(TK-27) Modify create-client function

Modify create-client function in async.clj to now return a new
client wrapped in the async-client protocol. Make create-client
public. Modify request to make a default client if none is
provided to support these changes.
This commit is contained in:
Preben Ingvaldsen 2014-07-14 13:39:08 -07:00
parent 085ad7a4d0
commit 3a3e60109d

View file

@ -35,14 +35,15 @@
;;; Async Client protocol
(defprotocol async-client
(get [url] [url opts])
(head [url] [url opts])
(post [url] [url opts])
(put [url] [url opts])
(delete [url] [url opts])
(trace [url] [url opts])
(options [url] [url opts])
(patch [url] [url opts]))
(get [this url] [this url opts])
(head [this url] [this url opts])
(post [this url] [this url opts])
(put [this url] [this url opts])
(delete [this url] [this url opts])
(trace [this url] [this url opts])
(options [this url] [this url opts])
(patch [this url] [this url opts])
(close [this]))
;;; Private SSL configuration functions
@ -239,11 +240,17 @@
[opts :- schemas/UserRequestOptions]
(select-keys opts [:ssl-context :ssl-ca-cert :ssl-cert :ssl-key]))
(schema/defn create-client :- schemas/Client
[opts :- schemas/ClientOptions]
(let [opts (configure-ssl opts)
client (if (:ssl-context opts)
(.. (HttpAsyncClients/custom) (setSSLContext (:ssl-context opts)) build)
(schema/defn create-default-client :- schemas/Client
[opts :- schemas/RawUserRequestOptions]
(let [defaults {:headers {}
:body nil
:decompress-body true
:as :stream}
opts (merge defaults opts)
client-opts (extract-client-opts opts)
configured-opts (configure-ssl client-opts)
client (if (:ssl-context configured-opts)
(.. (HttpAsyncClients/custom) (setSSLContext (:ssl-context configured-opts)) build)
(.start client)
@ -285,13 +292,16 @@
(request opts nil))
([opts :- schemas/RawUserRequestOptions
callback :- schemas/ResponseCallbackFn]
(let [client (create-default-client opts)]
(request opts callback client)))
([opts :- schemas/RawUserRequestOptions
callback :- schemas/ResponseCallbackFn
client :- schemas/Client]
(let [defaults {:headers {}
:body nil
:decompress-body true
:as :stream}
opts (merge defaults opts)
client-opts (extract-client-opts opts)
client (create-client client-opts)
{:keys [method url body] :as coerced-opts} (coerce-opts opts)
request (construct-request method url)
result (promise)]
@ -302,6 +312,32 @@
(future-callback client result opts callback))
(schema/defn create-client :- async-client
[opts :- schemas/ClientOptions]
(let [opts (configure-ssl opts)
client (if (:ssl-context opts)
(.. (HttpAsyncClients/custom) (setSSLContext (:ssl-context opts)) build)
(.start client)
(reify async-client
(get [_ url] (get url {}))
(get [_ url opts] (request (assoc opts :method :get :url url) nil client))
(head [_ url] (head url {}))
(head [_ url opts] (request (assoc opts :method :head :url url) nil client))
(post [_ url] (post url {}))
(post [_ url opts] (request (assoc opts :method :post :url url) nil client))
(put [_ url] (put url {}))
(put [_ url opts] (request (assoc opts :method :put :url url) nil client))
(delete [_ url] (delete url {}))
(delete [_ url opts] (request (assoc opts :method :delete :url url) nil client))
(trace [_ url] (trace url {}))
(trace [_ url opts] (request (assoc opts :method :trace :url url) nil client))
(options [_ url] (options url {}))
(options [_ url opts] (request (assoc opts :method :options :url url) nil client))
(patch [_ url] (patch url {}))
(patch [_ url opts] (request (assoc opts :method :patch :url url) nil client))
(close [_] (.close client)))))
(defn get
"Issue an asynchronous HTTP GET request. This will raise an exception if an
error is returned."