- schemas/UserRequestOptions
callback :- schemas/ResponseCallbackFn
response :- schemas/Response]
(schema/defn callback-response :- common/Response
[opts :- common/UserRequestOptions
callback :- common/ResponseCallbackFn
response :- common/Response]
(if callback
(callback response)
@ -187,11 +187,11 @@
(schema/defn deliver-result
[client :- schemas/Client
result :- schemas/ResponsePromise
opts :- schemas/UserRequestOptions
callback :- schemas/ResponseCallbackFn
response :- schemas/Response]
[client :- common/Client
result :- common/ResponsePromise
opts :- common/UserRequestOptions
callback :- common/ResponseCallbackFn
response :- common/Response]
(deliver result (callback-response opts callback response))
@ -199,10 +199,10 @@
(.close client)))))
(schema/defn future-callback
[client :- schemas/Client
result :- schemas/ResponsePromise
opts :- schemas/UserRequestOptions
callback :- schemas/ResponseCallbackFn]
[client :- common/Client
result :- common/ResponsePromise
opts :- common/UserRequestOptions
callback :- common/ResponseCallbackFn]
(reify FutureCallback
(completed [this http-response]
@ -223,12 +223,12 @@
(HttpClientException. "Request cancelled"))))))
(schema/defn extract-client-opts :- schemas/ClientOptions
[opts :- schemas/UserRequestOptions]
(schema/defn extract-client-opts :- common/ClientOptions
[opts :- common/UserRequestOptions]
(select-keys opts [:ssl-context :ssl-ca-cert :ssl-cert :ssl-key]))
(schema/defn create-default-client :- schemas/Client
[opts :- schemas/RawUserRequestOptions]
(schema/defn create-default-client :- common/Client
[opts :- common/RawUserRequestOptions]
(let [defaults {:headers {}
:body nil
:decompress-body true
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
;;; Public
(schema/defn ^:always-validate request :- schemas/ResponsePromise
(schema/defn ^:always-validate request :- common/ResponsePromise
"Issues an async HTTP request and returns a promise object to which the value
of `(callback {:opts _ :status _ :headers _ :body _})` or
`(callback {:opts _ :error _})` will be delivered.
@ -275,16 +275,16 @@
* :ssl-cert - path to a PEM file containing the client cert
* :ssl-key - path to a PEM file containing the client private key
* :ssl-ca-cert - path to a PEM file containing the CA cert"
([opts :- schemas/RawUserRequestOptions]
([opts :- common/RawUserRequestOptions]
(request opts nil))
([opts :- schemas/RawUserRequestOptions
callback :- schemas/ResponseCallbackFn]
([opts :- common/RawUserRequestOptions
callback :- common/ResponseCallbackFn]
(let [client (create-default-client opts)
opts (assoc opts :persistent false)]
(request opts callback client)))
([opts :- schemas/RawUserRequestOptions
callback :- schemas/ResponseCallbackFn
client :- schemas/Client]
([opts :- common/RawUserRequestOptions
callback :- common/ResponseCallbackFn
client :- common/Client]
(let [defaults {:headers {}
:body nil
:decompress-body true

View file

@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
(ns puppetlabs.http.client.common
(:import (java.net URL)
(javax.net.ssl SSLContext)
(org.apache.http.impl.nio.client CloseableHttpAsyncClient)
(clojure.lang IBlockingDeref)
(java.io InputStream)
(java.nio.charset Charset))
(:require [schema.core :as schema])
(:refer-clojure :exclude (get)))
;;; Client Protocol
(defprotocol HTTPClient
(get [this url] [this url opts])
(head [this url] [this url opts])
@ -11,3 +21,98 @@
(options [this url] [this url opts])
(patch [this url] [this url opts])
(close [this]))
;;; Schemas
(def ok schema/optional-key)
(def UrlOrString (schema/either schema/Str URL))
;; TODO: replace this with a protocol
(def Client CloseableHttpAsyncClient)
(def Headers
{schema/Str schema/Str})
(def Body
(schema/maybe (schema/either String InputStream)))
(def BodyType
(schema/enum :text :stream))
(def RawUserRequestOptions
{:url UrlOrString
:method schema/Keyword
(ok :headers) Headers
(ok :body) Body
(ok :decompress-body) schema/Bool
(ok :as) BodyType
:persistent) schema/Bool
(ok :ssl-context) SSLContext
(ok :ssl-cert) UrlOrString
(ok :ssl-key) UrlOrString
(ok :ssl-ca-cert) UrlOrString})
(def RequestOptions
{:url UrlOrString
:method schema/Keyword
:headers Headers
:body Body
:decompress-body schema/Bool
:as BodyType
:persistent) schema/Bool})
(def SslContextOptions
{:ssl-context SSLContext})
(def SslCaCertOptions
{:ssl-ca-cert UrlOrString})
(def SslCertOptions
{:ssl-cert UrlOrString
:ssl-key UrlOrString
:ssl-ca-cert UrlOrString})
(def SslOptions
(schema/either {} SslContextOptions SslCertOptions SslCaCertOptions))
(def UserRequestOptions
(merge RequestOptions SslContextOptions)
(merge RequestOptions SslCaCertOptions)
(merge RequestOptions SslCertOptions)))
(def ClientOptions
(def ResponseCallbackFn
(schema/maybe (schema/pred ifn?)))
(def ResponsePromise
(def ContentType
(schema/maybe {:mime-type schema/Str
:charset (schema/maybe Charset)}))
(def NormalResponse
{:opts UserRequestOptions
:orig-content-encoding (schema/maybe schema/Str)
:body Body
:headers Headers
:status schema/Int
:content-type ContentType})
(def ErrorResponse
{:opts UserRequestOptions
:error Exception})
(def Response
(schema/either NormalResponse ErrorResponse))

