From 556ac267fb1640a234ab3835171520875d1a05bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Yann Esposito Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 17:51:57 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] metapost for better rendering --- 00_Introduction.lhs | 230 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------- 1 file changed, 141 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-) diff --git a/00_Introduction.lhs b/00_Introduction.lhs index f819a87..d4b9adc 100644 --- a/00_Introduction.lhs +++ b/00_Introduction.lhs @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ And will discuss about some categories. > - For every pair of objects \\((A,B)\\) a set \\(\hom(A,B)\\) > of _morphisms_ \\(f:A→B\\) (Another notation for \\(f\in \hom(A,B)\\)) > - A composition operator \\(∘\\) - > which associate to each couple \\(g:A→B\\), \\(f:B→C\\) another morphism \\(f∘g:A→C\\). + > which associate to each couple \\(f:A→B\\), \\(g:B→C\\) another morphism \\(g∘f:A→C\\). > > With the following properties > @@ -68,23 +68,45 @@ And will discuss about some categories. > \\(id_x:x→x\\) > s.t. for any morphism \\(f:A->B\\), > \\(id_A∘f = f = f∘id_B\\) - > - for all triplet of morphisms \\(h:A->B\\), \\(g:B->C\\) and \\(f:C->D\\) - > \\( (f∘g)∘h = f∘(g∘h) \\) + > - for all triplet of morphisms \\(f:A->B\\), \\(g:B->C\\) and \\(h:C->D\\) + > \\( (h∘g)∘f = h∘(g∘f) \\) + +z0=origin; +z1=(2gu,0); - -A -> A [label="idA"] -B -> B [label="idB"] -A -> B [label="f∘idA=f=idB∘f"] - +drawState(z0,btex $A$ etex); +drawState(z1,btex $B$ etex); - -A -> B [label="f"] -B -> C [label="g"] -C -> D [label="h"] -A -> C [label="g∘f",style="bold",fontcolor="cyan",color="cyan",constraint="false"] -B -> D [label="h∘g",style="bold",fontcolor="yellow",color="yellow",constraint="false"] -A -> D [label="(h∘g)∘f=h∘(g∘f)",style="bold",color="red",fontcolor="red",constraint="false"] - +drawLoop(z0,btex $id_A$ etex); +drawLoop(z1,btex $id_B$ etex); + +drawEdge(z0,z1,btex $f\circ id_A = f = id_B\circ f$ etex); + + + +z0=origin; +z1=(gu,0); +z2=(2gu,0); +z3=(3gu,0); + +drawState(z0,btex $A$ etex); +drawState(z1,btex $B$ etex); +drawState(z2,btex $C$ etex); +drawState(z3,btex $D$ etex); + +drawEdge(z0,z1,btex $f$ etex); +drawEdge(z1,z2,btex $g$ etex); +drawEdge(z2,z3,btex $h$ etex); + +drawoptions(withcolor blue); +drawEdgeWithAngle(z0,z2,btex $g\circ f$ etex,30); + +drawoptions(withcolor yellow); +drawEdgeWithAngle(z1,z3,btex $h\circ g$ etex,-30); + +drawoptions(withcolor red); +drawEdgeWithAngle(z0,z3,btex $(h\circ g)\circ f = h\circ (g\circ f)$ etex,45); + ### Representation of Category @@ -96,17 +118,24 @@ A naïve representation (which can work in many cases) is to represent a specific category as a directed graph. Here is a first example of the representation of a category: - + +z0=origin; +z1=2/3(gu,gu); +z2=(4/3gu,0); -A -> B [label="f"] -B -> C [label="g"] -A -> C [label="h"] +drawState(z0,btex $A$ etex); +drawState(z1,btex $B$ etex); +drawState(z2,btex $C$ etex); -A -> A [label="idA"] -B -> B [label="idB"] -C -> C [label="idC"] +drawEdge(z0,z1,btex $f$ etex); +drawEdge(z1,z2,btex $g$ etex); +drawEdge(z0,z2,btex $h$ etex); - +drawLoop(z0,btex $id_A$ etex); +drawLoop(z1,btex $id_B$ etex); +drawLoop(z2,btex $id_C$ etex); + + From this graph we can conclude without any ambiguity that: @@ -122,33 +151,35 @@ What is \\(∘\\)? Now, we can add informations to our previous representation. We simply add a relation between 3 arrows that represent the