module Database.Store.Backend.SQLiteTest where import Database.Store.Backend.SQLite import Protolude import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Database.SQLite.Simple (NamedParam((:=))) import Database.SQLite.Simple.FromRow (FromRow (..)) import Database.SQLite.Simple.ToRow (ToRow (..)) import Database.Store (DefaultMetas (..), Entity (..), Id (..), Store (..)) import qualified Database.Store.CRUD as CRUD import qualified Database.Store.Search as Search import Generics.SOP import System.Directory data NewFoo = NewFoo { name :: Text, age :: Int } deriving (Protolude.Generic,Eq,Ord) instance Generics.SOP.Generic NewFoo instance Generics.SOP.HasDatatypeInfo NewFoo instance SQLiteSchemas NewFoo instance FromRow NewFoo where fromRow = genericFromRow instance ToRow NewFoo where toRow = genericToRow type Foo = Entity DefaultMetas NewFoo testSQLiteGenerics :: [TestTree] testSQLiteGenerics = [ testCase "sqlSchemaTxt" sqlSchemaTxtTest , testCase "updateFieldTest" updateFieldsTest ] sqlSchemaTxtTest :: Assertion sqlSchemaTxtTest = sqlSchemaTxt (Proxy :: Proxy NewFoo) @?= "name TEXT,age INT" sqlSchemaTxtEntityTest :: Assertion sqlSchemaTxtEntityTest = sqlSchemaTxt (Proxy :: Proxy Foo) @?= "name TEXT,age INT" updateFieldsTest :: Assertion updateFieldsTest = let pfoo = Proxy :: Proxy NewFoo in updateFields pfoo @?= "name := :name,age := :age" updateFieldsEntityTest :: Assertion updateFieldsEntityTest = let pfoo = Proxy :: Proxy Foo in updateFields pfoo @?= "name := :name,age := :age" testSQLiteCRUD :: [TestTree] testSQLiteCRUD = [ testCaseSteps "create" sqlCRUD ] saferm :: FilePath -> IO () saferm fic = do fileExists <- doesFileExist fic when fileExists $ removeFile fic withTestDB :: (Text -> IO a) -> IO a withTestDB actions = do let tmpdbfile = ".test.db" saferm tmpdbfile res <- actions (toS tmpdbfile) saferm tmpdbfile return res sqlCRUD :: IsString t => (t -> IO a) -> IO () sqlCRUD step = withTestDB $ \tmpfile -> do void $ step "Initalizing" store <- initDBFoos (SQLiteConf tmpfile "foo") void $ step "Get something" res1 <- readFoo store (Id "0000-0000-0000-000000000000-000000000000") case res1 of Just _ -> assertFailure "The DB Should be empty!" Nothing -> return () void $ step "Create something" let newFoo1 = NewFoo { name = "Yann", age = 42 } foo1 <- createFoo store newFoo1 void $ step "Get created entity" foo2 <- readFoo store (id foo1) when (Just foo1 /= foo2) $ assertFailure "Foo1 and Foo2 should be equal" void $ step "Search created entity by name" SR (Paginated foos _ _) <- searchFoos store (Filter {params = ["name" := ("Yann" :: Text)]}) when (length foos /= 1) $ assertFailure "Bad numbers of found elements" when (head foos /= Just foo1) $ assertFailure "Search returned the bad result" void $ step "cleaning up temporary files" type FooSQLiteStore = SQLiteStore IO DefaultMetas NewFoo type DBStore = StartedStore FooSQLiteStore type FooConf = DBConf FooSQLiteStore type FooSearchQuery = Search.SearchQuery FooSQLiteStore type FooSearchResult = Search.SearchResult FooSQLiteStore initDBFoos :: FooConf -> IO DBStore initDBFoos = init stopDBFoos :: DBStore -> IO () stopDBFoos = stop createFoo :: DBStore -> NewFoo -> IO Foo createFoo = CRUD.create readFoo :: DBStore -> Id -> IO (Maybe Foo) readFoo = updateFoo :: DBStore -> Id -> NewFoo -> IO (Maybe Foo) updateFoo = CRUD.update deleteFoo :: DBStore -> Id -> IO Bool deleteFoo = CRUD.delete searchFoos :: DBStore -> FooSearchQuery -> IO FooSearchResult searchFoos =