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
(:import (org.apache.http.impl.nio.client HttpAsyncClients))
(:require [schema.core :as schema]
[puppetlabs.http.client.common :as common]
[puppetlabs.http.client.schemas :as schemas]
[puppetlabs.http.client.common :as common]
[puppetlabs.http.client.async :refer [request configure-ssl]])
(:refer-clojure :exclude (get)))
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
;;; Public
(schema/defn create-client :- common/HTTPClient
[opts :- schemas/ClientOptions]
[opts :- common/ClientOptions]
(let [opts (configure-ssl opts)
client (if (:ssl-context opts)
(.. (HttpAsyncClients/custom) (setSSLContext (:ssl-context opts)) build)

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
(:import (org.apache.http.impl.nio.client HttpAsyncClients))
(:require [schema.core :as schema]
[puppetlabs.http.client.common :as common]
[puppetlabs.http.client.schemas :as schemas]
[puppetlabs.http.client.common :as common]
[puppetlabs.http.client.sync :refer [request]]
[puppetlabs.http.client.async :refer [configure-ssl]])
(:refer-clojure :exclude (get)))
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
;;; Public
(schema/defn create-client :- common/HTTPClient
[opts :- schemas/ClientOptions]
[opts :- common/ClientOptions]
(let [opts (configure-ssl opts)
client (if (:ssl-context opts)
(.. (HttpAsyncClients/custom) (setSSLContext (:ssl-context opts)) build)

View file

@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
(ns puppetlabs.http.client.schemas
(:import (java.net URL)
(javax.net.ssl SSLContext)
(org.apache.http.impl.nio.client CloseableHttpAsyncClient)
(clojure.lang IBlockingDeref)
(java.io InputStream)
(java.nio.charset Charset))
(:require [schema.core :as schema]))
;;; Schemas
(def ok schema/optional-key)
(def UrlOrString (schema/either schema/Str URL))
;; TODO: replace this with a protocol
(def Client CloseableHttpAsyncClient)
(def Headers
{schema/Str schema/Str})
(def Body
(schema/maybe (schema/either String InputStream)))
(def BodyType
(schema/enum :text :stream))
(def RawUserRequestOptions
{:url UrlOrString
:method schema/Keyword
(ok :headers) Headers
(ok :body) Body
(ok :decompress-body) schema/Bool
(ok :as) BodyType
:persistent) schema/Bool
(ok :ssl-context) SSLContext
(ok :ssl-cert) UrlOrString
(ok :ssl-key) UrlOrString
(ok :ssl-ca-cert) UrlOrString})
(def RequestOptions
{:url UrlOrString
:method schema/Keyword
:headers Headers
:body Body
:decompress-body schema/Bool
:as BodyType
:persistent) schema/Bool})
(def SslContextOptions
{:ssl-context SSLContext})
(def SslCaCertOptions
{:ssl-ca-cert UrlOrString})
(def SslCertOptions
{:ssl-cert UrlOrString
:ssl-key UrlOrString
:ssl-ca-cert UrlOrString})
(def SslOptions
(schema/either {} SslContextOptions SslCertOptions SslCaCertOptions))
(def UserRequestOptions
(merge RequestOptions SslContextOptions)
(merge RequestOptions SslCaCertOptions)
(merge RequestOptions SslCertOptions)))
(def ClientOptions
(def ResponseCallbackFn
(schema/maybe (schema/pred ifn?)))
(def ResponsePromise
(def ContentType
(schema/maybe {:mime-type schema/Str
:charset (schema/maybe Charset)}))
(def NormalResponse
{:opts UserRequestOptions
:orig-content-encoding (schema/maybe schema/Str)
:body Body
:headers Headers
:status schema/Int
:content-type ContentType})
(def ErrorResponse
{:opts UserRequestOptions
:error Exception})
(def Response
(schema/either NormalResponse ErrorResponse))