Better Auth Strategy algorithm

This commit is contained in:
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2019-04-05 00:10:48 +02:00
parent 30e7c65955
commit a213ce9ba5
Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer: yogsototh
GPG key ID: 7B19A4C650D59646
4 changed files with 67 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ import Protolude
import Aggreact.User (NewUser (..), Role (..), User)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Database.Store (Entity (..))
import Servant (Handler)
import Servant.Errors (unauthorized)
@ -43,48 +45,76 @@ import Servant.Errors (unauthorized)
data AuthorizationStrategy =
| LoggedInOnly
| ProgressiveTrust
deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype AuthorizationHandler =
data AuthorizationHandler =
{ checkAccess :: Scope -> Maybe User -> Handler ()
{ filterAccess :: Scope -> Maybe User -> Handler ()
, hasScope :: Scope -> Maybe User -> Bool
data Scope = Scope { resource :: Text
, access :: Access }
data Access = Read | Write | AdminAccess
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Access = Read | Write
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type Scopes = Set Scope
newAuthorizationHandler :: AuthorizationStrategy -> IO AuthorizationHandler
newAuthorizationHandler as = pure
{ checkAccess = _checkAccess as
{ filterAccess = _filterAccess as
, hasScope = _hasScope as
_checkAccess :: AuthorizationStrategy -> Scope -> Maybe User -> Handler ()
_checkAccess Anybody (Scope _ Read) _ = pure ()
_checkAccess Anybody (Scope _ Write) _ = pure ()
_checkAccess Anybody (Scope _ AdminAccess) (Just (Entity _ u _)) =
case role u of
Admin -> pure ()
_ -> unauthorized "Need admin privilege"
_checkAccess Anybody (Scope _ AdminAccess) _ =
unauthorized "Need admin privilege"
strToScope :: Text -> Maybe Scope
strToScope txt =
Scope <$> Just (Text.takeWhile (/= sep) txt)
<*> accessValue
accessTxt = Text.dropWhile (/= sep) txt
sep = ':'
accessValue = case accessTxt of
":read" -> Just Read
":write" -> Just Write
"" -> Just Write
_ -> Nothing
_checkAccess LoggedInOnly (Scope _ Read) Nothing = pure ()
_checkAccess LoggedInOnly (Scope _ _) Nothing = unauthorized "You must log in"
_checkAccess LoggedInOnly (Scope _ Read) (Just _) = pure ()
_checkAccess LoggedInOnly (Scope _ Write) (Just _) = pure ()
_checkAccess LoggedInOnly (Scope _ AdminAccess) (Just (Entity _ u _)) =
case role u of
Admin -> pure ()
_ -> unauthorized "Only for admins"
unloggedScopes :: AuthorizationStrategy -> Scopes
unloggedScopes Anybody =
[ "comment"
, "stub"]
& traverse strToScope
& fmap Set.fromList
& fromMaybe Set.empty
_checkAccess ProgressiveTrust (Scope _ Read) Nothing = pure ()
_checkAccess ProgressiveTrust (Scope _ _) Nothing = unauthorized "You must log in"
_checkAccess ProgressiveTrust (Scope _ Read) (Just _) = pure ()
_checkAccess ProgressiveTrust (Scope _ Write) (Just _) = pure ()
_checkAccess ProgressiveTrust (Scope _ AdminAccess) (Just (Entity _ u _)) =
case role u of
Admin -> pure ()
_ -> unauthorized "Only for admins"
unloggedScopes LoggedInOnly =
[ "comment:read"
, "stub:read"]
& traverse strToScope
& fmap Set.fromList
& fromMaybe Set.empty
scopesFor u Anybody =
[ "comment"
, "homepage"]
& traverse strToScope
& fmap Set.fromList
& fromMaybe Set.empty
scopesFor u LoggedInOnly =
let scs = case role u of
User -> [ "comment"
, "stub:read"]
Admin -> [ "comment"
, "stub"]
& traverse strToScope
& fmap Set.fromList
& fromMaybe Set.empty
_hasScope :: AuthorizationStrategy -> Scope -> Maybe User -> Bool
_hasScope authStrat s Nothing = Set.member s (unloggedScopes authStrat)
_hasScope authStrat s (Just (Entity _ u _)) = Set.member s (scopesFor u authStrat)

