day 18 sol1

This commit is contained in:
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2017-12-22 08:02:11 +01:00
parent 3ec1948753
commit 85bb8f74d4
Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer: yogsototh
GPG key ID: 7B19A4C650D59646
3 changed files with 293 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- see:
-- hash: f9a4697d8f11ab3d8140e99316d613f42cd6e2550804b33ce3045f2fb81715a1
-- hash: d871caa5723224d888f552d659e29f2e860d791e12ad0c0d7ced450d2334b83d
name: adventofcode
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ library

inputs/day18.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
set i 31
set a 1
mul p 17
jgz p p
mul a 2
add i -1
jgz i -2
add a -1
set i 127
set p 622
mul p 8505
mod p a
mul p 129749
add p 12345
mod p a
set b p
mod b 10000
snd b
add i -1
jgz i -9
jgz a 3
rcv b
jgz b -1
set f 0
set i 126
rcv a
rcv b
set p a
mul p -1
add p b
jgz p 4
snd a
set a b
jgz 1 3
snd b
set f 1
add i -1
jgz i -11
snd a
jgz f -16
jgz a -19

src/Day18.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
--- Day 18: Duet ---
You discover a tablet containing some strange assembly code labeled simply
"Duet". Rather than bother the sound card with it, you decide to run the code
yourself. Unfortunately, you don't see any documentation, so you're left to
figure out what the instructions mean on your own.
It seems like the assembly is meant to operate on a set of registers that are
each named with a single letter and that can each hold a single integer. You
suppose each register should start with a value of 0.
There aren't that many instructions, so it shouldn't be hard to figure out what
they do. Here's what you determine:
- snd X plays a sound with a frequency equal to the value of X.
- set X Y sets register X to the value of Y.
- add X Y increases register X by the value of Y.
- mul X Y sets register X to the result of multiplying the value contained in
register X by the value of Y.
- mod X Y sets register X to the remainder of dividing the value contained in
register X by the value of Y (that is, it sets X to the result of X modulo Y).
- rcv X recovers the frequency of the last sound played, but only when the value
of X is not zero. (If it is zero, the command does nothing.)
- jgz X Y jumps with an offset of the value of Y, but only if the value of X is
greater than zero. (An offset of 2 skips the next instruction, an offset of -1
jumps to the previous instruction, and so on.)
Many of the instructions can take either a register (a single letter) or a
number. The value of a register is the integer it contains; the value of a
number is that number.
After each jump instruction, the program continues with the instruction to which
the jump jumped. After any other instruction, the program continues with the
next instruction. Continuing (or jumping) off either end of the program
terminates it.
For example:
set a 1
add a 2
mul a a
mod a 5
snd a
set a 0
rcv a
jgz a -1
set a 1
jgz a -2
- The first four instructions set a to 1, add 2 to it, square it, and then set
it to itself modulo 5, resulting in a value of 4.
- Then, a sound with frequency 4 (the value of a) is played.
- After that, a is set to 0, causing the subsequent rcv and jgz instructions to
both be skipped (rcv because a is 0, and jgz because a is not greater than 0).
- Finally, a is set to 1, causing the next jgz instruction to activate, jumping
back two instructions to another jump, which jumps again to the rcv, which
ultimately triggers the recover operation.
At the time the recover operation is executed, the frequency of the last sound
played is 4.
What is the value of the recovered frequency (the value of the most recently
played sound) the first time a rcv instruction is executed with a non-zero
--- Part Two ---
As you congratulate yourself for a job well done, you notice that the
documentation has been on the back of the tablet this entire time. While you
actually got most of the instructions correct, there are a few key differences.
This assembly code isn't about sound at all - it's meant to be run twice at the
same time.
Each running copy of the program has its own set of registers and follows the
code independently - in fact, the programs don't even necessarily run at the
same speed. To coordinate, they use the send (snd) and receive (rcv)
- snd X sends the value of X to the other program. These values wait in a queue
until that program is ready to receive them. Each program has its own message
