Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 26eca87c9e
2017-12-09 03:21:39 +01:00

73 lines
2.5 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import qualified Day1
import qualified Day2
import qualified Day5
import qualified Day6
import Control.Monad (when)
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain $
testGroup "Advent Of Code 2017"
testGroup "Day 1"
[ testGroup "solution 1"
[ testCase "1122 is 3" $ Day1.solution1 "1122" @?= 3
, testCase "1111 is 4" $ Day1.solution1 "1111" @?= 4
, testCase "1234 is 0" $ Day1.solution1 "1234" @?= 0
, testCase "91212129 is 9" $ Day1.solution1 "91212129" @?= 9
, testGroup "solution 2"
[ testCase "1212 is 6" $ Day1.solution2 "1212" @?= 6
, testCase "1221 is 0" $ Day1.solution2 "1221" @?= 0
, testCase "123425 is 0" $ Day1.solution2 "123425" @?= 4
, testCase "123123 is 12" $ Day1.solution2 "123123" @?= 12
, testCase "12131415 is 4" $ Day1.solution2 "12131415" @?= 4
, testGroup "Day 2"
[ testCase "example problem 1" $
Day2.solution1 [[5,1,9,5],[7,5,3],[2,4,6,8]] @?= 18
, testCase "example problem 2" $
Day2.solution2 [[5,9,2,8],[9,4,7,3],[3,8,6,5]] @?= 9
, testGroup "Day 5"
[ testCaseSteps "example problem 1" $ \step -> do
step "Loading input"
input <- Day5.testArray
step "Running solution 1"
sol1 <- Day5.solution1 input
when (sol1 /= 5) (assertFailure "Should be 5 steps")
, testCaseSteps "example problem 2" $ \step -> do
step "Loading input"
input <- Day5.testArray
step "Running solution 2"
sol2 <- Day5.solution2 input
when (sol2 /= 10) (assertFailure "Day 6 solution 2 on the example should be 4")
, testGroup "Day 6"
[ testCaseSteps "example problem 1" $ \step -> do
step "Loading input"
input <- Day6.testArray
step "Running solution 1"
sol1 <- Day6.solution1 input
when (sol1 /= 5) (assertFailure "Should be 5 steps")
, testCaseSteps "example problem 2" $ \step -> do
step "Loading input"
input <- Day6.testArray
step "Running solution 2"
sol2 <- Day6.solution2 input
when (sol2 /= 4) (assertFailure "Day 6 solution 2 on the example should be 4")
, testGroup "Day 7"
[ testCaseSteps "example problem 1" $ \step -> do
step "Loading test input"
input <- Day7.testNodes
step "Running solution 1"
sol1 <- Day7.rootOf input
when (sol1 /= "tknk") (assertFailure "The root should be tknk")