View file

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ commentAPI Handlers{..} authResult =
showComments :: Maybe User -> AuthorizationHandler -> CommentHandler -> Text -> Handler CommentsPage
showComments muser AuthorizationHandler{..} CommentHandler{..} s = do
_ <- checkAccess (Scope "comment" Read) muser
_ <- filterAccess (Scope "comment" Read) muser
cvs <- liftIO $ commentsView (Slug s)
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
liftIO $ print cvs
@ -97,12 +97,12 @@ showComments muser AuthorizationHandler{..} CommentHandler{..} s = do
showSlugs :: Maybe User -> AuthorizationHandler -> CommentHandler -> Handler [Slug]
showSlugs muser AuthorizationHandler{..} ch = do
_ <- checkAccess (Scope "comment" Read) muser
_ <- filterAccess (Scope "comment" Read) muser
liftIO (getSlugs ch)
showComment :: Maybe User -> AuthorizationHandler -> CommentHandler -> Text -> Handler CommentPage
showComment muser AuthorizationHandler{..} CommentHandler{..} i = do
_ <- checkAccess (Scope "comment" Read) muser
_ <- filterAccess (Scope "comment" Read) muser
case UUID.fromText i of
Nothing -> notFound ""
Just uuid -> do
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ muserToUserId (Just (Entity i _ _)) = UserId (toS i)
postNewComment :: Maybe User -> AuthorizationHandler -> CommentHandler -> NewComment -> Handler CreatedComment
postNewComment muser AuthorizationHandler{..} ch nc = do
_ <- checkAccess (Scope "comment" Write) muser
_ <- filterAccess (Scope "comment" Write) muser
let uid = muserToUserId muser
CreatedComment <$> liftIO getCurrentTime
<*> liftIO (createComment ch (nc { userid = uid }))

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@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ where
import Protolude hiding (pass)
import Aggreact.Authorization (Scopes)
import Aggreact.Html (boilerplate, cvt, urlEncode)
@ -82,7 +83,8 @@ data NewUser =
NewUser { nick :: Nick
, email :: Email
, password :: HashedPassword
, role :: Role
, scopes :: Scopes
, trust :: Int
} deriving (Eq,Ord,Data,Typeable,Generic,Show)
instance Form.FromForm NewUser where
fromForm = Form.genericFromForm Form.FormOptions {fieldLabelModifier = identity}
@ -136,26 +138,6 @@ instance (ToSQLiteFieldTypeList rest) => ToSQLiteFieldTypeList (HashedPassword '
toSqliteTypes _ = "TEXT":toSqliteTypes (Proxy :: Proxy rest)
data Role = User | Admin
deriving (Eq,Ord,Data,Typeable,Generic,Show)
deriving anyclass instance FromJSON Role
deriving anyclass instance ToJSON Role
instance FormI.FromHttpApiData Role where
parseUrlPiece "Admin" = pure Admin
parseUrlPiece "admin" = pure Admin
parseUrlPiece "User" = pure User
parseUrlPiece "user" = pure User
parseUrlPiece _ = Left "Should be admin or user"
instance FromField Role where
fromField f = case fieldData f of
SQLText "User" -> pure User
SQLText "Admin" -> pure Admin
_ -> returnError ConversionFailed f "need a text containing User or Admin"
instance ToField Role where toField = toField . (show :: Role -> Text)
instance (ToSQLiteFieldTypeList rest) => ToSQLiteFieldTypeList (Role ': rest) where
toSqliteTypes _ = "TEXT":toSqliteTypes (Proxy :: Proxy rest)
-- For HTTP
deriving anyclass instance ToJSON NewUser
deriving anyclass instance FromJSON NewUser