queue, so a program can never receive a message it sent.
- rcv X receives the next value and stores it in register X. If no values are in
the queue, the program waits for a value to be sent to it. Programs do not
continue to the next instruction until they have received a value. Values are
received in the order they are sent.
Each program also has its own program ID (one 0 and the other 1); the register p
should begin with this value.
For example:
snd 1
snd 2
snd p
rcv a
rcv b
rcv c
rcv d
Both programs begin by sending three values to the other. Program 0 sends 1, 2,
0; program 1 sends 1, 2, 1. Then, each program receives a value (both 1) and
stores it in a, receives another value (both 2) and stores it in b, and then
each receives the program ID of the other program (program 0 receives 1; program
1 receives 0) and stores it in c. Each program now sees a different value in its
own copy of register c.
Finally, both programs try to rcv a fourth time, but no data is waiting for
either of them, and they reach a deadlock. When this happens, both programs
It should be noted that it would be equally valid for the programs to run at
different speeds; for example, program 0 might have sent all three values and
then stopped at the first rcv before program 1 executed even its first
Once both of your programs have terminated (regardless of what caused them to do
so), how many times did program 1 send a value?
module Day18 where
import Data.Array
import qualified Data.Char as C
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Protolude
type Program = Array Int Instruction
newtype Reg = Reg Text deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)
data Value = R Reg | I Int deriving (Show)
data Instruction =
Snd Value
| Set Reg Value
| Add Reg Value
| Mul Reg Value
| Mod Reg Value
| Rcv Value
| Jgz Value Value
deriving (Show)
parseInput :: IO Program
parseInput = parseTxt <$> readFile "inputs/day18.txt"
parseTxt :: Text -> Program
parseTxt txt = let instr = txt & T.lines & map (parseInstr . T.words) in
listArray (0,length instr-1) instr
txtToInt :: Text -> Maybe Int
txtToInt = fmap fst . head . reads . toS
parseValue :: Text -> Value
parseValue t = let c = T.head t in
if C.isLetter c then R (Reg t) else I (fromMaybe 0 (txtToInt t))
parseInstr :: [Text] -> Instruction
parseInstr ["snd",v] = Snd (parseValue v)
parseInstr ["set",r,v] = Set (Reg r) (parseValue v)
parseInstr ["add",r,v] = Add (Reg r) (parseValue v)
parseInstr ["mul",r,v] = Mul (Reg r) (parseValue v)
parseInstr ["mod",r,v] = Mod (Reg r) (parseValue v)
parseInstr ["rcv",v] = Rcv (parseValue v)
parseInstr ["jgz",v1,v2] = Jgz (parseValue v1) (parseValue v2)
parseInstr _ = error "Don't knwow this instruction"
testInput :: Text
testInput = "set a 1\n\
\add a 2\n\
\mul a a\n\
\mod a 5\n\
\snd a\n\
\set a 0\n\
\rcv a\n\
\jgz a -1\n\
\set a 1\n\
\jgz a -2\n"
data ProgState = ProgState { mem :: Map.Map Reg Int
, cursor :: Int
, lastPlayed :: Maybe Int
, lastRcv :: Maybe Int
} deriving (Show)
solution1 :: Program -> Maybe Int
solution1 p = go p initState
initState = ProgState mempty 0 Nothing Nothing
go :: Program -> ProgState -> Maybe Int
go p st@ProgState{..} =
-- traceShow st $
case lastRcv of
Just x -> Just x
Nothing -> let (start,stop) = bounds p in
if cursor < start || cursor > stop
then Nothing
else go p (nextInstr (p!cursor) st)
nextInstr :: Instruction -> ProgState -> ProgState
nextInstr (Snd v) st@ProgState{..} =
st { lastPlayed = toValue v st
, cursor = cursor + 1}
nextInstr (Set r v) st@ProgState{..} =
st { mem = Map.insert r (fromMaybe 0 (toValue v st)) mem
, cursor = cursor + 1}
nextInstr (Add r v) st@ProgState{..} =
st { mem = Map.insert r (x+y) mem
, cursor = cursor + 1}
x = fromMaybe 0 (toValue (R r) st)
y = fromMaybe 0 (toValue v st)
nextInstr (Mul r v) st@ProgState{..} =
st { mem = Map.insert r (x*y) mem
, cursor = cursor + 1}
x = fromMaybe 0 (toValue (R r) st)
y = fromMaybe 0 (toValue v st)
nextInstr (Mod r v) st@ProgState{..} =
st { mem = Map.insert r (x `mod` y) mem
, cursor = cursor + 1}
x = fromMaybe 0 (toValue (R r) st)
y = fromMaybe 0 (toValue v st)
nextInstr (Rcv v) st@ProgState{..} =
st { lastRcv = case toValue v st of
Just 0 -> lastRcv
Nothing -> lastRcv
_ -> lastPlayed
, cursor = cursor + 1}
nextInstr instr@(Jgz v1 v2) st@ProgState{..} =
st { cursor = cursor + if x1 > 0 then x2 else 1 }
x1 = fromMaybe 0 (toValue v1 st)
x2 = fromMaybe 0 (toValue v2 st)
toValue :: Value -> ProgState -> Maybe Int
toValue (I i) _ = Just i
toValue (R c) ProgState{..} = Map.lookup c mem