fix a real-world schema bug

This commit is contained in:
Yann Esposito 2016-03-17 10:56:49 +01:00
parent b80f98d40f
commit cd6dbb9b61
4 changed files with 33 additions and 11 deletions

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(defproject y42/clj-druid "0.2.11"
(defproject y42/clj-druid "0.2.12"
:description "Clojure library for"
:url ""
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"

View file

@ -54,20 +54,15 @@
:name s/Str
:fieldName s/Str})
(declare aggregation)
(s/defschema filteredAggregator
"A filtered aggregator wraps any given aggregator, but only aggregates the values for which the given dimension filter matches.
This makes it possible to compute the results of a filtered and an unfiltered aggregation simultaneously, without having to issue multiple queries, and use both results as part of post-aggregations."
{:type (s/enum :filtered)
:filter Filter
:aggregator (s/conditional
#(= :count (:type %)) countAggregator
#(= :longSum (:type %)) longSumAggregator
#(= :doubleSum (:type %)) doubleSumAggregator
#(= :min (:type %)) minAggregator
#(= :max (:type %)) maxAggregator
#(= :javascript (:type %)) javascriptAggregator
#(= :cardinality (:type %)) cardinalityAggregator
#(= :hyperUnique (:type %)) hyperUniqueAggregator)})
(s/optional-key :name) s/Str
:aggregator (s/recursive #'aggregation)})
(s/defschema aggregation
"Aggregations are specifications of processing over metrics available in Druid"

View file

@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ Selector filters can be used as the base filters for more complex Boolean expres
#(= :regex (:type %)) regexFilter
#(= :javascript (:type %)) javascriptFilter
#(= :spatial (:type %)) spatialFilter
#(= :not (:type %)) {:type (s/enum :not)
:field (s/recursive #'Filter)}
#(or (= :or (:type %))
(= :and (:type %))) {:type (s/enum :or :and)
:fields [(s/recursive #'Filter)]}))

View file

@ -104,13 +104,34 @@
:maxCoords [3 4]}}
:pagingSpec {:pagingIdentifiers {} :threshold 5}})
(def valid-topN-query
(into valid-timeseries-query {:queryType :topN
:dimension "dim1"
:threshold 5
:metric "count"}))
(def valid-filtered-aggregation
{:queryType :timeseries
:dataSource "dev.supercell"
:granularity :all
:intervals ["2016-03-17T07:30:10.476/2016-03-17T08:30:10.476"]
:filter {:type :selector
:dimension "project_id"
:value "vgteam-TV_Shows"}
:aggregations [{:type :filtered
:filter {:type :selector
:dimension "img-adult"
:value "false"}
:aggregator {:type :filtered
:aggregator {:type :longSum
:name "qualityRows"
:fieldName "count" }
:filter {:type :not
:field {:type :selector
:dimension "quality"
:value nil}}
:name "img-adult->false->qualityRows"}}]})
(deftest test-valid-groupby-query
(is (= (validate-groupby valid-groupby-query)
@ -131,6 +152,10 @@
(is (= (validate-timeseries valid-timeseries-query)
(deftest test-valid-filtered-aggregation
(is (= (validate-timeseries valid-filtered-aggregation)
(deftest test-valid-topN-query
(is (= (validate-topN valid-topN-query)