Feature: Compile In order to build and deploy an application As the bin/compile script of the buildpack I want to download and bootstrap the environment Scenario: BUILDPACK_GHC_BASE_URL not set Given environment variable BUILDPACK_GHC_BASE_URL is set to "" When I run `compile ../tmp/build ../tmp/cache` Then the output should contain "Error: please set BUILDPACK_GHC_BASE_URL" And the exit status should be 1 Scenario: BUILDPACK_GHC_BASE_URL is set Given environment variable BUILDPACK_GHC_BASE_URL is set to "http://www.haskell.org/ghc/dist" When I run `compile ../tmp/build ../tmp/cache` Then the output should not contain "Error: please set BUILDPACK_GHC_BASE_URL" And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: GHC_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION is not set Given environment variable GHC_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION is set to "" Given environment variable BUILDPACK_GHC_BASE_URL is set to "http://www.haskell.org/ghc/dist" When I run `compile ../tmp/build ../tmp/cache` Then the output should contain "Error: please set GHC_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION" And the exit status should be 1 Scenario: GHC_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION is set Given environment variable GHC_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION is set to "7.0.4" Given environment variable BUILDPACK_GHC_BASE_URL is set to "http://www.haskell.org/ghc/dist" When I run `compile ../tmp/build ../tmp/cache` Then the output should not contain "Error: please set GHC_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION" And the exit status should be 0