{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Protolude import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Control.Monad (when) import qualified Day01 import qualified Day02 import qualified Day03 import qualified Day04 import qualified Day05 import qualified Day06 import qualified Day07 import qualified Day08 import qualified Day09 import qualified Day10 import qualified Day11 import qualified Day12 import qualified Day13 import qualified Day14 import qualified Day15 main :: IO () main = defaultMain $ testGroup "Advent Of Code 2017" [ testDay01 , testDay02 , testDay03 , testDay04 , testDay05 , testDay06 , testDay07 , testDay08 , testDay09 , testDay10 , testDay11 , testDay12 , testDay13 , testDay14 , testDay15 ] testDay01 = testGroup "Day 1" [ testGroup "solution 1" [ testCase "1122 is 3" $ Day01.solution1 "1122" @?= 3 , testCase "1111 is 4" $ Day01.solution1 "1111" @?= 4 , testCase "1234 is 0" $ Day01.solution1 "1234" @?= 0 , testCase "91212129 is 9" $ Day01.solution1 "91212129" @?= 9 ] , testGroup "solution 2" [ testCase "1212 is 6" $ Day01.solution2 "1212" @?= 6 , testCase "1221 is 0" $ Day01.solution2 "1221" @?= 0 , testCase "123425 is 0" $ Day01.solution2 "123425" @?= 4 , testCase "123123 is 12" $ Day01.solution2 "123123" @?= 12 , testCase "12131415 is 4" $ Day01.solution2 "12131415" @?= 4 ] ] testDay02 = testGroup "Day 2" [ testGroup "Solution 1" [ testCase "Example" $ Day02.solution1 [[5,1,9,5],[7,5,3],[2,4,6,8]] @?= 18] , testGroup "Solution 2" [testCase "Example" $ Day02.solution2 [[5,9,2,8],[9,4,7,3],[3,8,6,5]] @?= 9 ] ] testDay03 = testGroup "Day 3" [ testGroup "Solution 1" [ testCase "1" $ Day03.returnPathLength 1 @?= Just 0 , testCase "12" $ Day03.returnPathLength 12 @?= Just 3 , testCase "23" $ Day03.returnPathLength 23 @?= Just 2 , testCase "1024" $ Day03.returnPathLength 1024 @?= Just 31 ] , testGroup "Solution 2" [ testCase "2" $ Day03.solution2 2 @?= Just 2 , testCase "3" $ Day03.solution2 3 @?= Just 4 , testCase "4" $ Day03.solution2 4 @?= Just 4 , testCase "6" $ Day03.solution2 6 @?= Just 10 , testCase "747" $ Day03.solution2 747 @?= Just 747 , testCase "748" $ Day03.solution2 748 @?= Just 806 , testCase "800" $ Day03.solution2 800 @?= Just 806 , testCase "805" $ Day03.solution2 805 @?= Just 806 , testCase "806" $ Day03.solution2 806 @?= Just 806 ] ] testDay04 = testGroup "Day 4" [ testGroup "Solution 1" [ testCase "1" $ Day04.solution1 (Day04.parseTxt testTxt) @?= 2 ] , testGroup "Solution 2" [ testCase "2" $ Day04.solution2 (Day04.parseTxt testTxt2) @?= 3 ] ] where testTxt = "aa bb cc dd ee\n\ \aa bb cc dd aa\n\ \aa bb cc dd aaa\n" testTxt2 = "abcde fghij\n\ \abcde xyz ecdab\n\ \a ab abc abd abf abj\n\ \iiii oiii ooii oooi oooo\n\ \oiii ioii iioi iiio\n" testDay05 = testGroup "Day 5" [ testCaseSteps "example problem 1" $ \step -> do step "Loading input" input <- Day05.testArray step "Running solution 1" sol1 <- Day05.solution1 input when (sol1 /= 5) (assertFailure "Should be 5 steps") , testCaseSteps "example problem 2" $ \step -> do step "Loading input" input <- Day05.testArray step "Running solution 2" sol2 <- Day05.solution2 input when (sol2 /= 10) (assertFailure "Day 6 solution 2 on the example should be 4") ] testDay06 = testGroup "Day 6" [ testCaseSteps "example problem 1" $ \step -> do step "Loading input" input <- Day06.testArray step "Running solution 1" sol1 <- Day06.solution1 input when (sol1 /= 5) (assertFailure "Should be 5 steps") , testCaseSteps "example problem 2" $ \step -> do step "Loading input" input <- Day06.testArray step "Running solution 2" sol2 <- Day06.solution2 input when (sol2 /= 4) (assertFailure "Day 6 solution 2 on the example should be 4") ] testDay07 = testGroup "Day 7" [ testCaseSteps "example problem 1" $ \step -> do step "Running solution 1" let input = Day07.testNodes let sol1 = maybe "" Day07.name (Day07.rootOf input) when (sol1 /= "tknk") (assertFailure "The root should be tknk") , testCase "example on solution 2" $ maybe 0 snd (Day07.solution2 Day07.testNodes) @?= 60 ] testDay08 = testGroup "Day 8" [ testCase "example problem 1" $ Day08.solution1 Day08.testInstructions @?= 1 , testCase "example problem 1" $ Day08.solution2 Day08.testInstructions @?= 10 ] testDay09 = testGroup "Day 9" [ testGroup "Solution 1" [ check1 "{}" 1 , check1 "{{{}}}" 6 , check1 "{{},{}}" 5 , check1 "{{{},{},{{}}}}" 16 , check1 "{,,,}" 1 , check1 "{{},{},{},{}}" 9 , check1 "{{},{},{},{}}" 9 , check1 "{{},{},{},{}}" 3 ] , testGroup "Solution 2" [ check2 "<>" 0 , check2 "" 17 , check2 "<<<<>" 3 , check2 "<{!>}>" 2 , check2 "" 0 , check2 ">" 0 , check2 "<{o\"i!a,<{i" 10 ] ] where check1 txt v = testCase (toS txt) (Day09.solution1 txt @?= v) check2 txt v = testCase (toS txt) (Day09.solution2 ("{" <> txt <> "}") @?= v) testDay10 = testGroup "Day 10" [ testGroup "Solution 1" [ testCase "example 1" $ Day10.solution1 Day10.testInput @?= 12 ] , testGroup "Solution 2" [check2 "" "a2582a3a0e66e6e86e3812dcb672a272" , check2 "AoC 2017" "33efeb34ea91902bb2f59c9920caa6cd" , check2 "1,2,3" "3efbe78a8d82f29979031a4aa0b16a9d" , check2 "1,2,4" "63960835bcdc130f0b66d7ff4f6a5a8e" ] ] where check2 txt v = testCase (toS ("\"" <> txt <> "\"")) (Day10.solution2 txt @?= v) testDay11 = testGroup "Day 11" [ testGroup "Solution 1" [ check1 "ne,ne,ne" 3 , check1 "ne,ne,sw,sw" 0 , check1 "ne,ne,s,s" 2 , check1 "se,sw,se,sw,sw" 3 ] , testGroup "Solution 2" [ check2 "ne,ne,ne" 3 , check2 "ne,ne,sw,sw" 2 , check2 "ne,ne,s,s" 2 , check2 "se,sw,se,sw,sw" 3 ] ] where check1 txt v = testCase (toS txt) (Day11.solution1 (Day11.parseTxt txt) @?= v) check2 txt v = testCase (toS txt) (Day11.solution2 (Day11.parseTxt txt) @?= v) testDay12 = testGroup "Day 12" [ testGroup "Solution 1" [ testCase "Example" $ fmap Day12.solution1 (Day12.parseTxt Day12.testTxt) @?= Just 6 ] , testGroup "Solution 2" [ testCase "Example" $ fmap Day12.solution2 (Day12.parseTxt Day12.testTxt) @?= Just 2 ] ] testDay13 = testGroup "Day 13" [ testGroup "Solution 1" [ testCase "Example" $ (Day13.solution1 . Day13.mkAppState) <$> Day13.parseTxt Day13.testInput @?= Just 24 ] , testGroup "Solution 2" [ testCase "Example" $ (Day13.solution2 =<< Day13.parseTxt Day13.testInput) @?= Just 10 ] ] testDay14 = testGroup "Day 14" [ testGroup "Solution 1" [ testCase "Example" $ Day14.solution1 Day14.testInput @?= Just 8108 ] , testGroup "Solution 2" [ testCaseSteps "Example" $ \step -> do sol <- Day14.solution2 Day14.testInput when (sol /= 1242) (assertFailure "Should be 1242 groups") ] ] testDay15 = testGroup "Day 15" [ testGroup "Solution 1" [ testCase "Example" $ Day15.solution1 Day15.testInput @?= 588 ] , testGroup "Solution 2" [ testCase "Example" $ Day15.solution2 Day15.testInput @?= 309 ] ]