composition. - + +z0=origin; +z1=(gu,gu); +z2=(2gu,0); -A[pos="0,0!"] -B[pos="1.5,1.5!"] -C[pos="3,0!"] +drawState(z0,btex $A$ etex); +drawState(z1,btex $B$ etex); +drawState(z2,btex $C$ etex); -f[pos="0.75,0.75!",label="", fixedsize="false", width=0,height=0,shape=none]; -A -> f[label="f", arrowhead=None] -f -> B +drawEdge(z0,z1,btex $f$ etex); +drawEdge(z1,z2,btex $g$ etex); +drawEdge(z0,z2,btex $h$ etex); -g[pos="2.25,0.75!",label="", fixedsize="false", width=0,height=0,shape=none]; -B -> g[label="g", arrowhead=None] -g -> C +drawoptions( withcolor red ); +z3=.6[z0,z1]; +z4=.6[z2,z1]; -fg [pos="1.5,0.75!",label="", fixedsize="false", width=0,height=0,shape=none]; -AC [pos="1.5,0!",label="", fixedsize="false", width=0,height=0,shape=none]; +draw z3 -- z4 dashed evenly; -f -> fg [color="red",style=dashed,arrowhead=None] -fg -> g [color="red",style=dashed,arrowhead=None] -fg -> AC [label="h=g∘f",fontcolor="red",color="red",style=bold] +z5 = .45[z3,z4]; +z6 = .55[z0,z2]; +path bigarrow; +bigarrow := subpath (.1,.9) of z5 -- z6; +drawarrow bigarrow withpen pencircle scaled 1.5; -A -> AC [label="h",arrowhead=None] -AC -> C +label.rt(btex $h = g \circ f$ etex, .5[z5,z6]); - - + Now we have a complete representation. We don't have to represent \\(idX\\), we know there are there. @@ -228,42 +259,49 @@ A -> C [label="h'\n=g'∘f\n=g∘f'"] Which can be a valid category by choosing ∘ appropriately? The identity morphisms are assumed. - -A[label="★"] -B[label="★"] -C[label="★"] -A -> B -B -> C -A -> C [constraint=false] - + +z0=(0,0); +z1=2(u,0); +z2=2(2u,0); - -A[label="★"] -B[label="★"] -C[label="★"] -A -> B[label="f"] -B -> C[label="g"] - +drawedge(z0,z1,""); +drawedge(z1,z2,""); +drawedgeangle(z0,z2,"",50); - -A[label="★",pos="0,50"] -B[label="★",pos="50,50"] -C[label="★",pos="25,0"] -A -> B -B -> A -B -> C -A -> C - +drawstate(z0); +drawstate(z1); +drawstate(z2); + - -A[pos="0,0"] -B[pos="2,0"] -C[pos="1,-1"] -A -> B -B -> C -B -> A -C -> A - + +z0=(0,0); z1=3(u,0); z2=3(2u,0); +drawstate(z0); drawstate(z1); drawstate(z2); + +drawedge(z0,z1,btex $f$ etex); +drawedge(z1,z2,btex $g$ etex); + + + +z0=(0,0); z1=(4u,0); z2=(2u,-3u); +drawstate(z0); drawstate(z1); drawstate(z2); + +drawedgeangle(z0,z1,"",35); +drawedgeangle(z1,z0,"",-145); +drawedge(z0,z2,""); +drawedge(z1,z2,""); + + + +z0=(0,0); z1=(gu,0); z2=(.5gu,-.75gu); +drawState(z0,btex $A$ etex); +drawState(z1,btex $B$ etex); +drawState(z2,btex $C$ etex); + +drawEdgeWithAngle(z0,z1,"",35); +drawEdgeWithAngle(z1,z0,"",-145); +drawEdge(z1,z2,""); +drawEdge(z2,z0,""); + A -> B[label="g"] @@ -305,19 +343,33 @@ Typical examples: - `Integer` with `(*)` and `1` - Generalized by `Monoid a` with `(<>)` and `mempty` - + +u:=.5cm; +def drawloop(expr a,b,l) = + pair ba,ea; + path circ,p,s; + p:=a{1,1}..b..{1,-1}cycle; + circ:= fullcircle scaled 6 shifted a; + ba = circ intersectionpoint (subpath (0,1) of p); + ea = circ intersectionpoint (subpath (1,2) of p); + s:= ba{1,1}..b..{1,-1}ea; + drawarrow s; +,b); +enddef; -★ -> ★[label="e"] -★ -> ★[label="x"] -★ -> ★[label="y"] -★ -> ★[label="..."] +pair A,B,C,D,E,F; +A:=(0,0); +B:=(0,u); +C:=(0,2u); +D:=(0,3u); +E:=(0,4u); +F:=(0,6u); - - -metapost test - - -pair A, B, C; -A:=(0,0); B:=(1cm,0); C:=(0,1cm); -draw A--B--C; +drawloop(A,B,btex $\varepsilon$ etex); +drawloop(A,C,btex $a$ etex); +drawloop(A,D,btex $b$ etex); +drawloop(A,E,btex $ab$ etex); +drawloop(A,F,btex $\omega$ etex); +draw (0,4.8u)--(0,5.8u) dashed withdots; +draw A withpen pencircle scaled 4bp;