link to add slug

This commit is contained in:
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2019-08-01 00:12:11 +02:00
parent 6f5cdc1e90
commit 2dcd6c3e47
Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer: yogsototh
GPG key ID: 7B19A4C650D59646
4 changed files with 38 additions and 9 deletions

View file

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ serverAuthenticated :: Settings
-> AuthResult User
-> Server Authenticated
serverAuthenticated Settings{..} authresult =
homepageAPI commentHandler authresult
homepageAPI commentHandler authorizationHandler authresult
:<|> commentAPI (Aggreact.Comments.Handlers userHandler commentHandler authorizationHandler) authresult
:<|> slugAPI (Aggreact.Slugs.Handlers userHandler slugHandler authorizationHandler) authresult
:<|> userAPI userHandler authorizationHandler authresult

View file

@ -145,6 +145,25 @@ genCss = do
display inlineBlock
content (stringContent "[-]")
cursor pointer
".button" ? do
fontWeight bold
fontSize (px 11)
textDecoration none
borderBottom solid (px 0) solblue
borderTop solid (px 0) solblue
borderLeft solid (px 0) solblue
borderRight solid (px 0) solblue
backgroundColor base2
padding (ex 1) (ex 1) (ex 1) (ex 1)
margin (ex 1) (ex 1) (ex 1) (ex 0)
hover & do
backgroundColor base3
cursor pointer
color base01
active & do
cursor pointer
backgroundColor solyellow
color white
input # ("type" |= "submit") ? do
fontWeight bold
borderBottom solid (px 0) solblue

View file

@ -39,11 +39,15 @@ module Aggreact.Homepage
import Protolude
import Aggreact.Authorization (Access (..),
AuthorizationHandler (..))
import Aggreact.Comments (Comment, CommentHandler (..),
Slug (..), displayOneComment)
import Aggreact.Css (genCss)
import Aggreact.Html (boilerplate, extlink, urlEncode)
import Aggreact.Scopes (Scope (..))
import Aggreact.Users (User, loginWidget)
import Clay (Css)
import Data.String (IsString (..))
import qualified Data.Text as Text
@ -60,35 +64,40 @@ data Homepage = Homepage { latestSlugs :: [(Slug,Int)]
, latestComments :: [Comment]
, viewTime :: UTCTime
, muser :: Maybe User
, canCreateSlug :: Bool
type HomepageAPI =
"main.css" :> Get '[CSS] Css
:<|> Get '[HTML] Homepage
homepageAPI :: CommentHandler
-> AuthorizationHandler
-> Servant.Auth.Server.AuthResult User
-> Server HomepageAPI
homepageAPI commentHandler authResult =
homepageAPI commentHandler authorizationHandler authResult =
let muser = case authResult of
(Authenticated user) -> Just user
_ -> Nothing
return genCss
:<|> getHomepage muser commentHandler
:<|> getHomepage muser authorizationHandler commentHandler
getHomepage :: Maybe User -> CommentHandler -> Handler Homepage
getHomepage muser commentHandler =
getHomepage :: Maybe User -> AuthorizationHandler -> CommentHandler -> Handler Homepage
getHomepage muser AuthorizationHandler{..} commentHandler = do
let canCreateSlug = hasScope (Scope "slug" Write) muser
liftIO $ Homepage <$> getLatestSlugs commentHandler
<*> getTopSlugs commentHandler
<*> getLatestComments commentHandler
<*> getCurrentTime
<*> return muser
<*> return canCreateSlug
instance H.ToMarkup Homepage where
toMarkup Homepage {..} = boilerplate (loginWidget muser) $ do
H.p "Bienvenue sur Aggreact!"
when canCreateSlug $
H.p $ H.a H.! A.class_ "button" H.! A.href (fromString "/slugs") $ "Add new slug"
H.h2 "Latest Slugs"
H.ul $ traverse_ htmlSlug latestSlugs
H.h2 "Top"

View file

@ -80,9 +80,10 @@ instance H.ToMarkup SlugsPage where
displayOneSlug :: Slug -> H.Html
displayOneSlug sl = do
let slurl = slugUrl (val sl)
H.a ! A.href ("/comments/" <> cvt (urlEncode (toS slurl))) $ H.text "Slug"
H.text " for "
extlink slurl (toS slurl)
H.p $ do
H.a ! A.href ("/comments/" <> cvt (urlEncode (toS slurl))) $ H.text "Slug"
H.text " for "
extlink slurl (toS slurl)
-- * Single Slug Page